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Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

New episodes every weekday Monday through Friday.
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Welcome to HPR, the Community Podcast

We started producing shows as Today with a Techie on 2005-09-19, 19 years, 1 months, 3 days ago. Our shows are produced by listeners like you and can be on any topics that "are of interest to hackers". If you listen to HPR then please consider contributing one show a year. If you record your show now it could be released in 6 days.

Call for shows

We are running very low on shows at the moment. Have a look at the hosts page and if you don't see "2024-??-??" next to your name, or if your name is not listed, you might consider sending us in something.

Latest Shows

hpr4232 :: Replacing backup batteries in my Kenwood TS940S HF Radio Part 6

Part 6 is the final episode it deals with fitting the new replacement PLL backup battery.

Hosted by MrX on 2024-10-22 is flagged as Explicit and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Amateur, Radio, DIY, repair, electronics, soldering. HAM radio. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:22:13

Picture 1
Shows me attaching the leg of a resistor to the new backup battery. This is to extend the battery terminal length so that it can be soldered between the two connecting battery posts of the radio Printed Circuit Board.
Shows me attaching the leg of a resistor to the new backup battery. This is to extend the battery terminal length so that it can be soldered between the two connecting battery posts of the radio Printed Circuit Board.

Picture 2
Shows the newly fitted PLL backup battery with it’s extended terminal fitted directly below the EPROM labelled JAF7.
Shows the newly fitted PLL backup battery with it’s extended terminal fitted directly below the EPROM labelled JAF7.

Picture 3
Shows the speaker sitting within a metal box. This box sits on top of the screened metal box housing the PLL backup battery. When I was refitting the speaker box I discovered there were extra badly soldered grey wires attached to the speaker terminals. The other end of the wires was covered with black electrical insulating tape. I removed these extra grey wires from the speaker to prevent them from coming adrift and or causing a short circuit within the radio.
Shows the speaker sitting within a metal box. This box sits on top of the screened metal box housing the PLL backup battery. When I was refitting the speaker box I discovered there were extra badly soldered grey wires attached to the speaker terminals. The other end of the wires was covered with black electrical insulating tape. I removed these extra grey wires from the speaker to prevent them from coming adrift and or causing a short circuit within the radio.

I mention the trick of using blue-tak to hold a difficult screw when inserting it into a tight recess. Wikipedia article about Blu Tack

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You can save these subtitle files to the same location as the HPR Episode, and they will automatically show in players like mpv, vlc. Some players allow you to specify the subtitle file location.

hpr4231 :: Duplicating Multiple USB Flash Drives with DD and Tmux on FreeBSD

Claudio describes his process for mass USB flash drive duplication with FreeBSD, tmux, and dd.

Thumbnail of Claudio Miranda
Hosted by Claudio Miranda on 2024-10-21 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
freebsd, tmux, dd, windows, usb, diskduplication, duplication. general. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:15:52

Pre-planning and creating your image:

  1. Create your image with your preferred disk image creation tool. I used USB Image Tool to create an image from my "golden master" Windows 11 installation thumb drive A. USB Image Tool:

Prepare your Tmux session on your Linux or BSD-based system.

  1. 'tmux new -s $sessionName' to create a new Tmux session window with a session name of your choice.
  2. 'Ctrl-B-"' to create a horizontal split, putting one pane over the other.
  3. 'Ctrl-B-%' to create a vertical split, putting one pane next to the other.
  4. 'Ctrl-B-UpArrow' or 'Ctrl-B-DownArrow' to move to the pane you want to split if you split the window with a horizontal line.
  5. 'Ctrl-B-LeftArrow' or 'Ctrl-B-RightArrow' to move to the pane you want to split if you split the window with a vertical line.

