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Thumbnail of clacke
: 311

On GNU/Linux since Amiga Watchtower, using it as my primary OS since Debian Slink, been on Ubuntu ever since it fulfilled the derailed UserLinux dream.

These days I'm running Ubuntu-Gnome, but I'm considering NixOS+Guix as my primary OS, with a Debian chroot for the pieces that are missing.

You can find me on the Free social web at


hpr3432 :: Reading a license: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International

Tuesday, 2021-09-28. 00:32:36. Clean. general.
license, creative commons, recital, reading, legal.

We jump into the future of 2013 and see how content licensing has changed

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3412 :: Reading a license: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

Tuesday, 2021-08-31. 00:34:58. Clean. general.
license, creative commons, recital, reading, legal.

We are using this license but we didn't publish it on HPR ... until now!

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3402 :: Reading a manifesto: Declaration of Digital Autonomy

Tuesday, 2021-08-17. 00:14:37. Explicit. general.
manifesto, community, free software, open source, politics, philosophy, digital autonomy.

Reading and brief commentary and background on Molly DeBlanc's and Karen Sandler's

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3317 :: Reading a manifesto: Towards A Cooperative Technology Movement

Tuesday, 2021-04-20. 00:16:55. Clean. general.
open source, free software, communal software, cooperative technology, politics, philosophy.

If open source misses the point of free software philosophy, what point is free software missing?

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3302 :: Input Methods on Ubuntu

Tuesday, 2021-03-30. 00:15:24. Clean. general.
ubuntu, input methods, guix, chinese, emoji, eurkey, pinyin, jyutping, cangjie.

I'm adding some input methods to a standard Ubuntu 20.04 install

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3102 :: RFC 5005 Part 2 – Webcomics, subscribers and feed readers

Tuesday, 2020-06-23. 00:15:02. Clean. general.
webcomics, rfc5005, atom, rss, feeds.

fluffy, Jamey and I go on for another ten minutes about how webcomic artists feel about feeds

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3082 :: RFC 5005 Part 1 – Paged and archived feeds? Who cares?

Tuesday, 2020-05-26. 00:35:08. Clean. general.
rss, atom, rfc, interview, feedreader, podcatcher.

An interview with two passionate RFC 5005 fans on how to handle big Atom feeds

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3072 :: The joy of pip-tools and pyenv-virtualenv

Tuesday, 2020-05-12. 00:24:01. Explicit. A Little Bit of Python.
python, pyenv, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, poetry, pipenv, pip-tools.

How to manage your dependencies and environment isolation when developing in Python

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3062 :: Vassal: How to play board games while remote

Tuesday, 2020-04-28. 00:15:31. Clean. Tabletop Gaming.
game, board game, xmpp, remote, network game.

How to do physical distancing while avoiding social distance using digitized boardgames

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2817 :: Are you successful? Click to find out more!

Tuesday, 2019-05-21. 00:04:41. Clean. general.
success, self-care.

The answer may surprise you!

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2812 :: Is 5G mobile data a danger to your health?

Tuesday, 2019-05-14. 00:08:04. Clean. general.
5g, health, radiation, pseudoscience.

Apply Betteridge’s Law of Headlines to find out the answer

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2807 :: Are bash local variables local?

Tuesday, 2019-05-07. 00:11:01. Clean. Bash Scripting.
bash, perl, scope, dynamic scope, lexical scope.

A lesson on dynamic scope vs lexical scope

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2802 :: Mid-life (?) assessment

Tuesday, 2019-04-30. 00:16:31. Clean. general.
life, kids, work, medicine, future.

It seems life goes faster and faster and then turns around and goes slower and slower

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2793 :: bash coproc: the future (2009) is here

Wednesday, 2019-04-17. 00:21:16. Clean. Bash Scripting.
bash, coproc, subshell.

clacke discovers bash's coproc keyword and explains some toy examples

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2623 :: Actors and Agents, Sprites and Fractals

Wednesday, 2018-08-22. 00:57:06. Clean. general.
flow-based, actors, fractalide, racket, ocap, mud, programming.

In which I sit down with cwebber and try to keep it short, but end up with an hour of tangents

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2562 :: I bought a laptop

Tuesday, 2018-05-29. 00:21:32. Clean. general.
laptop, linux, ubuntu, nix, cryptocurrency.

