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oxo says: Cool!

Posted at 2025-03-25 15:46:06 relating to the show hpr4342 which was released on 2025-03-25 by Klaatu entitled How I use Git to blog on the web and gopherspace

Hi Klaatu, Cool to hear you back here! I am really missing my weekly GNU World Order. :)
Regards oxo

Celeste says: About the software part reliability

Posted at 2025-03-24 19:01:31 relating to the show hpr4333 which was released on 2025-03-12 by Marc W. Abel entitled A Radically Transparent Computer Without Complex VLSI

I just share a link which might be useful, but maybe you already know it.

Here's an open source tool for formal verification and SysML modeling called TTool, to check a software design always respects some constraints and safety guarantees you set, even before writing the code.
Helps you detect deadlocks and make sure some error states are impossible to reach, or at least they're always handled in the safest possible way.

Said that, welcome to HPR!

Marc says: Hardware build road map

Posted at 2025-03-24 15:29:16 relating to the show hpr4333 which was released on 2025-03-12 by Marc W. Abel entitled A Radically Transparent Computer Without Complex VLSI

The CPU runs in simulation, but it doesn't bootstrap itself and doesn't communicate with "real" peripherals (even if simulated).

When I on the technical side of this project (which also has administrative, legal, and fundraising sides), I presently work on the firmware loader, which needs to transfer firmware (lookup tables) from persistent storage into at least 22 SRAM ICs. There are also several initial conditions to force, such as the instruction pointer and other CPU state.

After the system can start itself in simulation, I will finish an already-started interface for peripherals. This will be via an SPI bus (I2C wil be supported also, but SPI is essentially a quorum anyhow).

Once all that is in place, then the fun work starts with power, bypass capacitors, "final" component placements, tracks, routing, connectors, plotting the board, mounting several hundred components, and---black smoke? White smoke?

Trey says: Only one trip to the hardware store?

Posted at 2025-03-20 15:19:37 relating to the show hpr4339 which was released on 2025-03-20 by Rho`n entitled Review of the YR01 smart lock

Nicely done. Any home improvement project which only requires one trip to the hardware store is either supremely successful or not yet complete. :)

Thank you for sharing.

Antoine says: Nice study =)

Posted at 2025-03-20 01:47:53 relating to the show hpr4381 which was released on 2025-05-19 by Antoine entitled What Omni-Instantness Makes To My Brain and Your Brain?

Hi, Ken! Thanks very much for the report on the study. Published this year, it is presented as "The first study in the world to look at school phone rules alongside measures of pupil health and education", at least peer-reviewed. So it's nice that we have a first conclusion on the topic.

As the law is recent in Brazil as a whole (states were already regulating it sparsely), *we only have perceptions of students and teachers, and specialists talk*, no "clear-data" studies; but I would bet one to be conducted here still 2025 or beginning of 2026, with data collected orderly and systematically. And then, when it comes, I'll try to remember to post that here, to share the (same or another) conclusion being outlined from another sources too. Thanks very much for contributing with my knowledge (in a subject I appreciate) and maybe other listeners of it too.

paulj says: Dauug

Posted at 2025-03-19 20:27:40 relating to the show hpr4333 which was released on 2025-03-12 by Marc W. Abel entitled A Radically Transparent Computer Without Complex VLSI

Hi Marc, Welcome to HPR, and thank you for your excellent first podcast. I actually came across your paper a few weeks back when someone posted a link on Mastodon. However, it was great to hear you explaining Dauug yourself. I see from the information on your website that you have a working emulator - are you planning a hardware build at some point (or have you already done it!)?

I very much look forward to your future podcasts!

-- Paulj

Ken Fallon says: Interesting show.

Posted at 2025-03-19 16:07:36 relating to the show hpr4381 which was released on 2025-05-19 by Antoine entitled What Omni-Instantness Makes To My Brain and Your Brain?

I found this report from the BBC on a study by University of Birmingham saying "there is a lack of evidence to suggest banning phones in schools alone makes a difference when it comes to students’ grades, behaviour and wellbeing."