Duplicate 4 USB thumb drives from a disk image within your new, split-paned Tmux session:

    • FreeBSD will show dmesg output on TTYv0, or you can use the dmesg command on Linux or BSD. You don't want to end up wiping your system drive!
  • Within your Tmux session:
    • Pane 1: 'dd if=$diskImageName of=/dev/da0 bs=1M status=progress' to begin imaging USB thumb drive #1.
    • Pane 2: 'dd if=$diskImageName of=/dev/da1 bs=1M status=progress' to begin imaging USB thumb drive #2.
    • Pane 3: 'dd if=$diskImageName of=/dev/da2 bs=1M status=progress' to begin imaging USB thumb drive #3.
    • Pane 4: 'dd if=$diskImageName of=/dev/da3 bs=1M status=progress' to begin imaging USB thumb drive #4.
    • 'Ctrl-B-:' to call the Tmux command prompt, followed by 'setw synchronize-panes' to sync the 4 panes to your commands. The primary pane will be highlighted in red, and the secondary panes will copy whatever command it typed into that primary pane.
    • Hit Enter to begin the process on all 4 panes.
    • When the image finishes, you can remove the USB thumbs drives, pop in 4 more, hit the Up arrow on the primary pane to pull up the previous commands on their respective panes, and hit Enter. When in doubt, refer to Step 0!!
    • Repeat as needed.

If you need to de-synchronize your Tmux panes, just type 'Ctrl-:' to call the Tmux command prompt, followed by 'setw synchronize-panes' to toggle pane synchronization on and off (or you can use the up arrow at the Tmux command prompt to bring up that previously-typed command).

The faster your USB ports and USB thumb drives, the better!

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You can save these subtitle files to the same location as the HPR Episode, and they will automatically show in players like mpv, vlc. Some players allow you to specify the subtitle file location.

hpr4230 :: Playing Civilization IV, Part 2

We continue our look at the mechanics of this game

Thumbnail of Ahuka
Hosted by Ahuka on 2024-10-18 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Computer games, strategy games, Civilization IV. Computer Strategy Games. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:12:29

Civilization IV made some changes, and in this episode we look at Build Queues, Research, and Wonders.

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hpr4229 :: Neurodiversity and Hacking

Lee talks to Matthew about the link between neurodiversity and hacking.

Hosted by Lee on 2024-10-17 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
neurodiversity, hacking. general. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:21:29

Lee talks to Matthew about the link between neurodiversity and using systems in ways they were not designed for.

A short biography:

Matthew Bellringer is a neurodiversity and innovation specialist who specialises in supporting work that addresses problems from a unique perspective, co-production, and regenerative working practices. More details on Matthew's website.

Matthew is also Chair and Co-founder of NeurodiverseIT, a group for neurodivergent IT professionals within BCS, the Chartered Institute of IT and the organiser and founder of Curious Being, a community for unconventional people who want to make the world a better place. Matthew is a late-discovery autistic ADHDer.

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You can save these subtitle files to the same location as the HPR Episode, and they will automatically show in players like mpv, vlc. Some players allow you to specify the subtitle file location.

hpr4228 :: Auditing Audio Files For Youtube

I detail a technique to ensure all music used on my Youtube channel is free from copyright claims

Hosted by Dave Hingley on 2024-10-16 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Audio, Video, Youtube, Abraham Wald, Operational Research. A Little Bit of Python. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:04:04

Show Transcript

Automatically generated using whisper

whisper --model tiny --language en hpr4228.wav

You can save these subtitle files to the same location as the HPR Episode, and they will automatically show in players like mpv, vlc. Some players allow you to specify the subtitle file location.

hpr4227 :: Introduction to jq - part 3

More filters

Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on 2024-10-15 is flagged as Explicit and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
JSON, JavaScript Object Notation, jq, jq filter, jq language. general. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:25:53


In this episode we will continue looking at basic filters. Then we will start looking at the feature that makes jq very powerful, the ability to transform JSON from one form to another. In essence we can read and parse JSON and then construct an alternative form.

More basic filters

Array/String Slice: .[<number>:<number>]

This filter allows parts of JSON arrays or strings to be extracted.

The first number is the index of the elements of the array or string, starting from zero. The second number is an ending index, but it means "up to but not including". If the first index is omitted it refers to the start of the string or array. If the second index is blank it refers to the end of the string or array.

