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hpr2561 :: A reluctant dog walk

A reluctant dog walk after some hand stripping

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Hosted by MrX on Monday, 2018-05-28 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
dog, walking. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:24:32
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Sound Scapes.

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An explanation of hand stripping

I chopped the recording down a bit as it was originally over an hour long I thought it would just be too monotonous.

Listening back to the recording I can't believe it took me so long to get organised and get out the door.

With all the rhythmic clinking sounds it sounds more like I'm riding a horse than walking the dog, I think the supplied clip-on Dictaphone microphone is a bit on the sensitive side.

As a responsible dog walker, one of the most important pieces of equipment I take with me on every dog walk is the “Toley Bone” mentioned around one minute point.

Toley is a fine Scottish word, you can look it up if you are unfamiliar with it or alternatively just do a simple google search to be enlightened.

An example can be found here.

Listen out for the crinkling sound around the halfway point where it is put to good use.

The second most important piece of kit is a sweet, consumed around the 3 minute point.

The main part of the walk was fairly uneventful and consisted of traffic noise, passing by the local bus terminus where the bus turns at the end of its route, a rather noisy motorbike and a brief encounter with a fellow dog walker on route.

Finally ending with a treat and some light refreshment.

Oh, and in case you're wondering yes the the scones mentioned near the end of the podcast made by Mrs X were wonderful.

Oh and one final thing on listening back to the recording one more time I just realised that for some unknown reason just after the bus noise I started whistling very softly to myself, I don't remember doing that at all, I must have been doing it subconsciously. I could be wrong but it sounds to me like I'm whistling the tune “The animals march in two by two” I guess it was just the right tempo to help me round my one hour walk.


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