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hpr2549 :: DVD ripping using old hardware

How I put an older machine and a little cash to repurpose it.

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Thumbnail of Archer72
Hosted by Archer72 on Thursday, 2018-05-10 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
ripping, movies, hardware, repurpose. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:05:14
Download the transcription and subtitles.


  1. Had a tower with a bad motherboard.
  2. Wife found one at the Savers (Goodwill) for $8
  3. Board worked, but had no video
  4. Bought a 8mb video card for $10
  5. Power supply fan seized, $10,
    • Got a warning about danger of opening up a power supply.
  6. Distro should be on a USB key, and run headless
    • Easy way to back up the system
  7. Had Arch installed, no 32 bit support after end of 2017
  8. Installed Slackware, only working distribution for my hardware
    • Found it useful to have a script to chroot from the install media to the Slackware install.
    • Added a boot delay to mkinitrc for usb, otherwise it would boot with a message about not finding /mnt in /etc/fstab
  9. Set up ssh with alternative port
  10. Installed mplayer and tmux, and ripit with sbopkg
    • Mplayer to rip streams for movies and shows
    • Tmux is my favorite for resuming from a different PC or mobile
  11. Needed a way to rip any media regardless of encryption
    • Only need libdvdcss to read
    • Includes Disney (Star Wars, Tron)
  12. CD ripping was a bonus
    • Ripit to rip CDs
  13. Scripts are on Github

  1. Happy ripping!


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Comment #1 posted on 2018-05-30 19:55:35 by Klaatu


Nice to hear Slackware 32-bit still coming in useful. I don't mind that so many Linux distros are discarding 32-bit as long as somebody keeps it around, because while 32-bit hardware is fading, there's still a LOT of it out there.

Comment #2 posted on 2018-09-04 15:16:27 by archer72

Change to code location

Code for this episode is now at

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