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hpr4023 :: Information Transparency for world peace

An idea based on the New world order ideology and the morality of Edward Snowden.

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Hosted by Ne01sfree on Wednesday, 2024-01-03 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
information, transparency, world, peace. 1.

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Duration: 00:31:54
Download the transcription and subtitles.


I do not know what if any kind of licence I need or where to find one. I made this myself while a little tipsy, and if I hadn't been I would have been too nervous to do so. What can I say it was xmas day and i was feeling lonely.

All material in the podcast was thought of as I recorded. Nothing was planned.

The basis of it came to light after recording it.


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-01-05 11:19:54 by Beeza

Interesting ideas

I like the utopianism of avoiding conflicts by nations not harbouring secrets, but I fear it would not work in practice. Your principle assumes that all governments are fundamentally benign and peaceful and only resort to aggression when threatened or in some other way "wronged" by another nation. Sadly this is not the way of the world.

There are glaring examples today of countries deliberately starting wars against adversaries who pose no threat to them. The motivation is jealousy, greed or even just posturing by a leader to look strong in the eyes of his own population.

At a non-governmental level, of course, collaboration and information sharing is much more productive than competition. How many HPR listeners have worked on projects to produce something that they know already exists in a very similar form, only behind a proprietary screen? Think how much further technology would go if it were not necessary to keep reinventing the wheel in slightly different guises because design information is not shared.

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