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Hacker Public Radio

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Thumbnail of daw
: 294 and are probably all you need. Although, I will say I am moving to Cincinnati summer 2015 and looking for work there (or telecommuting). So, you if you know something, let me know!


hpr1704 :: Introducing Jeffrey Powers aka Geekazine

Thursday, 2015-02-12. 00:25:43. Clean. general.
tech, apps, ipad, android.

Jeffrey Powers talks "*azines" and his other tech sites

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1682 :: Introduction to the Netizen Empowerment Federation

Tuesday, 2015-01-13. 00:10:20. Clean. general.
music, free software, open source, sports, law, copyright, patents, punk, unions, workers, nef.

Introduction to Netizen Empowerment Federation. It is short, so let me know if you'd like detail.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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