This example shows using an array and extracting part of it:

$ x="[$(seq -s, 1 10)]"
$ echo "$x"
$ echo "$x" | jq -c '.[3:6]'

Here we use the seq command to generate the numbers 1-10 separated by commas in a JSON array. Feeding this to jq on its standard input with the slice request '.[3:6]' results in a sub-array from element 3 (containing value 4), up to but not including element 6 (containing 7). Note that using the '-c' option generates compact output, as we discussed in the last episode.

For a string, the idea is similar, as in:

$ echo '"Hacker Public Radio"' | jq '.[7:10]'

Notice that we provide the JSON string quotes inside single quotes following echo. The filter '.[7:10]' starts from element 7 (letter "P") up to but not including element 10 (letter "l").

Both of the numbers may be negative, meaning that they are offsets from the end of the array or string.

So, using '.[-7:-4]' in the array example gives the same result as '.[3:6]', as do '.[3:-4]' and '.[-7:6]'. This example uses the x variable created earlier:

$ for f in '.[-7:-4]' '.[3:6]' '.[3:-4]' '.[-7:6]'; do
> echo "$x" | jq -c  "$f"
> done

Similarly, using '.[-12:-9]' gives the same result as '.[7:10]' when used with the string.

$ echo '"Hacker Public Radio"' | jq '.[-12:-9]'

As a point of interest, I wrote a little Bash loop to show the positive and negative offsets of the characters in the test string - just to help me visualise them. See the footnote1 for details.

Finally, here is how to get the last character of the example string using positive and negative offsets:

$ echo '"Hacker Public Radio"' | jq '.[18:]'
$ echo '"Hacker Public Radio"' | jq '.[-1:]'

Array/Object Value Iterator: .[]

This filter generates values from iterating through an array or an object. It is similar to the .[index] syntax we have already seen, but it returns all of the array elements:

$ arr='["Kohinoor","plastered","downloadable"]'
$ echo "$arr" | jq '.[]'

The strings in the array are returned separately, not as an array. This is because this is an iterator, and its output can be linked to other filters.

It can also be used to iterate over values in an object:

$ obj='{"name": "Hacker Public Radio", "type": "Podcast"}'
$ echo "$obj" | jq '.[]'
"Hacker Public Radio"

This iterator does not work on other data types, just arrays and objects.

An alternative iterator .[]? exists which ignores errors:

$ echo "true" | jq '.[]'
jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot iterate over boolean (true)

Ignoring errors:

$ echo "true" | jq '.[]?'

Using multiple filters

There are two operators that can be placed between filters to combine their effects: the comma (',') and the pipe ('|').

Comma operator

The comma (',') operator allows you to chain together multiple filters. As we already know, the jq program feeds the input it receives on standard input or from a file into whatever filter it is given. So far we have only seen a single filter being used.

With the comma operator the input to jq is fed to all of the filters separated by commas in left to right order. The result is a concatenation of the output of all of these filters.

For example, if we take the output from the HPR stats page which was mentioned in part 1 of this series of shows, and store it in a file called stats.json we can view two separate parts of the JSON like this:

$ curl -s -O

$ jq '.shows , .queue' stats.json
  "total": 4756,
  "twat": 300,
  "hpr": 4456,
  "duration": 7640311,
  "human_duration": "0 Years, 2 months, 29 days, 10 hours, 18 minutes and 31 seconds"
  "number_future_hosts": 6,
  "number_future_shows": 18,
  "unprocessed_comments": 0,
  "submitted_shows": 0,
  "shows_in_workflow": 51,
  "reserve": 20

This applies the filter .shows (an object identifier-index filter, see part 2) which returns the contents of the object with that name, then it applies filter .queue which returns the relevant JSON object.

Pipe operator

The pipe ('|') operator combines filters by feeding the output of the first (left-most) filter of a pair into the second (right-most) filter of a pair. This is analogous to the way the same symbol works in the Unix shell.

