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SolusSpider - Peter Paterson says: Feeling older & impressed

Posted at 2025-02-14 20:37:45 relating to the show hpr4315 which was released on 2025-02-14 by Shane - StrandedOutput entitled How I got into the wonderful world of hackery

Shane, great to hear your first show mate.
I must admit that I felt old when you mentioned that you *started* with Windows. I had the 80s with 8-bit, and most of the 90s with Amiga, before my first PC with Windows in 1997, aged 30 by that point.
You impress me with your dedication to the LUG and to your shared podcast. Linux and hacker-space continues to drag us into involvement.

Sem Luz em Saint Louis says: Piracy may be not so straight-forward

Posted at 2025-02-14 20:01:40 relating to the show hpr4168 which was released on 2024-07-24 by Trixter entitled Beyond Economic Recovery

Enjoying the show time later.
I didn't know what to expect from the show, as I was not familiar with the works of an archivist. Now, having listened it, I learned.

Until now, I thought about downloadable items (games, as per the show) without permission to be piracy, and I did not comprehend how had so much... as you said, it might not be legal in some cases, but it is also a matter of "safe". Thanks for giving this perspective.

Liked your audio and voice quality.

Dave Morriss says: My 'fix_tags' script and Ken's difficulties with it.

Posted at 2025-02-14 19:23:26 relating to the show hpr4314 which was released on 2025-02-13 by Honkeymagoo entitled 24-25 New Years Eve show

There have always been a few problems with the Perl script I called 'fix_tags'. It needs a library called 'TagLib' (and a Perl module called 'Audio::TagLib') which can be difficult to install successfully.

A while ago I made a binary version of the script, which Ken and Honkey used, but I recently discovered there was a problem with that as well. The tool that packaged the script includes all the Perl modules the script needs, but not the external libraries. This wasn't obvious (to me anyway at the time) - the binary just looked for them on the system it was being run on - but over time it became a problem as OS stuff was upgraded.

I recently found a way to ensure that all external libraries were packaged with the modules and the script, and this solved the problems Ken and Honkey mentioned in this episode. They both have updated binary versions, but I have yet to update the GitHub version. I also plan to do an HPR show about this stuff soon...

Trey says: Welcome!

Posted at 2025-02-14 15:08:35 relating to the show hpr4315 which was released on 2025-02-14 by Shane - StrandedOutput entitled How I got into the wonderful world of hackery

Hello Shane, and welcome to HPR. This was an awesome introduction.

You mentioned working to ensure you have high quality audio and equipment, while remaining within the open source arena. I would love to learn more about your selections and processes.

Even though HPR is very tolerant of a wide range of audio quality, I feel like it is time for me to make some upgrades, and my first step is to learn more about what others are doing.

Looking forward to hearing more fromyou on HPR

hairylarry says: The Indie Archive

Posted at 2025-02-13 03:02:29 relating to the show hpr4312 which was released on 2025-02-11 by hairylarry entitled What Is The Indie Archive?

I am planning followup podcasts with more details and I will post the beta on codeberg.

I do a music radio show, Something Blus and a musicology podcast, From The Archives Of Something Blue.

My something_blue folder is almost 450 GB and that's just audio, images, and text. No video!

So this is my test case for transferring large data sets to The Indie Archive.

I will be talking about that too.

Thanks for your encouragement.

Kevie says: Excellent show

Posted at 2025-02-11 11:18:22 relating to the show hpr4312 which was released on 2025-02-11 by hairylarry entitled What Is The Indie Archive?

Thank you so much for this excellent and informative episode.

I'd never heard of the Indie Archive before and I found this show really interesting. As a podcaster this would be something that I would be very interested in. I'd really like to hear a follow up show in the future about how you resolved the issues that you were having and also any tweaks that you made.

Windigo says: Phenomenal tip

Posted at 2025-02-09 05:49:35 relating to the show hpr4204 which was released on 2024-09-12 by gemlog entitled LibreOffice Importing External Data

I had no idea you could import HTML tables into Libreoffice Calc. What a great way to make information on the web more readable and useful!

Short and sweet. Thank you so much for the episode!

Sem luz em Saint Louis says: Played it!

Posted at 2025-02-06 00:29:42 relating to the show hpr4302 which was released on 2025-01-28 by Lochyboy entitled New Campaign Trail Playthrough

What a finding you gave us to find! I'm not American, so the mechanicals, I thought, wouldn't fit to my reality. Anyone, I went there and, hey, there is a mod option to play like... (Are you ready?) Paul! The apostle! I'm a Bible reader, so I went to it, a very deep and interesting gameplay! I played on hard and couldn't win against Barnabas, but well an adventure and an apprentice!

Sem luz em Saint Louis says: Valid!