Windigo says: Appreciate the overview

Posted at 2025-03-12 19:07:19 relating to the show hpr4142 which was released on 2024-06-18 by mnw entitled A Shared Shell History With Atuin

Thanks for going over your experiences with atuin! I've heard of this before, and checking it out is on my to do list.

I'd also be interested in self hosting the server side component, so your experience will be invaluable when I manage to try it out. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Kevin O'Brien says: Good tip

Posted at 2025-03-11 20:45:33 relating to the show hpr4330 which was released on 2025-03-07 by Ahuka entitled GIMP: Fixing Photos

That's a good tip, Henrik. You can do this with both the Thumbnail and the Preview.

Henrik Hemrin says: Quick access to external photo editing tools from digiKam thumbnail view.

Posted at 2025-03-11 16:22:34 relating to the show hpr4330 which was released on 2025-03-07 by Ahuka entitled GIMP: Fixing Photos

Thanks for sharing your GIMP tips!
I was also happy to hear that you also use digiKam, as I do.

When I do not want to edit with digiKam itself, I can right click on the thumbnail in digiKam to get a menu where there is an option "Open with", where I have GIMP, RawTherapee and more softwares listed.

Furthermore, I have added in the Main tool bar the button "Open with predefined sw", which in my case is RawTherapee.

Remark: I'm not sure I've translated the digiKam terms correctly into English.

Ken Fallon says: Unfortunately mine turned into a project.

Posted at 2025-03-11 16:10:29 relating to the show hpr4339 which was released on 2025-03-20 by Rho`n entitled Review of the YR01 smart lock

Ho yea. As my mother was fond of saying "It's just a 5 minute job". Four hours later.

Klaatu says: This advice comes with no warranty

Posted at 2025-03-10 07:02:19 relating to the show hpr4328 which was released on 2025-03-05 by Klaatu entitled Use SELinux the easy way

Thanks lyunpaw!

To paraphrase the GPL:

This advice is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE...

Kevin O'Brien says: Processing

Posted at 2025-03-08 17:03:16 relating to the show hpr4330 which was released on 2025-03-07 by Ahuka entitled GIMP: Fixing Photos

I record my shows in Audacity, boost the audio by a few db, and export them as FLAC, which I then upload to HPR. That is the extend of my processing. I believe HPR then transcodes into MP3, OGG, and so on.

Rother says: playback

Posted at 2025-03-08 06:43:23 relating to the show hpr4330 which was released on 2025-03-07 by Ahuka entitled GIMP: Fixing Photos

Cant play podcast on Sonos, some others play others don't, do you do your own processing

Marc says: Reply to comment (or if a volunteer can edit it directly instead, that's fine)

Posted at 2025-03-07 19:59:48 relating to the show hpr4333 which was released on 2025-03-12 by Marc W. Abel entitled A Radically Transparent Computer Without Complex VLSI

Some of Ken Fallon's supremely kind comment contains a hard-to-follow machine transcription. What I tried to say was:

"with every binary executable you’ve heard of, every language compiler, every toolchain. It’s incompatible with Rust’s integer sizes, IEEE 754’s floating point format, ELF executable files, parts of C, some of POSIX, and traditional debuggers." says: Time to brick the box.

Posted at 2025-03-07 16:53:05 relating to the show hpr4328 which was released on 2025-03-05 by Klaatu entitled Use SELinux the easy way

Nice job Klaatu. Now I have to try it. You’ll have to do a follow up show titled, “How to regain access to your system after excessive enforcement with SELinux”. Good luck to the both of us.

Antoine says: And in Brazil

Posted at 2025-03-05 22:30:14 relating to the show hpr4323 which was released on 2025-02-26 by Ken Fallon entitled Good Samaritan laws, Duty to rescue in the Netherlands

Very briefly sharing about the topic in Brazil (referencing the articles, if I or someone decide to plan a full show about...):

× One is not obliged to soccur another if not responsible or part of the damaging or dangerous act (e.g., a car crash) or by law responsible for the person (parents in relation to their under age children, e.g.).
[art. 13, § 2º of CP, Brazilian Criminal Code, and art. 176, I of CTB, Brazilian Traffic Code.]