For example, if we extract the 'shows' object from stats.json, we can then extract the value of the total' key' as follows:

$ jq '.shows | .total' stats.json

Interestingly, chaining two object identifier-index filters gives the same output:

$ jq '' stats.json

(Note: to answer the question in the audio, the two filters shown can also be written as '.shows .total' with intervening spaces.)

We will see the pipe operator being used in many instances in upcoming episodes.


It is possible to use parentheses in filter expressions in a similar way to using them in arithmetic, where they group parts together and can change the normal order of operations. They can be used in other contexts too. The example is a simple arithmetic one:

$ jq ' + 2 / 2' stats.json
$ jq '( + 2) / 2' stats.json


Finding country data #1

Here we are using a file called countries.json obtained from the GitHub project listed below. This file is around 39,000 lines long so it is not being distributed with the show. However, it's quite interesting and you are encouraged to grab a copy and experiment with it.

I will show ways in which the structure can be examined and reported with jq in a later show, but for now I will show an example of extracting data:

$ jq '.[42] | .name.common , .capital.[]' countries.json
  • The file contains an array of country objects; the one with index 42 is Switzerland.
  • The name of the country is in an object called "name", with the common name in a keyed field called "common", thus the filter .name.common.
  • In this country object is an object called "capital" holding an array containing the name (or names) of the capital city (or cities). The filter .capital.[] obtains and displays the contents of the array.
  • Note that we used a comma operator between the filters.

Finding country data #2

Another search of the countries.json file, this time looking at the languages spoken. There is an object called "languages" which contains abbreviated language names as keys and full names as the values:

$ jq '.[42] | .name.common , .capital.[] , .languages' countries.json
  "fra": "French",
  "gsw": "Swiss German",
  "ita": "Italian",
  "roh": "Romansh"
  • Using the filter .languages we get the whole object, however, using the iterator .[] we get just the values.
$ jq '.[42] | .name.common , .capital.[] , .languages.[]' countries.json
"Swiss German"
  • This has some shortcomings, we need the construction capabilities of jq to generate more meaningful output.

Next episode

In the next episode we will look at construction - how new JSON output data can be generated from input data.

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hpr4226 :: JAMBOREE and Taco Bell!

SOC Fortress CoPilot / Velociraptor / Wazuh and Taco Bell Quesadilla Sauce!

Hosted by operat0r on 2024-10-14 is flagged as Explicit and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
cooking, hacking. general. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:18:42 : SOCFortress CoPilot / Velociraptor / Wazuh

Copycat Taco Bell Quesadilla Sauce

5 minutes

5 minutes

½ cup mayonnaise
½ cup sour cream
3 Tablespoons pickled jalapeno juice (from a jar of pickled jalapenos)
3 Tablespoons pickled jalapenos (diced)
2 teaspoon paprika
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon garlic granules
1 teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon salt (or to taste)
½ teaspoon chili powder

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hpr4225 :: Chewing the rag with Kristoff and Ken

Kristoff Bonne ON1ARF and Ken Fallon PA7KEN chat about HAM and Hackers

Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on 2024-10-11 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
FOSDEM, HAM. HAM radio. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:52:55

Known in the Hacker world as the Ham Radio Guy at FOSDEM, Kristoff Bonne ON1ARF, and Ken Fallon PA7KEN/G5KEN sit down to discuss "vergrijzing, changing attitudes, and increasing participation in the Amateur Radio Community."

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hpr4224 :: Auto shop interaction

Archer72 rambles about an experience in a Wal-Mart oil change shop

Thumbnail of Archer72
Hosted by Archer72 on 2024-10-10 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
AutoMaintenance, AutoShop. general. 1.

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:06:54

Archer72 rambles about an experience in a Wal-Mart oil change shop, and a positive interaction with a customer there.