Posted at 2025-02-06 00:23:39 relating to the show hpr4106 which was released on 2024-04-29 by Henrik Hemrin entitled My tribute to feeds

I listened (read) your program, and it has brought me a good insight about the use of feeds and a possible software to it.(Thunderbird).

In personal use I have used webmail since forever, having tested options, but keeping in the web. Also, as I only get some information from laws and judicial decisions in my country, to stay updated, after some consideration I have decided to subscribe by mail instead of choosing software... But I admit, feed has many advantages, in my case it was mostly lazyness opting for newsletter instead of it. If sometime I come to get more personal mails, maybe I'll have to move newsletters to feed for organization (or if something have no option of e-mailing).

Thanks for the show! All good to you!

Sem luz em Saint Louis says: Thanks, Henrik!

Posted at 2025-02-06 00:12:43 relating to the show hpr4129 which was released on 2024-05-30 by Henrik Hemrin entitled How I found Hacker Public Radio

Hi, Henrik!
Nice to find your show! A nice moment to share and for us to know, the day you listened about and then listened to hpr! I also appreciate you having posted the full text for us, sometimes I like a podcast this way, to read. =) just a comment to show my liking of your show here, thank you.

My (unasked) testimony: I don't remember when I met HPR, but soon I had the desire to participate (years ago). Not a reality at the occasion, but now I have done something thar, if approved, may go on air in one week.

Lee says: Whiplash

Posted at 2025-02-05 13:33:05 relating to the show hpr4306 which was released on 2025-02-03 by HPR Volunteers entitled HPR Community News for January 2025

In answer to SGOTI's question about ultra-wide monitors and gaming, I find the extra width is mainly for peripheral vision so it's not necessary to physically turn your head left and right. The effect probably works better for more curved displays.

one_of_spoons says: relatable days

Posted at 2025-01-31 20:21:58 relating to the show hpr4301 which was released on 2025-01-27 by Lee entitled Wide screen, synth, e-bike, led matrix clock and jewellery making

Good audio diary.

Trollercoaster says: Thanks for the comments!

Posted at 2025-01-31 10:50:53 relating to the show hpr4297 which was released on 2025-01-21 by Trollercoaster entitled Let me tell you a bit about FOSDEM

Hey Trey, hope you'll enjoy the streams (and recordings). Don't forget to set aside 2 months of your time if you want to hear all the recordings...

paulj, hope to meet you at FOSDEM.

dnt says: Re: Firmware blob

Posted at 2025-01-31 02:37:32 relating to the show hpr4299 which was released on 2025-01-23 by dnt entitled Building your own Debian images for your Raspberry Pi

Hey, Reto!

I believe so, there is a debian package called raspi-firmware. See

Sidenote: since recording this, I've learned that the graphical app Raspberry Pi Imager ( can do some of the things I talked about here, such as adding an ssh key to the authorized_keys file.

Trey says: Perfect timing

Posted at 2025-01-30 15:28:44 relating to the show hpr4304 which was released on 2025-01-30 by Ahuka entitled Travel Pouch for Cables

My travel collection of cables and power adapters has exceeded the capacity of my existing case ( ), and I am looking for a replacement.

Your recommendation looks like it will exceed my needs. Thank you.

Reto says: Firmware blob

Posted at 2025-01-30 11:59:56 relating to the show hpr4299 which was released on 2025-01-23 by dnt entitled Building your own Debian images for your Raspberry Pi

Hi dnt,

I didn't know that, thank you for the show.
Question, as far as I know RPI still has a Firmware blob. Do you get this via Debian?


paulj says: See you there?!

Posted at 2025-01-28 17:36:04 relating to the show hpr4297 which was released on 2025-01-21 by Trollercoaster entitled Let me tell you a bit about FOSDEM

Hi Trollercoaster - thanks for the show. I will be travelling to Brussels for my first FOSDEM this coming Friday. I didn't know about OFFDEM, so I have now registered for the forum/events. I will look at going to Bytenight.

Perhaps we will meet - who knows!

Ken Fallon says: Spam ?

Posted at 2025-01-28 17:31:58 relating to the show hpr4302 which was released on 2025-01-28 by Lochyboy entitled New Campaign Trail Playthrough

I so thought this was spam when I posted it. The link brought me to a site that discussed the Trump Election.

I had no idea this type of game exists, and it was fascinating to get a walk through from our official @hpr Gamer.

brian-in-ohio says: avrdude

Posted at 2025-01-27 22:48:06 relating to the show hpr4301 which was released on 2025-01-27 by Lee entitled Wide screen, synth, e-bike, led matrix clock and jewellery making

Great show, especially enjoyed the music! As for avrdude from the examples

Save flash memory in raw binary format to the file named c:/diag flash.bin:

$ avrdude -p m128 -c stk500 -U flash:r:"c:/diag flash.bin":r

Reading flash memory ...
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 6.90 s
Writing 19278 bytes to output file diag flash.bin

Avrdude done. Thank you.

