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hpr3423 :: "" my "dump.txt" to ""

I upgraded my scripts.

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Thumbnail of Some Guy On The Internet
Hosted by Some Guy On The Internet on 2021-09-15 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Bash Scripting, sed, awk, xargs, markdown, notes. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:37:58

general. my dump.txt to


  • Upgrade your system and store stdout into a markdown file.

FILENAME=sys-upgrade$(date +%m-%d-%Y).md

# step 1: formatting.
echo -e "# **System Upgrade:** $(date)\n" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "**Command:** \`sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade --yes\`\n" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "**Command Breakdown:**" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "- \`sudo\`, Admin Privilages." \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "- \`apt-get\`, Package Manager." \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "- \`update;\`, Package Manager's task; update the system software repositories." \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "- \`sudo apt-get upgrade\`, Perform system upgrade with updated repositories." \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "- \`--yes\`, Answers yes to the prompt." \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

# step 2: run commands with formatting.
echo -e "\n**Command std-output:**\n" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\`\`\`" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
    echo $(date) \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

sudo apt-get update \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\n# System update completed.\n" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

sudo apt-get upgrade --yes \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\n# System upgrade completed.\n" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\`\`\`\n" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

# step 3: additional details with more formatting.
echo -e "**Upgraded Package Details:**\n" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\`\`\`" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

PKGLIST=$(sed -n "/The following packages will be upgraded:/,/^.. upgraded/p" ${FILENAME} \
    | sed '1d;$d' | xargs -n 1 | sed '/:i386$/d') \

PKGCACHE=$(echo -e "${PKGLIST}\n" \
    | xargs -n1 -I _ apt-cache search _)
echo "${PKGCACHE}" > ${DIRECTORY}delete.txt

echo "${PKGLIST}" \
    | xargs -n 1 -I _ echo "sed -n '/^_ /p'" "${DIRECTORY}delete.txt" \
    | bash | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME};

echo -e "\`\`\`" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

rm -v ${DIRECTORY}delete.txt;

# step 4: place EOF (end of file).
    sed -i '/EOF/d' ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

Script breakdown:

  • First, we declare bash as our shell with #!/bin/bash. We could also use #!/bin/sh for a more portable script.

  • I like to paste the name of the script we're working on into the script itself #

  • Setup a couple of variables to shorten the syntax.

FILENAME=sys-upgrade$(date +%m-%d-%Y).md
  • # step 1: formatting.
    • Build labels and a short breakdown of the update/upgrade commands used.
echo -e "# **System Upgrade:** $(date)\n" \                                                    <-- formatting: label with date.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file
echo -e "**Command:** \`sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade --yes\`\n" \                 <-- formatting: command label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file
echo -e "**Command Breakdown:**" \                                                             <-- formatting: label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file
echo -e "- \`sudo\`, Admin Privilages." \                                                      <-- formatting: label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file
echo -e "- \`apt-get\`, Package Manager." \                                                    <-- formatting: label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file
echo -e "- \`update;\`, Package Manager's task; update the system software repositories." \    <-- formatting: label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file
echo -e "- \`sudo apt-get upgrade\`, Perform system upgrade with updated repositories." \      <-- formatting: label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file
echo -e "- \`--yes\`, Answers yes to the prompt." \                                            <-- formatting: label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           <-- path/to/file
  • # step 2: run commands with formatting.,
    • Setup labels and an area for the stdout to be store with markdown formatting.
    • We place the time and date into the stdout area then run the commands.
echo -e "\n**Command std-output:**\n" \                                                        <-- formatting: label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\`\`\`" \                                                                             <-- formatting: markdown.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
    echo $(date) \                                                                             <-- command: date.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

sudo apt-get update \                                                                          <-- command: update.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\n# System update completed.\n" \                                                     <-- formatting: label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

sudo apt-get upgrade --yes \                                                                   <-- command: upgrade with "--yes" option.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\n# System upgrade completed.\n" \                                                    <-- formatting: label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\`\`\`\n" \                                                                           <-- formatting: markdown.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
  • # step 3: additional details with more formatting.,
    • List the packages that were upgraded with details from system cache.
echo -e "**Upgraded Package Details:**\n" \                                                    <-- formatting: label.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\`\`\`" \                                                                             <-- formatting: markdown.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

PKGLIST=$(sed -n "/The following packages will be upgraded:/,/^.. upgraded/p" ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME} \  <--| variable with list of packages within it.
    | sed '1d;$d' | xargs -n 1 | sed '/:i386$/d') \                                            <--| sed: filter the first and last lines then remove the :i386 duplicate packages.

