hpr3133 :: Quick tip - Using MPV with Youtube links
I give a quick tip on shortcut keys for watching Youtube or other video sites in MPV
Hosted by Archer72 on Wednesday, 2020-08-05 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Video, media, bash, i3, Gnome3, Xfce.
(Be the first).
Listen in ogg,
or mp3 format. Play now:
Duration: 00:02:04
Download the transcription and
Quickly copy a Youtube or other video site, and open in the MPV media player.
Vim Vixen for Firefox
Surfingkeys for Chrome/Chromium browser
## mpvurl
url=`xsel -o -b`
echo $url
mpv $url
Rename /usr/bin/vlc
to /usr/bin/vlc.old
Copy script to /usr/bin/vlc
and chmod +x /usr/bin/vlc
How to use:
Vim Vixen copy is 'y' Surfingkeys copy is 'yy'
Shortcut to open copied video url is Shift-Mod-p, with Mod being the windows key
Tested with Gnome3, Xfce and i3
In i3, press Mod+v then Mod+s.
Any video played this way will be stacked under Firefox/Chromium for the rest of your session.
In ~/.config/i3/config
#Paste url into mpv player
bindsym $mod+Shift+p exec vlc
Example screenshots:
Example of stacked Firefox/MPV layout
For Gnome3 the setting can be reached with Mod (Windows key) and Shortcuts