Some Guy On The Internet
: 391
- Mastodon: - Matrix: - Mumble ( SGOTI - All messages, created by SGOTI, published on the Social Media platforms: Mastodon, Matrix, and Mumble are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA).
hpr4327 :: Chatting with Sgoti
Sgoti talks about SSH and Github.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4307 :: Chat with Sgoti
Sgoti gives a quick update.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4289 :: Welcome Nuudle
Sgoti brings a new friend to the table, kicking and screaming.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4265 :: Drivecasting: arm sleeves, glasses and more.
Sgoti talks about arm sleeves and safety glasses.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4264 :: Mintcast, high crimes and misdemeanors.
Sgoti talks about mintCast episode 450 Crumbling Foundations.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4252 :: Privacy is not hiding
Sgoti argues privacy is not hiding
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hpr4238 :: Snaps are better than flatpaks
Sgoti reminds everyone on the joy of using snap packages.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4223 :: Movie review of The Artifice Girl
Sgoti butchers a movie review of The Artifice Girl
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hpr4219 :: Black diamond head lamp and other gear
Sgoti talks about using his head lamp and backpack during his day job
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hpr4216 :: Down the rabbit hole.
Sgoti talks about Good Samaritan laws. Good Heavens!
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hpr4206 :: New to GNU/Linux resources.
Sgoti talks about resources for new Linux users.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4123 :: KeepassXC Update
Sgoti talks about the KeePassXC 278 release.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4113 :: Today I Learnt, sed hold/pattern space use.
Sgoti talks about using sed hold/pattern spaces.
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hpr4092 :: More man-talk.
Sgoti talks about using bidets and other things. Good heavens!
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hpr4088 :: Today I Learnt more Bash tips
Sgoti talks about supplying options to bash scripts
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hpr4083 :: Drivecast: Man-talk.
Sgoti discusses men's issues, while driving.
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hpr4081 :: The Oh No! News.
Sgoti gives us some moral panic ridden pearl clutching nonsense.
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hpr4069 :: Passwords and Bitwarden news.
Sgoti talks about passwords and Bitwarden.
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hpr4032 :: Drive Casting: an opinion on advertising
Sgoti gives his opinion on advertising, while driving.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4029 :: The product.
Good Heavens, it's secret hat time with Sgoti.
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hpr4015 :: Value of life, part 0.
Wear your secret hat. Sgoti talks about putting a dollar value on a human life.
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hpr4012 :: RE: show comments.
Sgoti replies to a comment or two.
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hpr4008 :: Sextortion. Good Heavens!
Sgoti talks about sextortion.
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hpr4005 :: Sgoti's reply to multiple shows.
Sgoti replies to a few HPR Shows.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr4003 :: My road recording setup
Sgoti swerves around the city while recording an episode.
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hpr3997 :: The Oh No! News.
Sgoti talks about Malware distributed via Google's Dynamic Ads and more.
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hpr3987 :: The Grim Dawn
Sgoti rambles about a video game called Grim Dawn.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3984 :: Whoppers. How Archer72 and I made moonshine. Volume one.
Sgoti assists Archer72 with his crazy plan to make moonshine.
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hpr3978 :: Driving in Virginia.
Sgoti talks about driving in the state of Virginia.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3972 :: Thunderbird inbox filtering: keeping a clean/orderly inbox.
Sgoti talks about filtering your inbox.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3971 :: RERERE: How to make friends.
Sgoti and Mugs chat with friends about how to make friends on the internet.
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hpr3966 :: Vim Hints: 006
Various contributors lead us on a journey of discovery of the Vim (and vi) editors.
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hpr3961 :: RERE: How to make friends.
Sgoti and Mugs Up chat about, "How to make friends womans edition".
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hpr3957 :: The Oh No! News.
Sgoti talks about investment and recovery scams.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3946 :: Planning for a planner, part 02.
Sgoti and Bumble Bee discuss discbound planners, agendas, ink pens and more.
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hpr3942 :: RE: How to make friends.
Sgoti replies to Klaatu's show, "How to make friends."
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3933 :: Planning for a planner.
Sgoti and Bumble Bee discuss discbound planners, agendas, ink pens and more.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3928 :: RE: Klaatu.
Sgoti confuses everyone with bash nonsense.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3923 :: Meal preparation.
Sgoti chats with Bumble Bee about meal preparation.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3906 :: The Oh No! News.
Sgoti discusses the threat of convenience.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3898 :: The Oh No! News.
Sgoti talks about internet scams.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3888 :: KeePassXC recent CVE
Sgoti talks about KeePassXC's security model and a recent CVE.
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hpr3877 :: KeePass X.C. audit review.
Sgoti discusses the Keepass X.C. audit by Zaur Molotnikov
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hpr3872 :: Sgoti update with replies.
Sgoti talks about the Oh No News and replies to a few HPR shows.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3868 :: News.
Sgoti reports the recent FBI criminal reports and other news.
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hpr3858 :: The Oh No! News.
Sgoti talks about Toyota's data leak and more, on the Oh No! News.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3848 :: Editing Thunderbird email filters using vim.
Sgoti uses vim sessions to quickly edit his email filters.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3841 :: The Oh No! News.
Sgoti and Bumble bee discusses U.S. Marshals Service Ransomware attack and more.
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hpr3831 :: Introducing Bumble Bee.
Some Guy On the Internet chats with a friend, Bumble Bee.
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hpr3828 :: The Oh No! News.
Oh No! News, is Good News.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3821 :: The Oh No! News.
Oh No! News, is Good News.
Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.
hpr3817 :: The Oh No! News.
Oh No! News, is Good News.
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hpr3793 :: RE: Zen_Floater2
GOD probably will use a Chromebook.
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hpr3769 :: Crouching laptop, hidden server (part 0).
Virtualized battlegrounds.
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hpr3759 :: Chatting with dnt.
Small talk on SBCs and free software.
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hpr3757 :: Career changes.
Chatting about recent career changes
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hpr3743 :: HPR News
News for the Community, by the Community.
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hpr3733 :: Smite
The battleground of the gods.
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hpr3723 :: HPR News
News for the Community, by the Community.
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hpr3719 :: HPR News
InfoSec; the language of security.
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hpr3715 :: Secret hat conversations, Part 2.
Twin Tin Hats, feat. archer72.
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hpr3714 :: The News with Some Guy On the Internet
Threat Analysis
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hpr3664 :: Secret hat conversations
You'll need your tin hat for this one.
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hpr3657 :: Small time sysadmin
How I maintain my Linux Box, Part One.
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hpr3622 :: My Network Setup.
How I've Constructed My Home Network.
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hpr3585 :: Freedom of speech in open source, Part 2.
Freedom has a cost.
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hpr3553 :: Freedom of speech in open source
Is it free speech if you have to leave?
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hpr3547 :: Password Managers
How I manage password security.
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hpr3423 :: "" my "dump.txt" to ""
I upgraded my scripts.
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hpr3357 :: My terminal journey, part 02.
Becoming terminal friendly.
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hpr3353 :: My terminal journey, part 01.
Becoming terminal friendly.
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hpr3308 :: let's talk about Thunderbird
Using Thunderbird to manage emails.
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hpr3298 :: Poisoning The Well
Shutdown the negativity in our community.
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hpr3282 :: HP Laptop with AMD Ryzen 3 Mobile with Radeon Graphics
I talk about the specs of the laptop and a brief upgrade.
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hpr3273 :: Embrace Firefox
That's Our Browser!
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hpr3272 :: In GNU/Linux, there is no "diversity", we're all just data.
How I experienced GNU/Linux and the topic of "diversity".