Of course, change -p to proper part, and -c to your programmer type

Kevin O'Brien says: More to come

Posted at 2025-01-27 13:27:55 relating to the show hpr4300 which was released on 2025-01-24 by Ahuka entitled Isaac Asimov: I, Robot

I'm glad you are enjoying the Asimov. I have Arthur C. Clarke coming up later this year, some more Doctor Who, and then Robert A. Heinlein. I'm starting to think this series could last until I am put in a home. Which I hope will be in the far future, but I am 73 now so it is in sight.

SolusSpider - Peter Paterson says: Appreciation

Posted at 2025-01-27 10:35:30 relating to the show hpr4288 which was released on 2025-01-08 by SolusSpider entitled God's Pantry Food Bank

Thank you so much to Malink, archer72, ClaudioM, Kevin O'Brien, and Paulj for your comments.
It's good to be appreciated for the work we do supplying the need of our food insecure neighbours.
On Friday 24th January 2025 Kevie was off work, available, and so I gave him a personal virtual tour of our new Food Bank location by Telegram video. If anyone wants a similar tour, please inform me.

Stilvoid says: Great series

Posted at 2025-01-27 09:53:01 relating to the show hpr4300 which was released on 2025-01-24 by Ahuka entitled Isaac Asimov: I, Robot

Thanks Ahuka for putting these out! I’m thoroughly enjoying your run down of sci-fi. I think my tastes align pretty closely (I’ve read most of Asimov at least) and I’m still discovering some new stuff to put on my reading list.

Trey says: Thank you for sharing.

Posted at 2025-01-21 15:22:05 relating to the show hpr4297 which was released on 2025-01-21 by Trollercoaster entitled Let me tell you a bit about FOSDEM

I love a good hacker conference, and I am excited that this one will be freely streamed, as I am on the other side of the world.

Thank you for sharing.

Ken Fallon says: Wasting shows - OWWW !!!

Posted at 2025-01-20 16:58:40 relating to the show hpr4301 which was released on 2025-01-27 by Lee entitled Wide screen, synth, e-bike, led matrix clock and jewellery making

Great collection of topics, all of which could have been their own show ;-)

Yes I did spot the "improvise a piercing" reference.

archer72 says: MakeMKV Beta key

Posted at 2025-01-19 23:22:08 relating to the show hpr4298 which was released on 2025-01-22 by SolusSpider entitled Playing a Blu-ray disk directly from Linux.

I also purchased MakeMKV when it was still $50.

Until that time, I would update the key monthly via a script by user AyrA on Github.

See hpr3179 :: MakeMKV to back up media

archer72 says: First show

Posted at 2025-01-19 13:33:56 relating to the show hpr4296 which was released on 2025-01-20 by iota entitled Crafting Interpreters


Thanks for you first show submission.

It is an interesting subject, especially considering the code is meant to be portable.

I am lacking in this field, but it is a good subject/book to put on my reading list.


Reto says: in reply to Ken

Posted at 2025-01-17 20:56:56 relating to the show hpr4292 which was released on 2025-01-14 by Reto entitled Firefox Add-ons

Hi Ken,

Thank you for the reminder. It was my plan to mention the other shows of 2023 of which I took some add-ons into my collection, these are:

hpr3851 :: Firefox extensions Ken
hpr3862 :: Firefox Extensions Archer72

In regard to your suggestion of: Consent-O-Matic. In the settings of "uBlock Origin" I hiave activated:
Cookie - section
EasyList/uBO – Cookie Notices
AdGuard/uBO – Cookie Notices

However, I use the chance to plug something new: Your "LocalCDN" is a webbrowser-extension that emulates Content Delivery Networks to improve your online privacy - some diagrams in the lower area of the website for better understanding:


Kevin O'Brien says: Well, it is math, really

Posted at 2025-01-15 19:26:30 relating to the show hpr4310 which was released on 2025-02-07 by Ahuka entitled Playing Civilization IV, Part 6

The underlying programming is all math. Eveything is described by numbers. But then, so is the Universe.

Ken Fallon says: Not a gamer

Posted at 2025-01-15 17:25:44 relating to the show hpr4310 which was released on 2025-02-07 by Ahuka entitled Playing Civilization IV, Part 6

Not a gamer but I'm fascinated by the walk through of these games. The show covers Research, Wonders, and Great People. To me it seems like probabilities from math disguised as a fun time ;-)

Ken Fallon says: Great Tips

Posted at 2025-01-15 17:22:23 relating to the show hpr4330 which was released on 2025-03-07 by Ahuka entitled GIMP: Fixing Photos

These are some of the best low hanging fruit use cases for everyone who is into photography at the "holiday/family snap" level. I count myself among this and picked up several tips in this one.