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hpr2179 :: Mail to myself@myfirstemployment, Part 1

I expand on a list of one-liner advice to myself 20 years ago, that I posted on

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Hosted by clacke on Thursday, 2016-12-08 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
advice, work, post. 2.

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Duration: 00:14:04
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Follow along with the bullet points here: Mail to myself@myfirstemployment

The original was a comment in Swedish to a question on an evil, centralized, proprietary social network: Kodapor -- Vilket arbetssätt-relaterat tips skulle du ge dig själv ....

Maybe this should be part of a series "Advice to a Young Hacker"?


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Comment #1 posted on 2016-12-14 02:03:49 by dodddummy

I've only just started this ep but wanted to stop and comment. So many of my prototypes are running in production as we speak. Many of them still with original known bugs no body ever got around to fixing. I've learned not to be embarrassed over this. After all, they put them in production and didn't bother to fix the bugs for years and years.

Comment #2 posted on 2016-12-15 09:51:45 by clacke

Re: protos in production

You have a point, maybe my suggestion to make sure the prototype cannot possibly be taken into production is too extreme.

I agree with you that one shouldn't be embarrassed over it when it happens. Bad code that solves the problem and doesn't eat more maintenance resources than it's worth is good code.

I think it's one of those pieces of advice that, like all (?) good advice, has a dynamic to it should not be taken to far in either direction.

"Your prototype will be put in production" as a warning is counteracted by "... but perfect is the enemy of good". If your proof of concept actually solves the problem, maybe it *should* be put in production.

I think the nuanced lesson to take home from this aphorism is this: The hacker should be aware that their code may be put into production at any time, so that they can make the right balance of decisions on what quality it should be when presenting it.

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