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hpr2550 :: Howto get started playing RPGs

Lostnbronx and Klaatu tag-team an intro to tabletop role-playing games [RPG]

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Hosted by Klaatu on Friday, 2018-05-11 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
rpg, intro, howto, tutorial, dnd, pathfinder, opend6, ogl. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:25:19
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Tabletop Gaming.

In this series, initiated by klaatu, analog games of various sorts are described and reviewed. See for details.

Have you ever wanted to start playing a tabletop RPG, but weren't sure where to start? In this one-hour episode, Lostnbronx and Klaatu introduce you to role-playing games, including what you need to have in order to get started, how to build a character, what a game session is like, and how to find other people to play with.

Some resources mentioned in this episode:

  • The easy way in: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Player's Handbook

  • A collection of free RPG systems Brent P. Newhall's Musæum of Fantastic Wonders

  • The OpenD6 system is a free and open and very flexible game using only standard 6-sided die

  • is a good, albeit dated, introduction to RPG modules and gameplay in general. It won't exactly fit anything you play, but reading it through might clarify how a typical game works (and actually it's pretty easy to adapt into a modern game like Pathfinder or D&D, if you want.).

  • Klaatu has a weekly podcast called Chronicles & Commons, wherein he talks about fantasy [Creative Commons and public domain] folklore in the context of RPG gaming (which in turn is discussed in context of storytelling).


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Comment #1 posted on 2018-05-22 18:56:16 by redrider06

Howto get started playing RPGs

I started participating in RPGs several months ago but did none of the things mentioned in this presentation prior to actually playing the game.

My GM took the small gathering of curious gamesters through a couple of relatively short scenarios/stories which kept the interest up and the mechanics of everything mentioned in this podcast at a double arm’s length away. We didn’t know it then but it kept us focused on the game rather than too many details of characters. Sure, we still built characters but it was a very abbreviated process. Not until some months and many game sessions later did I actually do my own research and discovered parts of what this podcast brings together very succinctly. And now that I know a bit more about the whole process, this podcast is all the more interesting.

Lostnbronx and Klaatu have done a splendid job of laying out a very understandable and approachable process for those curious about taking part in an RPG. (The sound production was stellar too.) Well done, gentlemen.

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