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hpr2552 :: What is stow?

How does stow work, why would you want it and what are its limitations?

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Thumbnail of clacke
Hosted by clacke on Tuesday, 2018-05-15 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
stow, package manager. 1.

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Duration: 00:12:01
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stow was perfected in 2002 with stow 1.3.3. Then it was silent for 9 years, and in 2011 stow 2.1.0 came out. It received a few updates until stow 2.2.2 in 2015, but don't worry. It's still relevant, and it won't eat your homework. I don't even know what these 2.x versions are about. You still just stow mything, stow -R mything and stow -D mything like you always did.

If stow is too limiting to you, listen to hpr2198 :: How awesome is Guix and why will it take over the world about its big brother, which has all of the advantages of stow except radical simplicity, and none of the drawbacks.

For a shorter and more practical episode on Guix, see hpr2308 :: Everyday package operations in Guix.


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Comment #1 posted on 2018-06-15 14:51:54 by clacke


It seems this is the month of clarifications, judging from the feedback from Ken and Dave on the Community News. :-)

I'm adding a deeper Stow show to my future shows tag.

But for now, here's what Dave was asking for:

Stow doesn't use any configuration, it's all simple, hard-coded behavior. When it stows things it puts things in the parent directory of the stow directory:

If your are in /home/clacke/stow and you do stow foo, any stuff in e.g. /home/clacke/stow/foo/lib gets symlinks in /home/clacke/lib .

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