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hpr1704 :: Introducing Jeffrey Powers aka Geekazine

Jeffrey Powers talks "*azines" and his other tech sites

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Hosted by daw on Thursday, 2015-02-12 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
tech, apps, ipad, android. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:25:43
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I was asked to do a followup to my Introduction to the Netizen Empowerment Federation. Specifically, I was asked to talk a bit more about the goals of and how it fits into free culture. I thought the best way to do that was to introduce my co-founder, Jeffrey Powers.

A May 2011 estimate puts the sports industry at 350-450 billion ($480-$620 billion) -- it is inarguably foolish to ignore it. I don't think you are going to convince anyone to change their ways by shouting at them, or quietly being condescending.

Listen to find out Jeff's answers!

How has Sportazine changed from your initial vision when we created it almost 5 years ago?

What is JMP?

We're recording on Jan 16. What's the tech history bit people should check out on your site for today?

Do you do interviews for any of your sites?

How do you vet interviewees?

What is the best way for someone to get in touch with you if they'd like to be an interviewee?

Where are you speaking to you today from Jeff?

What are your favorite sports to watch or play?

How far do you think the Packers will go this year? We're recording on Jan 16, but there aren't open slots on HPR for a while, so people may get to see if you are right.

Professional video game players get athletic visas in the US, and are covered by ESPN ( so I suppose we might as well. How much do you cover video games on your various sites?

What is the name of your band, and where can people find the band?

Is there anything else you would like to tell the listeners?


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