: 318
I got started in Linux in 2002, with a set of Mandriva CD's and have enjoyed
using variations ever since. Currently switched to Arch Linux.
archer72 on IRC on on #oggcastplanet
Mastodon at
Telegram at @archer7201
hpr4274 :: The Wreck - I'm alright!
Archer72 talks about his car wreck and people he has met along the way.
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hpr4224 :: Auto shop interaction
Archer72 rambles about an experience in a Wal-Mart oil change shop
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hpr4188 :: Re: HPR4172 Comment by Ken Fallon
Archer72 responds to Ken's comment on HPR4172 with hopefully enough detail
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hpr4172 :: Re: hpr4072 Piper voice synthesis
Archer72 demonstrates using the /opt directory for the Piper executables.
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hpr4102 :: Re:HPR 3133 More MPV Quick Tips
Archer72 chats about capture of extensive MPV history
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hpr4072 :: Piper text to speech engine
Archer72 talks about Piper TTS using a Piper voice
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hpr3992 :: Test recording on a wireless mic
Archer72 tests out a wireless mic with a USB C receiver
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hpr3986 :: Optical media is not dead
Archer72 shows command line options for creating and writing iso files
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hpr3982 :: Conversation with ChatGPT
Conversation with ChatGPT about EU Cookie banners
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hpr3862 :: Firefox Extensions
Archer72 Goes over extensions used on the Desktop and yes, Mobile too.
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hpr3845 :: Using tmux, the terminal multiplexer Overview
Archer72 uses tmux and restores sessions between reboots
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hpr3839 :: Rip a CD in the terminal
Archer72 rips CD's in the terminal and avoids the whims of the media companies
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hpr3835 :: Retro Karaoke machine Part 2
Archer72 fixes misplaced belts and figures out what really happened
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hpr3805 :: Document File Formats on Wikipedia
Document File Format - a continuation of Content Format
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hpr3794 :: Retro Karaoke machine restored
I fix the cassette tape mechanism to a resale shop karaoke machine
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hpr3782 :: Content Format article from Wikipedia
Wikipedia article on the various types of content formats
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hpr3767 :: LP article from Wikipedia
LP article from Wikipedia about the long playing vinyl record and its history.
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hpr3745 :: Pinecil walkthrough
Details of the Pinecil soldering iron menu with a secret menu
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hpr3735 :: i3 Tiling Window Manager
i3 Tiling Window Manager with a bonus KDE Plasma integration
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hpr3724 :: My top Android apps
I walk through the top apps on my phone
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hpr3704 :: Follow up to hpr3685 :: Budget and an Android app
I add a calendar to the budget spreadsheet in LibreOffice
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hpr3685 :: Budget and an Android app
Zoho docs for budgeting
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hpr3661 :: Ham Radio testing
Study and testing for the ARRL Ham license
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hpr3641 :: Turntable audio capture Part 2
I revise previous capture scripts
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hpr3618 :: The nnn terminal file manager
The nnn terminal file manager and common uses
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hpr3605 :: Aspire-ing to use 13 year hardware
Part 2 of using Slackware on the old netbook
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hpr3589 :: Sample of my microphones
Microphones I have around the apartment
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hpr3579 :: PINN is not NOOBS
Multibooting raspberry pi
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hpr3561 :: Employment security
Phone system for the state of Illinois
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hpr3545 :: How I make coffee
Making coffee, and a podcast recommendation
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hpr3538 :: Installing the Tenacity audio editor
Installing Tenacity, and the reasons behind the fork.
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hpr3528 :: Slackware on a netbook
A response show to HPR3512
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hpr3521 :: Upgrades to Acer Aspire 5 Slim
Upgrades to Aspire 5 Slim and Specs
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hpr3507 :: USB Turntable fix and sound journey
USB Turntable fix and sound journey with arecord, asound and ffmpeg
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hpr3499 :: Fixing a noisy blower motor
I fix a noisy blower motor that I put off since last winter.
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hpr3495 :: Podcast Recommendation: The Retroist
Podcast Recommendation: The Retroist number 243 - Die Hard
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hpr3484 :: My vim setup with GnuPG
My vim setup with the GnuPG vim plugin
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hpr3476 :: My mutt email setup
My humble mutt email setup
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hpr3455 :: Podcast Recommendation: IBM and Quantum computing
Highlights of a podcast from Moore's Lobby
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hpr3389 :: Tales of a Tagger
Adventures and mishaps tagging past shows
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hpr3363 :: Electronics podcasts I listen to
I go over the 4 electronics podcasts I am currently listening to.
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hpr3318 :: Modding a Wii classic with a DNS exploit
Modding a Wii with a DNS exploit and using a USB drive to save games
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hpr3294 :: Update to MakeMKV to back up media
Update to MakeMKV to back up media, now on Raspberry Pi
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hpr3287 :: Quick tip
Quick tip and HPR needs shows
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hpr3277 :: Microsoft in my Debian repo
microsoft, raspberry pi, bash, script
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hpr3259 :: Nextcloud - The easy way
Self hosting a Nextcloud instance.
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hpr3195 :: For your Consideration - the ideal Ham Radio setup
Introducing a new podcast to me, with a special guest with an interest in amateur radio.
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hpr3188 :: Thrift store quick fix
Fixing up a dog coat for the cool weather.
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hpr3179 :: MakeMKV to back up media, and a Question
Describing two ways to install MakeMKV DVD/Blu-ray backup program on Fedora 32
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hpr3133 :: Quick tip - Using MPV with Youtube links
I give a quick tip on shortcut keys for watching Youtube or other video sites in MPV
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hpr3123 :: Arduino controlled Christmas lights
Controlling Christmas LED lights with an Arduino
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hpr3089 :: For my Entertainment
How I have my file server and media center put together
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hpr3064 :: How I got started in Electronics
How I got started in Electronics and some job stuff
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hpr3043 :: How I record for HPR
The tools I use to record a show for HPR
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hpr3037 :: Ambient recording at Union Station
Ambient recording in the main hall at Union Station, Chicago
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hpr3029 :: At Union Station with a train delay
This is a soundscape while waiting for a train at Union Station.
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hpr2953 :: How I got started in Linux
How I start in Linux, computing, and Free Software
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hpr2662 :: Repairing a motherboard
I repair a motherboard and get a old tower working again.
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hpr2549 :: DVD ripping using old hardware
How I put an older machine and a little cash to repurpose it.
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hpr1922 :: The case to backup Google email.
A quick example of how I imported a backup of Gmail.