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hpr1682 :: Introduction to the Netizen Empowerment Federation

Introduction to Netizen Empowerment Federation. It is short, so let me know if you'd like detail.

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Thumbnail of daw
Hosted by daw on Tuesday, 2015-01-13 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
music, free software, open source, sports, law, copyright, patents, punk, unions, workers, nef. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:10:20
Download the transcription and subtitles.


This is my first HPR release and I'm going to keep it short. If anyone is intertested in hearing more about any of the projects I mention here, I'm happy to do another show.

First, I just want to say that everything on Netizen Empowerment Federation (NEF) is released under a free culture license, though not all of the music selected by our presenters is free culture. Right now we are blog and podcast focused, but we would like to add digital creators of all types.

  • I'm doing these sites in the order they were created, though I'm not sure if OSP or Sportazine was created first. Since OSP is the most closely related to HPR, I'm going to start with that. OSP started as a shared hosting gift for new developers. The idea was I could make people accounts on Dreamhost and they could test the latest free software. Since it wasn't a business, I didn't really promote it. It never took off. I had a few people in Wisconsin make accounts, but they barely used them. It's not really important why that idea failed, but eventually it just became a place for me to talk tech. lnxw48 aka lnxwalt is our current systems administrator and occasionally writes pieces for the site. Like all of our sites, we are always looking for contributors!
  • As far as I'm aware, Sportazine is the only site dedicated to sports and free culture. This means a lot of things. First it means, making sure online sports viewing works in free formats. It also means that there are free software fantasy sports implementations and that sports journalism happens under free culture licenses. Sportazine is a weird beast because we partnered with JMP Enterprise.
  • This is a collection of shows about remixable music. The main show features me and Tom of the band Lorenzo's Music. You can find his band on Jamendo, Spotify, Free Music Archive, and I'm sure plenty of other places.
  • The Lawcast is on hiatus and when it comes back will likely be less law focused and more just a catchall for more academic and policy-related stuff than we do on the main show. I'll probably talk a lot more about free software on the reboot, because it's not a topic Tom really cares much about. Tom is a GNU/Linux user, but he refuses to use anything but Skype or Hangout for recording the shows. I'll probably have on musicians that we wouldn't otherwise have on and thus a topic of conversation on those shows will be "Why won't you use Skype or Hangout?" I suspect most of the reasons will be free software focused, but they may also be privacy focused (not that they are unrelated).

  • The punkcast is pretty much what it sounds like it is. Eventually I want to bring it back. Right now though, I need to focus on finding funding, because if I don't, my wife is going to kick me out. I hope this is resolved by the time you hear this. I'm recording on December 19.
  • I think may have started before any of these, but I put it here due to the start of the Cyberunions podcast, which is currently on hiatus. Stephen now works for the FSF, so you know free software is important to him. I'm not going to say much about the show, because aside from being a one-time guest, I'm not involved in the project. If people want to know more about Cyberunions, I suggest you pester Stephen (aka mv) about doing a show.
  • RTB really refers to two music shows, one called OO (pronounced "oh-oh") and one called Unformatted. The site also has a stream that carriers a variety of shows, including Cerebral Mix, Rage and Frustration, and the last NEF show I am going to discuss.


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