... in which clacke takes months (or years?) to buy a laptop, but comes out pretty pleased

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2557 :: Styx -- The Purely Functional Static Site Generator

Tuesday, 2018-05-22. 00:13:52. Clean. general.
nix, styx, static site generator.

For the Fractalide web site, we are using Styx as a site generator. Here's a bit of how and why.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2552 :: What is stow?

Tuesday, 2018-05-15. 00:12:01. Clean. general.
stow, package manager.

How does stow work, why would you want it and what are its limitations?

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2547 :: MSYS2

Tuesday, 2018-05-08. 00:10:57. Clean. general.
msys2, cygwin, windows, command-line, pacman, package manager.

In which I talk briefly about the history of MSYS2 and Cygwin and why you might want MSYS2

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2542 :: How I helped my dad run a static website using SparkleShare

Tuesday, 2018-05-01. 00:12:08. Clean. general.
sparkleshare, static website, gitlab pages.

In which I describe my setup of SparkleShare and GitLab Pages to maintain a static website

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2537 :: Recording HPR on the fly Part II

Tuesday, 2018-04-24. 00:03:28. Clean. general.
android, recording, hpr.

In which I update the recommendation from HPR 1877: Just use Audio Recorder!

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2507 :: Racket, Nix, Fractalide and the sounds of a Hong Kong New Town

Tuesday, 2018-03-13. 00:18:47. Clean. general.
racket, nix, racket2nix, fractalide, soundscape, hongkong.

It's a triple whammy! It's functional programming, functional package management and soundscape!

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2386 :: The Decline and Fall of Tcl

Monday, 2017-09-25. 00:28:53. Clean. general.
tcl, tk, history, languages, community.

... in which I'm reading Where Tcl and Tk went wrong, by David N Welton, posted on 2010-03-30

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2308 :: Everyday package operations in Guix

Wednesday, 2017-06-07. 00:16:26. Clean. general.
guix, linux, nix, sysadmin, development.

Here's how I use Guix in my day-to-day. Fleshed out audio of a comment on ep 2198.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2198 :: How awesome is Guix and why will it take over the world

Wednesday, 2017-01-04. 01:23:31. Explicit. general.
guix, linux, sysadmin, os, package management, nix, scheme, guile.

I sit down with Chris Webber and we ramble about how great Guix is

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2194 :: The low-down on what's up in the Taiwan Strait.

Thursday, 2016-12-29. 00:32:08. Clean. general.
china, taiwan, roc, prc, politics, trump, history.

In which I respond to "I don't get this whole Taiwan/US/China thing"

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2180 :: Mail to myself@myfirstemployment, Part 2 of 2

Friday, 2016-12-09. 00:08:21. Clean. general.
advice, programming, job.

I expand on a list of one-liner advice to myself 20 years ago, that I posted on Part 2 of 2

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2179 :: Mail to myself@myfirstemployment, Part 1

Thursday, 2016-12-08. 00:14:04. Clean. general.
advice, work, post.

I expand on a list of one-liner advice to myself 20 years ago, that I posted on

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2169 :: How I connect to the awesome #oggcastplanet on mobile

Thursday, 2016-11-24. 00:13:15. Clean. general.
matrix, irc, federation, mobile, im.

I give a quick overview of the challenges of IRC on the go and how Riot and Matrix solve them for me

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2162 :: Review/Criticism of Hipp's "Git: Just Say No"

Tuesday, 2016-11-15. 00:21:12. Clean. general.
git, fossil, rant.

In which I take an IRC rant to audio and look at what's really wrong with git.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1881 :: My road to Linux

Monday, 2015-10-19. 00:15:12. Clean. How I got into tech.
Urecord, Slirp, Amiga, turbolinux, guix.

I'm so old I actually installed Watchtower on an Amiga and I review 22 years of Linux distributions

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1877 :: Recording HPR on the fly on your Android phone

Tuesday, 2015-10-13. 00:06:18. Explicit. general.
android, hpr, audio, recording.

How quickly can you get an HPR recording done? 10 minutes including app install! Sort of.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1876 :: MicrobeLog, or: On Shaving Yaks and Doing Things

Monday, 2015-10-12. 00:09:21. Clean. general.
federation, python, microservices, gtd, yakshaving.

Why I'm making an HPR episode, and why I'm making a vaporware social network engine

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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