In-Depth Series: Accessibility
- Number of episodes: 21
- Open/closed: open
- Date of earliest show: 2008-04-25
- Date of latest show: 2024-08-21
- Series RSS feeds: ogg, spx, mp3
hpr4188 :: Re: HPR4172 Comment by Ken Fallon hosted by Archer72
Archer72 responds to Ken's comment on HPR4172 with hopefully enough detail
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4172 :: Re: hpr4072 Piper voice synthesis hosted by Archer72
Archer72 demonstrates using the /opt directory for the Piper executables.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4072 :: Piper text to speech engine hosted by Archer72
Archer72 talks about Piper TTS using a Piper voice
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3574 :: Local Talking Newspapers hosted by Lee
Recordings of Local News for the Blind and Visually Impaired
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hpr2309 :: Crowdsourcing Accessibility hosted by Jon Kulp
A show about my efforts to get lots of students to help correct transcriptions of my online lectures
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hpr2094 :: Custom Keystrokes for Desktop Navigation on Gnome hosted by Jon Kulp
I demonstrate how to add custom keystrokes for desktop navigation on classic gnome
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hpr2054 :: Blather Configuration Part 1: Desktop Management hosted by Jon Kulp
Blather Configuration Part 1: Desktop Management
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hpr2039 :: Blather Configuration Part 0: Initial Setup hosted by Jon Kulp
In this episode I walk you through the process of getting blather running for the first time
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hpr1782 :: ChorusText - a Non-visual Text Editor Open Assistive Device Project hosted by kurakura
Introducing ChorusText, a non-visual text editor open assistive device project
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hpr1770 :: The OpenDyslexic Font hosted by Jon Kulp
Introduction to the OpenDyslexic font
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hpr1769 :: A Demonstration of Dictation Software on my Office Computer hosted by Jon Kulp
I record a whole show in dictation mode to demonstrate Dragon dictation software capabilities
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hpr1750 :: xclip, xdotool, xvkbd: 3 CLI Linux tools for RSI sufferers hosted by Jon Kulp
3 command-line tools that save me hundreds of keystrokes a day.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr1686 :: Interview with Joel Gibbard of OpenHand hosted by Steve Bickle
An interview with Joel Gibbard founder of the prize winning Openhand project
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hpr1561 :: How I got into Accessible Computing hosted by Mike Ray
How I got into Accessible Computing including definition of 'accessible'
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hpr1406 :: ORCA fundraiser hosted by Ahuka
Ahuka talks to Jonathan Nadeau about the campaign to improve the Orca Screen Reader
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hpr1264 :: Open Accessibility: Interview with Steve Lee hosted by Ken Fallon
Ken Catches up with Steve Lee just before he gave his talk on Open Accessability.
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hpr1102 :: Speech Impediments hosted by DoorToDoorGeek
In this episode Door shares with us life with a speech impediment
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hpr959 :: The Orca Screen Reader hosted by Various Hosts
Joanmarie Diggs' talk from NELF about the Orca Screen Reader
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hpr706 :: What to do when confronted with a blind person hosted by Jonathan Nadeau
Some advice for sighted people when encountering a blind person
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hpr697 :: Aaron Seigo on accessibility in KDE. An outtake from Frostcast Episode 36. hosted by Jonathan Nadeau
Aaron Seigo, KDE Developer, talks about accessibility in KDE
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hpr84 :: Phone interview with Kajarii: Linux for the blind user hosted by Dave Yates
Kajarii: Linux for the blind user