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hpr1686 :: Interview with Joel Gibbard of OpenHand

An interview with Joel Gibbard founder of the prize winning Openhand project

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Hosted by Steve Bickle on Monday, 2015-01-19 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Open Source, Robotics, 3D Printing. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:26:59
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Shows about tearing down the barriers for our fellow hackers.

This show is an interview with Joel Gibbard founder of the OpenHand project. The interview was recorded on my phone which unfortunately created a few glitches. I've cleaned the audio up as best I can. Although frustrating, the occasional glitches have not caused anything to be missed that cannot be inferred from the context of the recording.

photo of the hand

After creating an artificial hand for his degree project Joel Gibbard wanted to continue the work on the hand with the goal of producing a workable prosthetic hand for $1000, so he launched the OpenHand project with a succesful IndieGoGo fundraiser. In this interview we learn more about the Dextrus hand, the project's progress to date, and hear of Joel's vision of affordable prosthetics for amputees worldwide.

For a short 4 minute introduction to the project see Joel's video at

The openhand designs and more information are available at


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