hpr4123 :: KeepassXC Update
Sgoti talks about the KeePassXC 278 release.
Hosted by Some Guy On The Internet on Wednesday, 2024-05-22 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
KeePassXC 2.7.8 release, Password managers.
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KeepassXC Update
Sgoti talks about the KeePassXC 278 release.
Tags: KeePassXC 2.7.8 release, Password managers
Source: keepassxc: KeePassXC 2.7.8 released
Passkeys are still a fledgling technology, as of this writing, and we are trying to keep pace with the rapid adoption across various websites, in addition to specification refinements. The following is a short list of critical improvements to our passkeys support:
Update an existing passkey or add one to an existing entry Support more specification standards Various UI improvements to dialogs and context menus **Show a warning prior to exporting a passkey**
In addition to bug fixes, we always strive to deliver something useful in each of our updates. For 2.7.8, we have brought forward several awesome features including:
A database setting to allow a delay prior to auto-save Improvements to Bitwarden and 1Password importers Improvements to monospace font display Improve display of dialog buttons on Linux **SSH Agent: don’t auto-load keys that are in the recycle bin**
- Supporting source: github: KeePassXC 2.7.8
Add hotkey for showing search help. Add hotkey for group switching (Ctrl+Shift+PgUp/PgDown). Add per-database auto-save delay setting. Add configurable password strength check on database password. Add setting to hide menubar. Improve Bitwarden 1PUX import and support organization collections. Show advanced settings checkbox only for settings that have them. Remove obsolete setting for requiring repeated password entry. Passkeys: Allow registering Passkeys to existing entries. Passkeys: Show warning about data being unencrypted before Passkey export. Passkeys: Support NFC and USB transports. Passkeys: Pass extension JSON data to browser. SSH Agent: Do not use entries from recycle bin. Linux: Change hotkey sequence used for {CLEARFIELD} Auto-Type. Windows: Improve DACL memory access protection.
Fix crash when deleting history items. Fix crash on screen lock or computer sleep. Fix search field not being focused after unlock. Fix loss of window focus when Auto-Type needs to unlock a database. Fix inconsistent TOTP visibility on unlock. Fix CSV import skipping over single-name groups. Fix key file folder being remembered even if disabled in settings. Fix issues with entry editing and database locking. Fix key file text when provided on command line. Fix issues with hardware key auto detection. Do not override monospace font size. Perform group sort only when group view is in focus. Do not show decimals for attachment sizes in Bytes. Prevent merging of global custom data when merging databases. Fix minor translation issues. Passkeys: Fix StrongBox incompatibility. Passkeys: Set RP ID to effective domain if unset instead of returning an error. Passkeys: Various UI fixes and improvements. AppImage: Fix URL opening. Flatpak: Fix application autostart. Linux/macOS: Fix button sizes on modal alert popups. Linux: Fix clipboard clear on Wayland. Windows: Preserve file-hidden attribute.
Supporting source: keepassxc: Verifying signatures & basic integrity check.
Supporting source: github: KeePassXC – Keyboard Shortcuts.
Supporting source: github: KeePassXC changelog.
Source: wikipedia: Keyboard shortcut.
Supporting source: wikipedia: Table of keyboard shortcuts.
Supporting source: wikipedia: Human interface guidelines.
Supporting source: gnome: GNOME Human Interface Guidelines.
Supporting source: kde: KDE Human Interface Guidelines.
Supporting source: apple: Apple Human Interface Guideline.
- Supporting source: apple: Apple Global App Menu.
- Supporting source: apple: Apple Global App Menu.
The Apple menu, which is always the first item on the leading side of the menu bar, includes system-defined menu items that are always available. You can’t modify or remove the Apple menu. When present in the menu bar, the following menus appear after the Apple menu in the order listed below.
AppName (you supply a short version of your app’s name for this menu’s title) File Edit Format View App-specific menus, if any Window Help
- Source: wikipedia: Old
- Supporting source: archive: Old Yeller (1957).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.