✓ Exception: Art. 135 of Criminal Code: it's crime to: "Failing to provide assistance, when possible without personal risk, to an abandoned or lost child, or to an invalid or injured person who is helpless or in grave and imminent danger, or failing to call for help from public authorities in such cases". (It's law, but dead letter, not applied effectively. In fact it's the general rule above.

✓ If you help someone, except in the cases you are responsible for the event itself, you don't have to pay and are not responsible for damages eventually caused for helping in good faith and in the best practice that would be reasonably expected.
[Article 188 of Código Civil (CC) brasileiro, the Brazilian Civil Law].
As I'm not exactly in the area, but Law in general, searching here for exemplification on the classical example (CPR maneuver), I found a decision from the São Paulo state Court of Justice ["Apelação Cível 0079954-88.2012.8.26.0224; judge: Luciana Bresciani, 2023-09-01], deciding: "Hepatic and bone injuries possibly resulting from cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers – Lack of proof of defective provision of medical services". So, even doctors, if not *proved* guilty (malpractice, for example), is not liable for some undesirable but common results of procedures.

Some Guy on the Internet says: Great show.

Posted at 2025-03-05 18:14:55 relating to the show hpr4323 which was released on 2025-02-26 by Ken Fallon entitled Good Samaritan laws, Duty to rescue in the Netherlands

Getting sued after saving a life can really ruin your day. It’s nice to hear that criminal charges will not be filed against a Good Samaritan, but the civil courts are a dice roll. Great examples offered during the conversation (property damage during rescue).

dnt says: Messing up

Posted at 2025-03-05 05:06:25 relating to the show hpr4321 which was released on 2025-02-24 by Klaatu entitled Crux Linux

This sounds a good deal like the Archlinux install. When you mess up, you don't really have to start over, and I think that's what makes it so educational and kind of like a game. It's better to mess up so you can find out.

dnt says: SGOTI's mop

Posted at 2025-03-05 04:50:07 relating to the show hpr4326 which was released on 2025-03-03 by HPR Volunteers entitled HPR Community News for February 2025

SGOTI, I enjoyed your words about working with Dave. Thanks for taking over the mop!

Ken Fallon says: Everyone needs to listen to this show

Posted at 2025-03-04 15:49:40 relating to the show hpr4333 which was released on 2025-03-12 by Marc W. Abel entitled A Radically Transparent Computer Without Complex VLSI

A computer that has 100% incompatibility "with every binary executable you've heard of, every language compiler, every tool chain. It's incompatible with rust's integer sizes. I triply sat in 54's floating point for a net. Elf executable files, parts of C, sum of posics, and traditional debuggers."

And yet there are a lot of reasons to use it.

All Security Researchers owe it to yourselves to listen to this one.

Ken Fallon says: Send this back to my past self

Posted at 2025-03-04 15:41:04 relating to the show hpr4332 which was released on 2025-03-11 by Klaatu entitled Top 5 mistakes every new terminal user makes

A great show that I wish I had when I was starting out. I'd be interested to hear any other tips people have to add to the list ?

Ken Fallon says: Have you considered using Syncthing

Posted at 2025-03-04 15:37:40 relating to the show hpr4329 which was released on 2025-03-06 by hairylarry entitled Maintaining The Remote System

Hi hairylarry,

Have you considered using syncthing as the way to sync the files.

I have found it to massively simplifies syncing between remote systems

Ken Fallon says: undocumented network exploit

Posted at 2025-03-03 16:48:26 relating to the show hpr4331 which was released on 2025-03-10 by Lee entitled Re-inventing the light switch

How many hackers does it take to change a light bulb ?