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hpr4223 :: Movie review of The Artifice Girl

Sgoti butchers a movie review of The Artifice Girl

Thumbnail of Some Guy On The Internet
Hosted by Some Guy On The Internet on 2024-10-09 is flagged as Clean and released under a CC-BY-SA license.
MovieReview, LinuxLUGcastz. general. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:34:27

Movie review of The Artifice Girl

Sgoti butchers a movie review of The Artifice Girl

  • Tags: movie review, LinuxLUGcastz

Welcome to Episode 237 the LinuxLUGcastz

The Artifice Girl

The Artifice Girl is a 2022 science fiction psychological thriller written and directed by Franklin Ritch, produced by Aaron B. Koontz and released direct to VOD. It stars Tatum Matthews, Sinda Nichols, David Girard, Lance Henriksen, and Franklin Ritch. NGO agents discover a revolutionary Artificial intelligence (AI) computer program that uses a digital child to catch online predators, it advances far more rapid than they could have imagined, posing unforeseen challenges for the relationship between humans and AI.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Previous five weeks

hpr4222 :: Replacing backup batteries in my Kenwood TS940S HF Radio Part 5 hosted by MrX

2024-10-08. 00:16:09. Explicit. HAM radio.
Amateur, Radio, DIY, repair, electronics, soldering.

Part 5 deals with the removal of the original 40 year old PLL backup battery.

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4221 :: HPR Community News for September 2024 hosted by HPR Volunteers

2024-10-07. 01:10:21. Explicit. HPR Community News.
Community News.

HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in September 2024

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4220 :: How Doctor Who Began hosted by Ahuka

2024-10-04. 00:14:37. Clean. Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Science fiction, Doctor Who, William Hartnell.

A look at the very first serial of Doctor Who

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4219 :: Black diamond head lamp and other gear hosted by Some Guy On The Internet

2024-10-03. 00:24:16. Clean. general.
headlamp, backpack.

Sgoti talks about using his head lamp and backpack during his day job

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4218 :: Crazy Battery Story hosted by Swift110

2024-10-02. 00:08:37. Clean. general.
batteries, remote control, tv.

Got the wrong batteries and had to walk to get the right ones

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4217 :: Episode 2 - Dirt Simple Photo Gallery hosted by hairylarry

2024-10-01. 00:09:45. Clean. Programming 101.
programming, plaintext, gallery, images, photos.

Dirt Simple Photo Gallery put me on the path to Plain Text Programs

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4216 :: Down the rabbit hole. hosted by Some Guy On The Internet

2024-09-30. 00:31:03. Explicit. general.
Good Samaritan laws, Duty to rescue.

Sgoti talks about Good Samaritan laws. Good Heavens!

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4215 :: My home lab hosted by Lee

2024-09-27. 00:15:10. Clean. general.
homelab, server, self-hosting.

About setting up a rack mounted home lab

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4214 :: Making Waves Day 2 hosted by Ken Fallon

2024-09-26. 00:36:39. Clean. general.
M17, OpenRTX, RF-Swift, VLF, trx-control.

The Hallway track from Spectrum24 day 2

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4213 :: Making Waves Day 1 hosted by Ken Fallon

2024-09-25. 00:38:51. Clean. Interviews.
IARU, F4KLO, F4GOH, Meshcom, Satdump.

The Hallway track from Spectrum24 day 1

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4212 :: Replacing backup batteries in my Kenwood TS940S HF Radio Part 4 hosted by MrX

2024-09-24. 00:20:09. Explicit. HAM radio.
Amateur, Radio, DIY, repair, electronics, soldering.

Part 4 deals with getting access to the PLL backup battery.

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4211 :: Rapid Fire 1 hosted by operat0r

2024-09-23. 00:18:03. Explicit. general.

Neuro diverse TV/Movies, DIY Liquid Conductive paint, cold hands / feet, Linux CPU info apps

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4210 :: Playing Civilization IV, Part 1 hosted by Ahuka

2024-09-20. 00:15:14. Clean. Computer Strategy Games.
Computer games, strategy games, Civilization IV.

We start our dive into the mechanics of this game

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4209 :: HPR New Years Eve Show 2023 - 24 ep 8 hosted by Honkeymagoo

2024-09-19. 01:18:42. Explicit. general.
new years, linux, community..

