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hpr4274 :: The Wreck - I'm alright!

Archer72 talks about his car wreck and people he has met along the way.

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Thumbnail of Archer72
Hosted by Archer72 on Thursday, 2024-12-19 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
car, accident, medical, prosthetics, kmag, accessibility, wifi, termux. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:16:31


What happened?

  • The way I saw it, along with police officers

Recording the wreck

  • Axet Audio Recorder
    • "This is not paid off..."
    • "I think I broke it"
    • "I was just trying to get home"

Medical technology

  • Implant
    • 400mm x 11mm Titanium rod
  • Wikipedia

Intramedullary_rod - Wikipedia

  • Intramedullary nail
  • First used in World War II
  • This aids healing and mobility in a short amount of time

Other medical technology


Realistic skin prosthetics

Realistic skin prosthetics - Steepler Group

Leg covers

Decorative Leg covers

Virtual library

Virtual library - O & P Library

Physical Therapy Gym

  • Adjustable bed/mat
  • Stretches
  • Hand bike
  • Stairs
  • Adjustable car mock-up


Hacking the WiFi

  • Questionable if I really disturbed the WiFi

Nmap IP Addresses

Broken wifi - Picture 1

Broken wifi - Picture 2


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