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hpr4032 :: Drive Casting: an opinion on advertising

Sgoti gives his opinion on advertising, while driving.

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Thumbnail of Some Guy On The Internet
Hosted by Some Guy On The Internet on Tuesday, 2024-01-16 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Drivecast, advertising, marketing. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:14:56
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Drive Casting: an opinion on advertising

Sgoti gives his opinion on advertising, while driving.

  • Tags: Drive casting, advertising, marketing

  • Source: Advertising

    • Advertising is the practice and techniques employed to bring attention to a product or service. Advertising aims to put a product or service in the spotlight in hopes of drawing it attention from consumers. It is typically used to promote a specific good or service, but there are wide range of uses, the most common being the commercial advertisement.
  • Source: Marketing

    • Marketing is the process of identifying customers and "creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging" goods and services for the satisfaction and retention of those customers. It is one of the primary components of business management and commerce.
  • Source: Consumer

    • A consumer is a person or a group who intends to order, or use purchased goods, products, or services primarily for personal, social, family, household and similar needs, who is not directly related to entrepreneurial or business activities. The term most commonly refers to a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.
  • A duck duck go search result of: you're the product

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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