The HPR community comes together to converse

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4208 :: 01 Plain Text Programs hosted by hairylarry

2024-09-18. 00:05:43. Clean. Programming 101.
programming, plaintext.

Plain Text Programs-what they are-what they do-why they're good-and why they're not for everything

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4207 :: Re: The Kindle/Kobo Open Reader (KOReader) hosted by dnt

2024-09-17. 00:08:38. Clean. general.
koreader, kindle, ebooks, epub.

A response to hpr1949, about the KOReader

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4206 :: New to GNU/Linux resources. hosted by Some Guy On The Internet

2024-09-16. 00:28:21. Clean. general.
New to Linux, documentation.

Sgoti talks about resources for new Linux users.

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4205 :: Trollercoasting almost getting a heart attack hosted by Trollercoaster

2024-09-13. 00:04:41. Clean. general.
Software Freedom Day, Community, Activism, Drama, Troll.

Trollercoaster interacts with the Community News Summary of August 2024

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4204 :: LibreOffice Importing External Data hosted by gemlog

2024-09-12. 00:02:44. Clean. LibreOffice.
External_Links, LibreOffice_Calc.

It's how to use the normal menu items to make online tabular data easier to use.

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4203 :: Setup DuckDNS on a Raspberry Pi hosted by Kevie

2024-09-11. 00:17:16. Clean. general.
Dynamic DNS, Raspberry Pi, remote access, Linux.

Kevie discusses Dynamic DNS and how to setup DuckDNS on a Raspberry Pi

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4202 :: Replacing backup batteries in my Kenwood HF Radio Part 3 hosted by MrX

2024-09-10. 00:18:30. Explicit. HAM radio.
Amateur, Radio, DIY, repair, electronics, soldering.

Part 3 deals with the replacement of the clock backup battery on my TS-940S

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4201 :: Today I learnt (2024-08-23) hosted by Dave Morriss

2024-09-09. 00:21:41. Explicit. Today I Learnt.
TIL, date, paste.

Some random technical items this time

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4200 :: Intro to Doctor Who hosted by Ahuka

2024-09-06. 00:18:48. Clean. Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Science fiction, Doctor Who, TV, movies.

An introduction to one of my favorites, Doctor Who

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4199 :: HPR New Years Eve Show 2023 - 24 ep 7 hosted by Honkeymagoo

2024-09-05. 01:59:39. Explicit. general.
new years, linux, community..

The HPR community comes together to converse

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4198 :: Are hobbies pathological? hosted by Lee

2024-09-04. 00:12:35. Explicit. How I got into tech.
retro-computing, mental health, role-playing.

Personal reflections on hobbies, obsessive interests and mental health

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4197 :: After 5 years away, OggCamp is back in 2024! hosted by Ken Fallon

2024-09-03. 00:18:03. Clean. general.
OggCamp, Manchester, BarCamp..

Ken interviews Gary Williams about rebooting the OggCamp meetup

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4196 :: HPR Community News for August 2024 hosted by HPR Volunteers

2024-09-02. 01:21:54. Explicit. HPR Community News.
Community News.

HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in August 2024

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format.

hpr4195 :: Hacking HPR Hosts hosted by Ken Fallon

2024-08-30. 00:36:25. Clean. general.
HPR, Queue, Scheduling, Buffering.

Social Engineering more contributions to HPR by picking when to publish your show

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hpr4194 :: Get more user space on your Linux filesystem with tune2fs hosted by Deltaray

2024-08-29. 00:04:56. Clean. general.
cli, command line, linux, filesystems, sysadmin.

How to use the tune2fs program to reduce the reserved block percentage value

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hpr4193 :: Why I haven't recorded an episode for HPR hosted by thelovebug

2024-08-28. 00:12:00. Clean. Podcasting HowTo.
hpr, auphonic, audacity, walking, heavy breathing.

Dave records an episode for HPR explaining why he hasn't recorded an episode for HPR.

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