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Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

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Thumbnail of Ne01sfree
: 426
I have no onlne pressence, I am anti social media, as socialmedia and is anti me I am not a great conversationalist, and not good at making friends. I say what I think I am very honest and forward and open. Simplifying things is not easy for me. Explaining things is not easy for me. I am a Neuro Divergant Ecentric individual who is tapped by the British Care system, because I do not wish to abide by societys ideas of a model citizen. Because being a perfect individual does not intrest me, I fail capacity assesments and so I am trapped under the care act 2014. Regardless, i can play a piano, build a desktop, debate contextual ideas in physics and technology and create the most imaginitive tech and science ideas you may ever here, in 10 seconds flat.


hpr4023 :: Information Transparency for world peace

Wednesday, 2024-01-03. 00:31:54. Clean. general.
information, transparency, world, peace.

An idea based on the New world order ideology and the morality of Edward Snowden.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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