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Henrik Hemrin says: Response to Ken

Posted at 2024-11-07 10:48:34 relating to the show hpr4244 which was released on 2024-11-07 by Henrik Hemrin entitled Two methods of digitizing photos.

Yes Ken, it is all about hardware I have.

The plexiglass is the only hw I have not tested; I have purchased one but not tried yet how it would work in the scanner or repro. I tested a thick glass plate for repro first, a plate intended to put under bottles, that plate was not optimal in any way.

But else, yes, have and used, work in progress to conclude what I believe is best method, settings etc for my needs and equipment. What I know is I get good quality with both methods.

Ken Fallon says: Great Tips

Posted at 2024-11-07 09:15:12 relating to the show hpr4249 which was released on 2024-11-14 by Kevie entitled Audio Streams on the Command Line

I'm a huge fan of mpv itself. It plays anything you throw at it, audio video etc.

At one point I decided that the home theater software at home would be bash+mpv.

Amazing how good people get at unix when they have to.

Ken Fallon says: Terry Pratchett

Posted at 2024-11-07 09:12:20 relating to the show hpr4246 which was released on 2024-11-11 by Lee entitled Bytes, Pages and Screens

I am a huge Terry Pratchett fan.

Did you ever check the headers of HPR ?

Ken Fallon says: What hardware are you using

Posted at 2024-11-07 09:08:59 relating to the show hpr4244 which was released on 2024-11-07 by Henrik Hemrin entitled Two methods of digitizing photos.

Hi Henrik

Did you already go over the hardware you have and used ?


Ken Fallon says: Daleks

Posted at 2024-11-07 09:07:17 relating to the show hpr4240 which was released on 2024-11-01 by Ahuka entitled The First Doctor, Part 1

I'd love to say I watched those episodes, but to be honest I was hiding behind the couch

Henrik Hemrin says: Clarification equipment for repro photo

Posted at 2024-11-07 08:14:02 relating to the show hpr4244 which was released on 2024-11-07 by Henrik Hemrin entitled Two methods of digitizing photos.

Remark on my repro setup:

My digital camera is mounted on a repro stand. The stand is similar to the stand used in an analog darkroom.

The "duplication direction" is opposite to the analog darkroom: The camera is mounted on the stand, while the object to be duplicated is placed on the base plate.

I have a light table on the base plate when a negative or positive is duplicated.

Mounted on the camera, depending on lens, may an extension tube be needed to achieve the macro distance to duplicate a small object.

men Fallon says: Backdoors and breaches

Posted at 2024-11-07 06:44:39 relating to the show hpr4245 which was released on 2024-11-08 by Trey entitled What's in my bag?

Yes please do a show on this

ClaudioM says: Commentary on Ep. 4231 (Tmux+dd+FreeBSD)

Posted at 2024-11-04 17:41:50 relating to the show hpr4241 which was released on 2024-11-04 by HPR Volunteers entitled HPR Community News for October 2024

Hey gents! Thanks for the comments on the show. I guess I should have been clearer when I compared the synchronization features of Tmux to that of ClusterSSH. While I could have done the commands using ClusterSSH, I preferred leaving the multiplexing to Tmux on the FreeBSD box with the single SSH session from whichever client I was using to perform the duplication. The other reason I did it this way over using ClusterSSH is because I don't always need to SSH to the box since it's in my office, and doing it my way allows me to log in to the box directly from the console and then pull up the Tmux session to see the status of the duplication or even begin another session after swapping out the USB flash drives themselves.

As mentioned by Ken, scripting this is a possibility, but we all know not to treat dd lightly as that can be a recipe for disaster. I was thinking of hairylarry's technique of using abcde, but since that's only for ripping CDs, it won't work here. Of course, I'm open to potential episodes from others that know of a better way! ;-)

Kevin O'Brien says: More to come

Posted at 2024-11-02 20:47:11 relating to the show hpr4240 which was released on 2024-11-01 by Ahuka entitled The First Doctor, Part 1

I plan to cover more than just Doctor Who. But I have a lot more coming including Golden Age SF.

mpardo says: Snaps are indeed better that Flatpaks

Posted at 2024-11-02 00:13:35 relating to the show hpr4238 which was released on 2024-10-30 by Some Guy On The Internet entitled Snaps are better than flatpaks

Another great episode. Very entertaining.

Of course snaps are better, but do not forget, flatpaks are also better than snaps. And both are better than appimages, even though appimages are better than both snaps and flatpaks.

While we are at it, Spotify is better than Hacker Public Radio, and also...

Elliot B says: Snaps are the least worst

Posted at 2024-11-01 14:06:12 relating to the show hpr4238 which was released on 2024-10-30 by Some Guy On The Internet entitled Snaps are better than flatpaks

For me it comes down to provenance. I need to be sure that my software is coming from a trusted source.

I originally favoured Appimages because I could get them directly from the developers. However updating Appimages and integrating them into application launchers is a manual process.

