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hpr2562 :: I bought a laptop

... in which clacke takes months (or years?) to buy a laptop, but comes out pretty pleased

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Hosted by clacke on Tuesday, 2018-05-29 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
laptop, linux, ubuntu, nix, cryptocurrency. 3.

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Duration: 00:21:32
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After months (or years?) of waffling and false starts I finally bought an ASUS X542U. The advertised specs say "up to", but I don’t have the "up to", I have the baseline 7th gen i3, 128GB SSD, 4 GB RAM.

Here’s the rambling story of a laptop purchase and its various side quests.

Some details that may or may not have made it in to the show (and the show has some that aren’t there) available on the Fediverse at .

Side quest to the side quest of making an episode about side quests:

Why spend five minutes writing a simple Makefile when you can spend half an afternoon writing a simple default.nix instead?


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Comment #1 posted on 2018-06-15 14:29:03 by clacke


As noted on May Community News[0], the laptop I'm still queueing for is the PineBook[1].


Comment #2 posted on 2018-11-06 02:08:45 by FiftyOneFifty

Getting paid in Cryptocurrency

This is a respond to hpr2562 :: "I bought a laptop". Tangential to the main topic, I was intrigued to learn you are paid cryptocurrency. You did not mention which type, but given the volatility in the better known cryptocurrencies, I’m curious how that might effect one’s income. I’m sending this to your e-mail referenced on the HPR website, but I’m also posting these questions to the show comments, so any listener who gets paid in cryptocurrency can weigh in. I’d rather hear from community members whom a significant portion of their income comes in the form of cryptocurrency, but maybe someone who makes extra money from a hobby or side project can contribute their tales of fortunes won and lost. At this time, I’m not asking for stories from miners or people who lost their stash do to alleged malfeasance (i.e., Mt. Gox).

1. You said you were paid in cryptocurrency. Is this in the form of you get the equivalent of X Euros (replace with relevant national currency) a week based on the current exchange rate or is it fixed at Y units of cryptocurrency?
2. If the latter answer to #1, what happens if the bottom drops out of said cryptocurrency? Are you under contract, stuck working for nothing? I guess the corollary would be what happens when cryptocurrency goes so high the company can’t afford to pay you?
3. Has volatility in the cryptocurrency market effected your financial status. In other words, have you ever made plans based on a sudden uptick in your cryptocurrency savings, only to have them dashed when the bubble burst?

Almost a year ago, my non-techie friends started asking me about Bitcoin. By that time, Bitcoin was in it’s first stages of it’s upwards ramp. I really hadn’t been paying attention, but suddenly Bitcoin was all over the news as this magical money tree that no-one knew existed. I warned my friends that I thought the bubble was speculator driven, and would burst as fast as it had inflated.

Comment #3 posted on 2018-12-05 06:36:23 by clacke

This is an episode

But I'll answer very quickly here:

1. Invoice in fiat, cryptocurrency as a medium for transfering value.

2. Yeah, that's why we didn't do that. If currency needs to be all of medium for value transfer, store of value, and unit of accounting to be currency, then most raw cryptocurrency simply isn't currency.

3. Hoo yes.

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