hpr3845 :: Using tmux, the terminal multiplexer Overview
Archer72 uses tmux and restores sessions between reboots
Hosted by Archer72 on Friday, 2023-04-28 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
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Using tmux, the terminal multiplexer on multiple machines
- Terminal is ROXTerm
- Uncheck 'Show Menubar'
What is Tmux?
Getting started
Tmux Getting Started page on Github
Tmux Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference
Basic .tmux.conf
set -g prefix C-a
unbind C-b
bind C-a send-prefix
setw -g window-status-activity-style "fg=colour27,bg=colour234,none"
Remote .tmux.conf
set -g prefix C-f
unbind C-b
bind C-f send-prefix
setw -g window-status-activity-style "fg=colour27,bg=colour234,none"
Start tmux
tmux a -d
- Split pane horizontal - Prefix + %
- Split pane vertical - Prefix + "
Tmux resurrect
Key bindings
prefix + Ctrl-s - save
prefix + Ctrl-r - restore
This plugin goes to great lengths to save and restore all the details from your tmux environment. Here's what's been taken care of:
- all sessions, windows, panes and their order
- current working directory for each pane
- exact pane layouts within windows (even when zoomed)
- active and alternative session
- active and alternative window for each session
- windows with focus
- active pane for each window
- "grouped sessions" (useful feature when using tmux with multiple monitors)
- programs running within a pane! More details in the restoring programs doc.
- restoring vim and neovim sessions
- restoring pane contents
- restoring a previously saved environment
Installing TPM (Tmux Plugin Manager) , Tmux Resurrect and Tmux Continuum
- In ~/.tmux/plugins/
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm.git
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect.git
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum.git
- In a tmux window
prefix + I
Installs new plugins from GitHub or any other git repository
Refreshes TMUX environment
Create a directory ~/.tmux/resurrect/
- This is where tmux-resurrect and tmux-continuum saves are located
- Do nothing and tmux-continuum saves automatically every 15 mins
- At any time use
Prefix + Ctrl-s
to save a snapshot of your session - To restore a session to the last save before a reboot
- use
Prefix + Ctrl-s
- use
Here are the steps to restore to a previous point in time:
- make sure you start this with a "fresh" tmux instance
- $ cd
- locate the save file you'd like to use for restore (file names have a stamp)
- symlink the last file to the desired save file: $
ln -sf <file_name> last
- do a restore with tmux-resurrect key:
Prefix + Ctrl-r
Tmux on laptop
Tmux on remote machine