Snaps aren't perfect. They are slow to install when compared to apt-get, they consume a lot of disk space and they clutter the output of the mount command.

However I took my list of favourite Appimages and looked at which developers directly manage their own software on the Snapstore and Flathub.

Most of the Appimages I use are also available directly from the original developers on Snapstore so I migrated to Snaps.

There are too many Flatpaks managed by random people and not enough 'Verified' Flatpaks.

I avoid Snaps that aren't managed by either Canonical or the original developers.

ClaudioM says: Re: Getting status of dd in OpenBSD

Posted at 2024-10-31 15:32:09 relating to the show hpr4231 which was released on 2024-10-21 by Claudio Miranda entitled Duplicating Multiple USB Flash Drives with DD and Tmux on FreeBSD

Thanks for that bit of info! Since you had replied to me on Mastodon about it, I've saved it for future reference and will test it out on my OpenBSD machines when I need to dd something.

ClaudioM says: Re: Similarly

Posted at 2024-10-31 15:30:40 relating to the show hpr4231 which was released on 2024-10-21 by Claudio Miranda entitled Duplicating Multiple USB Flash Drives with DD and Tmux on FreeBSD

That sounds pretty neat and would love to hear a HPR episode about it! I'm sure a number of us still use optical media for some things. Thanks for sharing!

ClaudioM says: Virtual Boy?

Posted at 2024-10-31 15:28:13 relating to the show hpr4236 which was released on 2024-10-28 by Lochyboy entitled History of Nintendo

Thanks for this episode, quite enjoyable. However, maybe I missed it, but I didn't hear the Nintendo Virtual Boy mentioned. Yeah, it's rather infamous, but it was an interesting attempt at a VR headset by Nintendo for games even if it did mess up your eyes with the red and black vector-like graphics.

Kevie says: Keep them coming

Posted at 2024-10-31 07:54:49 relating to the show hpr4240 which was released on 2024-11-01 by Ahuka entitled The First Doctor, Part 1

Thank you Ahuka for these episodes. I've never been interested in Dr Who since first watching it as a child. But I do like sci-fi and I'm really enjoying these episodes. I love the fact that you are going right back to the start and giving the background to the whole idea.

Trey says: Ethernet cable

Posted at 2024-10-30 19:33:13 relating to the show hpr4238 which was released on 2024-10-30 by Some Guy On The Internet entitled Snaps are better than flatpaks

The problem with Ethernet cable is that most is all twisted up inside. You need to regularly unplug one end from the wall and then yank really hard on the cable to help the conductors straighten themselves out. (Thank you BOFH - )

And, thank you, SGOTI. Now I need to figure out how to get my Discord Snap to update properly. :)

Peter - SolusSpider says: OggCamp Dining Experience

Posted at 2024-10-30 11:32:51 relating to the show hpr4237 which was released on 2024-10-29 by Kevie entitled My First OggCamp Experience

Kevie, this fellow Scotsman has lived in Kentucky, USA for the past 25 years, and I have learned on my dining experience here and visiting home, that for the most part service is more responsive here. It probably comes down to the servers basically working for you in tips, so they want to give good service.
More a general statement, as of course there are exceptions like The Three Witches pub in Inverness, where we and our families had a wonderful meal together. It was quite 'Champion'.

hairylarry says: Similarly

Posted at 2024-10-30 01:11:06 relating to the show hpr4231 which was released on 2024-10-21 by Claudio Miranda entitled Duplicating Multiple USB Flash Drives with DD and Tmux on FreeBSD

I saw your podcast so I had to listen. Very nice. I actually pretty much followed along in spite of never having used tmux.

I have a similar project using abcde to create 4 audio cds at once. (or even 8) I have two xubuntu systems with 4 optical writers in each. (you have to have a tower)

I have my cds in folders with the numbered audio tracks.

Then I have a shell script to start abcde 4 times, once for each device. Before you know it I have 4 more cds to test. Reload blanks, hit up arrow, and go again.

I don't use it much anymore now that cds have gone out of fashion but it was a cool project that used to save me a lot of time.

Gumnos says: Getting status of dd in OpenBSD

Posted at 2024-10-29 15:16:06 relating to the show hpr4231 which was released on 2024-10-21 by Claudio Miranda entitled Duplicating Multiple USB Flash Drives with DD and Tmux on FreeBSD

As mentioned, OpenBSD's `dd` command doesn't support `status=progress`, but it does respond to `SIGINFO`, emitting the current progress/status. So if your shell is configured for it¹, you can use control+t to send SIGINFO and see how `dd` is progressing.

¹ you might have to use "`stty status ^T`" in your startup file since it might not be the default

Steve Barnes says: Ahhyes.

Posted at 2024-10-29 05:49:34 relating to the show hpr4236 which was released on 2024-10-28 by Lochyboy entitled History of Nintendo

Lovely to perceive at least one other Nintendo fan among the HPR circle.

