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hpr1782 :: ChorusText - a Non-visual Text Editor Open Assistive Device Project

Introducing ChorusText, a non-visual text editor open assistive device project

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Hosted by kurakura on Tuesday, 2015-06-02 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
ChorusText, text editor, Arduino, pcDuino, eSpeak, Mary TTS, Maker Faire Singapore 2015. 3.

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Duration: 00:17:31
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Comment #1 posted on 2015-06-02 09:52:20 by Mike Ray


Sounds like a great project. I have one nagging question which sprang out at me when the sliders were mentioned...

What happens when the document is many hundreds of lines in length? do you need to move the line slider 0.000000001 millimetre to get to the next line? How does that work.

Overall sounds like an exciting project

Comment #2 posted on 2015-06-02 17:22:33 by Jon Kulp

Awesome in Many Ways

It's hard to know where to begin to say how awesome this project is. It's brilliant in concept, effective in its execution, and it seems to be something that would really help visually-impaired users deal with text, especially when doing CODE, where you have to scroll through fiddly bits looking for curly braces, semicolons and the like. Apart from that, it's just really freaking cool. I encourage anyone who has not done so to go watch the video demonstrations. It's the kind of thing I would like to try to build myself just for the fun of it. Absolutely awesome, thanks for sharing, and please do more episodes for us!

Comment #3 posted on 2015-06-08 10:44:08 by Mike Ray

Smashing the monopoly of commercial gadgetry

If sighted folks knew how much companies charge for similar portable gadgetry aimed at blind people they'd be shocked.

Companies always quote R&D costs of bringing a product to market for a very small market as the justification for charging $4000 for a portable Braille note-taker. Open Source and the hacker community are slowly going to crack this monopoly.

If I could still see to solder I would be building one of these.

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