PKGCACHE=$(echo -e "${PKGLIST}\n" \                                                            <--| variable with massive apt-cache search results.
    | xargs -n1 -I _ apt-cache search _)                                                       <--| xargs runs the PKGLIST (the _ is the value of PKGLIST) into the apt-cache search.
echo "${PKGCACHE}" > ${DIRECTORY}delete.txt                                                    <--| I had to put the PKGCACHE in a file. I couldn't get sed to filter a variable (yet).

echo "${PKGLIST}" \                                                                            <--| use that PKGLIST to create a few sed commands to filter the file called "delete.txt".
    | xargs -n 1 -I _ echo "sed -n '/^_ /p'" "${DIRECTORY}delete.txt" \                        ^--| xargs is used to create the sed commands.
    | bash | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME};                                                   <--| run the sed commands through bash then store them.

echo -e "\`\`\`" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

rm -v ${DIRECTORY}delete.txt;                                                                  <--| use rm to delete the file called "delete.txt" it has the apt-cache search results in it.
PKGLIST=                                                                                       <--| empty the variable. why? why not!
PKGCACHE=                                                                                      <--| empty the variable. why? why not!
  • # step 4: place EOF (end of file).,
    • Add EOF (END OF FILE) to the end of the file. If one is already there, -
    • it's removed then replaced in the correct position.
    sed -i '/EOF/d' ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                    <--| search for EOF then remove it. we don't want multiple EOF if we run the script multiple times in the same day.
echo "EOF" >> ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                          ^--| adds the EOF (End Of File) at the end of the file.  I read it was a nice thing to do.
#EOF                                                                                           <--| Yep. it's there.

SYNOPSIS: "command" "filename"

  • example: "ls -lhA" "basic-list"
  • make markdown notes of your commands.
# "command" "filename" no extentions.

# variables
FILENAME=$2$(date +%m-%d-%Y).md

# step 1: create file with formatting.
echo -e "# **Command:** \` $1 \`\n" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "**Command Breakdown:**" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo "$1" | tr " " '\n' \
    | awk '{ print "- `" $0 "`, info." }' \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

# step 2: run command with more formatting.
echo -e "\n**Command std-output:**" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\`\`\`\n$(date)" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

echo $1 | bash \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

echo -e "\`\`\`" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

echo -ne "\n${FILENAME} has been updated $(date)."

# step 3: insert EOF (End Of File).

Script breakdown:

  • First, we declare bash as our shell with #!/bin/bash. We could also use #!/bin/sh for a more portable script.

  • I like to paste the name of the script we're working on into the script itself #

  • Setup a couple of variables to shorten the syntax.

FILENAME=$2$(date +%m-%d-%Y).md                                                                <--| the "$2" is the second user input (file name) from the commandline.
  • # step 1: create file with formatting.
    • Build labels for Command Name with a short breakdown of the command(s) used.
    • Note: the breakdown must be entered manually.
echo -e "# **Command:** \` $1 \`\n" \                                                          <--| the "$1" is the first user input (the command) from the commandline.
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "**Command Breakdown:**" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo "$1" | tr " " '\n' \                                                                      <--| This just breaks the command into parts then adds some markdown formatting for use to add -
    | awk '{ print "- `" $0 "`, info." }' \                                                    ^--| details to later. I just added the word info so you know to provide info about the command. -
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}                                                           ^--| the formatting gets a bit crazy if you use something like: awk {' print $1 $2 $3 '} path/to/file;  each space becomes a newline with the markdown formatting.
  • # step 2: run command with more formatting.
    • Echo the Command into bash with markdown formatting for stdout.
echo -e "\n**Command std-output:**" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}
echo -e "\`\`\`\n$(date)" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

echo $1 | bash \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

echo -e "\`\`\`" \
    | tee -a ${DIRECTORY}${FILENAME}

echo -ne "\n${FILENAME} has been updated $(date)."
  • # step 3: insert EOF (End Of File).
    • Add EOF (END OF FILE) to the end of the file. If one is already there, -
    • it's removed then replaced in the correct position.

Correspondent: Some Guy On The Internet.
Host ID: 391


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Comment #1 posted on 2021-09-15 21:23:22 by Trey

Great work

Thank you for sharing episodes like these. Not only is the information you present valuable, but sharing your thought process helps provide context, as well as a launch point for others to build on.

I encourage you to keep it up, and start using git to manage and share your code and comments.

PS. I still dispise markdown. :)

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