hpr1703 :: Open Source CD Rippers
Kevie takes a look at a variety of CD ripping software available on Linux
Hosted by Kevie on Wednesday, 2015-02-11 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Sound Juicer, Asunder, Bashburn, Crip, Rhythmbox, VLC.
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Duration: 00:26:19
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For a first attempt at flying solo for an episode of HPR, Kevie takes a look at a variety of open source CD ripping software. Looking at graphical applications https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/SoundJuicer: Sound Juicer and https://littlesvr.ca/asunder/: Asunder along with the command line tools https://bashburn.dose.se/: Bashburn and https://bach.dynet.com/crip/: Crip. Along with considering if it is worth having a dedicated ripping tool when a fully fledged audio suite https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Rhythmbox/: Rhythmbox and https://www.videolan.org/vlc/: VLC will also allow ripping.
Regular listeners to the https://unseenstudio.co.uk/category/tuxjam-ogg/: TuxJam podcast will know that Kevie is a big fan of creative commons music and this episode is no different with the tracks by https://20lb.net/: 20lb Sounds and https://bridgesplosion.bandcamp.com/: Blowing Up Bridges.
Music included in this episode:
- https://20lb.bandcamp.com/track/rip-it-up: Rip It Up by 20lb Sounds
- https://bridgesplosion.bandcamp.com/track/grip-it-and-rip-it: Grip It and Rip It by Blowing Up Bridges