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hpr4069 :: Passwords and Bitwarden news.

Sgoti talks about passwords and Bitwarden.

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Thumbnail of Some Guy On The Internet
Hosted by Some Guy On The Internet on Thursday, 2024-03-07 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Bitwarden, Passwords, News. 1.

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Duration: 00:12:02
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Passwords and Bitwarden news.

Sgoti talks about passwords and Bitwarden.

Highly requested by the Bitwarden community, the new inline autofill menu greatly enhances the user experience, enabling users to fill login credentials faster than ever. Extensive third-party penetration testing was conducted to identify security gaps prior to release.

Passkeys prevent the reuse of passwords across services or platforms because they are created uniquely to each user and service. Thanks to encrypted authentication protocols like WebAuthn, passkeys offer protection against phishing attacks, one of the most common initiation points for breaches and ransomware attacks.


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-03-10 00:58:00 by Deltaray

Thanks for the shout out

Nice show, I liked how you explained your categorization of the risk levels for your accounts. Glad to hear you liked my show, I'll try to make some more security related shows.

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