hpr3455 :: Podcast Recommendation: IBM and Quantum computing
Highlights of a podcast from Moore's Lobby
Hosted by Archer72 on Friday, 2021-10-29 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
podcast, moore's law, quantum computing, qubits, encryption, cryptography, NIST, Josephson junction.
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Duration: 00:03:13
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Moore's Lobby
Ep. 34 | The Latest from the Lab: How IBM Research Is Inventing What's Next
- Rss feed: https://eetech.libsyn.com/rss
- Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Welser
- VP of Exploratory Science at IBM Research
- IBM Release first 2nm chip this year
- Engineers vs Scientists and how they drive innovations
- Goal to replace the transistor when Moore's Law stops scaling
- Managing thermal loads
- Finding new structures and materials to control current
- Neural nets, image recognition and AI
- Quantum computing
- Discussion starts at 34:35 into the podcast
- Richard Feynman, Early 80's
- qubits
- superposition state
- "Spooky action at a distance"
- Encryption
- Need millions of qubits to break current encryption
- Only currently over 100 qubits
- At least a decade from having enough qubits
- Currently have classical systems that cannot be broken by quantum computers
- The math does not map onto a quantum system
- Currently working with NIST to create quantum safe cryptography
- Need millions of qubits to break current encryption
- Quantum chemistry
- Quantum chip - cooling and superconducting
- Dilution refrigerator
- Low temperature and pressure
- Top is 4 Kelvin, bottom gets to 15 milli Kelvin
- https://phys.org/news/2019-06-superconducting-quantum-refrigerator.html
- https://www.nist.gov/si-redefinition/kelvin-introduction
- Dilution refrigerator
- Josephson junction
- It is the reference Volt as defined by NIST
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/physics-and-astronomy/josephson-junctions
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephson_voltage_standard
- Use an IBM quantum computer online
- May 2016 the first quantum computer was put on the 'Net
- https://quantum-computing.ibm.com
- https://newsroom.ibm.com/2016-05-03-IBM-Makes-Quantum-Computing-Available-on-IBM-Cloud-to-Accelerate-Innovation
- 300,000 users
- https://qiskit.org/documentation
- Qiskit is open-source software for working with quantum computers at the level of circuits, pulses, and algorithms.
- May 2016 the first quantum computer was put on the 'Net