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hpr4024 :: Experiences with Graphene OS and why I use it

How and why I live with a de-Googled phone

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Hosted by enistello on Thursday, 2024-01-04 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
grapheneOS, Google, data privacy, security. 3.

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Duration: 00:19:53
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Privacy and Security.

In this open series, you can contribute shows that are on the topic of Privacy and Security

Peer-reviewed paper on iOS and Android's practice of sending data from the device: [PDF]

The go-to, default no-/low-Google choice for many:

The Ubuntu-based phone OS:

The e/ foundation:

Sailfish OS developers, Jolla:

Calyx OS (not tested by the author/presenter):

enistello's choice of 'best' de-Googled phone OS:

The F-Droid repository for FOSS applications:

The DuckDuckGo web browser:


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-01-02 11:18:17 by Celeste

I've been using grapheneos too

I've been using grapheneos on a pixel5a too, I've been trying to make the experience as minimalistic and distraction free as i can, here's some tips I can give.

First I disabled _all_ notifications, except for calls and sms. This choice makes things very calm.
I didn't install the play services neither, to see if it's usable.

About the apps, I have no play store, so I get all I can from f-droid.
I found two very simple launchers, one is "UnLauncher" which has no icons and no wallpaper, and "PieLauncher" which is very fast to use once you get used.
Signal and Whatsapp are not on f-droid, but you can download the apk from their website and they seem to work flawlessy.
Then, Antennapod is a good podcatcher (you can add the HPR feed too ;) ).
Lastly, I suggest using NewPipe as a replacement for Youtube; note that the f-droid build of newpipe is a bit old, but you can add their external f-droid repository to have faster updates.

Comment #2 posted on 2024-01-04 15:02:00 by brain-in-ohio


Good show, I'm a graphene os user also. My only complaint with graphene is no root access. That aside, I would encourage you to do a show on how you figure out what data is being leaked. Its an area of knowledge that still is a blackhole to me. What tools do you use and how are they set up. If you do a show like this please do it cross platform. So many tutorials start up with brew install this or fire up powershell, frustrating for linux users.

Comment #3 posted on 2024-01-05 18:04:47 by kdmurray


Thanks for including the link to the paper you used for reference. It's great to be able to have the data on hand as a next step to what's being reported on an episode.

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