Kevie says: Youtube's copyright strikes

Posted at 2024-10-26 08:30:13 relating to the show hpr4228 which was released on 2024-10-16 by Dave Hingley entitled Auditing Audio Files For Youtube

Thanks for the show Dave. Youtube's constant copyright claims are a pain in neck. We tried putting an episode of TuxJam on YouTube and ended up with 15 claims on a show that had 4 tracks. The music on TuxJam is all released under Creative Commons licenses and each claim was removed after sending the link to the song along with highlighting the license. It was a total pain in the neck and stopped me from uploading another episode to Youtube.

I think that your project AudioAudit is a great way for people to be prepared and have the links/licenses ready if they wish to upload to Youtube, saves the hassle from being caught off guard. Thank you for sharing this and whilst I won't upload to Youtube again I would certainly recommend this to any who are considering it.

Sun Yat Babo says: neuro diverse film

Posted at 2024-10-25 18:09:28 relating to the show hpr4211 which was released on 2024-09-23 by operat0r entitled Rapid Fire 1

Lilo and Stitch

Ken Fallon says: The View from NL

Posted at 2024-10-24 13:24:15 relating to the show hpr4216 which was released on 2024-09-30 by Some Guy On The Internet entitled Down the rabbit hole.

I have discussed this episode with several people here in the Netherlands, and after the initial shock that such a thing would happen we got down to why the attitudes were so different.

In a society where Health Insurance is mandatory and Liability Insurance is almost universal then the concerns of presented for not acting are essentially eliminated.

The culture is also different, as an example each company is strongly advised to have staff trained as safety marshals. During the training I was told that we would not be held responsible for mistakes as long as we did it in good faith.

It was interesting to see that you can be prosecuted for negligence if you do not assist.

Reto says: The humor

Posted at 2024-10-23 13:47:24 relating to the show hpr4216 which was released on 2024-09-30 by Some Guy On The Internet entitled Down the rabbit hole.

I just want to say that I like your humor. It is a good thing not to lose your humor, even in a serious topic.

In regard to the comment above from Beeza.
A couple months ago I heard similar behavior, because of a laws in China. Think about such controllers, also known as Governments, ... what you like in 2024.

Lee says: Errata

Posted at 2024-10-21 09:53:44 relating to the show hpr4266 which was released on 2024-12-09 by Lee entitled What's the weather?

Having tested for different cities I'd advise setting the default timezone to 'UTC' in this script regardless of actual location.

A. Listener says: issue with downloading shows

Posted at 2024-10-12 13:45:14 relating to the show hpr4224 which was released on 2024-10-10 by Archer72 entitled Auto shop interaction

This is not a comment on this episode, but a message for the janitors. As of this episode my podcatcher (antennapod on android) has been unable to download the mp3 file, all previous episodes to this downloaded fine.

I'm unsure if this is a CDN issue, the feed appears to update fine.

Possibly related to the recent issues Internet Archive has been facing ?

dmt says: satdump

Posted at 2024-10-12 03:14:20 relating to the show hpr4213 which was released on 2024-09-25 by Ken Fallon entitled Making Waves Day 1

satdump looks really cool! Thanks for the great interviews!

MrX says: Re Old Batteries

Posted at 2024-10-10 16:11:43 relating to the show hpr4222 which was released on 2024-10-08 by MrX entitled Replacing backup batteries in my Kenwood TS940S HF Radio Part 5

Hi Beeza,
Thanks for the nice comment. How true everything these days is made cheaper; It’s a race to the bottom. My old trusty Fluke 77 DVM had a very old PP3 battery in it that finally failed though I doubt it was as old as 1983! Not only do the batteries not last as long I suspect they are also more likely to leak so it’s probably even more important to check these modern ones more frequently. I hope you have many more faithful years use from your dad’s analogue meter. For a lot of jobs they can’t be beaten.


Beeza says: Old Batteries

Posted at 2024-10-08 22:41:21 relating to the show hpr4222 which was released on 2024-10-08 by MrX entitled Replacing backup batteries in my Kenwood TS940S HF Radio Part 5

Hi Mr X.

I have an analogue multimeter that I inherited from my dad. He bought it in 1983 and it still works fine with the original battery. Contrast that with modern batteries that can be dead when you take them out of the packaging if they are more than a year two old.

hairylarry says: Thanks for the comments

Posted at 2024-10-07 16:41:31 relating to the show hpr4208 which was released on 2024-09-18 by hairylarry entitled 01 Plain Text Programs

I really appreciate everyone who took time to comment. Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I guess I'm spending too much time on Mastodon.

I also want to thank the hosts at HPR Community News. Questions were asked. Good questions.

I have decided to do a "What Is Plain Text Programming?" podcast to try to answer these questions specifically and go into more detail describing Plain Text Programs than I did on my introductory episode.