Depends on how many undocumented network exploits you can use.

operat0r says: not a robot

Posted at 2025-03-02 22:40:10 relating to the show hpr4276 which was released on 2024-12-23 by operat0r entitled PWNED


Thanks! I just use the openvpn VPN on my home router that updates itself etc. Also doubbles as a great universl ad blocker! My locked down work phone is more secure tunneling though my home connectoin with openVPN from the play store then it is in the office :P

Antoine says: @#1 My setup

Posted at 2025-03-02 21:12:55 relating to the show hpr4325 which was released on 2025-02-28 by Antoine entitled Two Software I use- Futo Keyboard and Inoreader

Hi, Archer72 =)

I'm still playing with the possibility, here in HPR, of sharing something by audio programs, so I have already used almost all of the possibilities I have: usb condenser microphone, dynamic microphone, directly on the smartphone holding it on my hand... I only did not try yet my cheap lavalier microphone.

I'm almost sure that, for this one, I used: Laptop computer (Galaxy Book4 Ultra) with Behringer UMC-22 (USB audio interface) and Audio-Technica PRO63 (dynamic XLR microphone).
This mic is specific for instruments, but it was an Audio-Technica at a good price point at the time, so getting it and the interface years ago was satisfactory.

When I have time, I play with compression, normalization and, if I'm absolutely in the mood (as it demands time, effort), equalization. I think I've done it here, and *did not* cut errors nor changed the pace of the talk by cutting silences. If you happen to want more about that options, feel free to ask.

Nice to know you're giving a chance to FUTO, I hope it comes well to your use. Let me share also this that I didn't say and haven't seen elsewhere: there is a shortcut to paste (the special icon when you long-press "V"), and others like this, like select all option when long-pressing "A".

Thanks! ^^

archer72 says: FUTO Keyboard

Posted at 2025-03-02 12:27:19 relating to the show hpr4325 which was released on 2025-02-28 by Antoine entitled Two Software I use- Futo Keyboard and Inoreader

Hello Antoine,

Thanks to your show, I am changing my keyboard to the FUTO keyboard, at least for now.

PS. It is good to hear you on the last few shows.
What is your recording setup like?

- Archer72 a.k.a. Mark Rice

Antoine says: My comment about this show

Posted at 2025-03-01 17:24:03 relating to the show hpr3967 which was released on 2023-10-17 by dnt entitled Unsolicited thoughts on running open source software projects

For some years, my default thought was: free software is on github, it is *the* means by which the source code is made available, people can contribute (or can not, the maintaner can decide), fork, post bugs, and the file can be directly downloaded (with some other options, of course, but the main scheme can be translated to what a github-site is).

I'm not a developer nor anything, I just like to absorb some knowledge, so this is a layman perspective. Listening to your show gave me a breath of fresh air: "No, this is not a must for free software". In one example, as you gave: the software may have its own web page, freely made (to be known), but entirely maintained by exchanges of talk and code by e-mail, in a mailing list.

All you brought here gave me a perspective of much more simplicity, rethinking what I envision as free software today. Because, many times, many projects, there are issues opened, and no answer ever, even with development going on, like saying: "we are in github, with all the resources it brings, by inertia (because everybody does), but we don't give attention to users or developers)". A talk you gave to rethink what developers want with their software, and do according to the objetives. Thanks for the show.

Sorry if I expressed bad, not wanting to diminish nor intending to summarize what you said.

Antoine says: Thank you!

Posted at 2025-02-28 11:41:13 relating to the show hpr4313 which was released on 2025-02-12 by Antoine entitled Why I made a 1-episode podcast about a war story

Hi, dnt. Honored to see your comment here. Thank you for listening, I'm glad you enjoyed! Thanks for the welcome with kind words!

dnt says: Welcome

Posted at 2025-02-28 03:33:02 relating to the show hpr4313 which was released on 2025-02-12 by Antoine entitled Why I made a 1-episode podcast about a war story

Being from Brazil myself, I had the privilege of listening to your piece in Portuguese. It truly is a well done piece of historical fiction. You have set a great example by having something to say, saying it, and putting it in the internet archive. Congratulations, thank you, and welcome to HPR.