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Long time listener of HPR, drawn to Linux in 2008, because of the accessibility features (Orca, font size and mouse pointer customizability) which I continue to use daily until today, now plus the screen magnifier.

Lately, started work on ChorusText, a device built with Arduino, Linux SBC and some sliders, and text-to-speech - an open assistive device for users with visual impairment. The main goal for ChorusText is as a non-visual text editor. Plase see for more details


hpr1782 :: ChorusText - a Non-visual Text Editor Open Assistive Device Project

Tuesday, 2015-06-02. 00:17:31. Explicit. Accessibility.
ChorusText, text editor, Arduino, pcDuino, eSpeak, Mary TTS, Maker Faire Singapore 2015.

Introducing ChorusText, a non-visual text editor open assistive device project

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