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hpr1683 :: Theater of the Imagination: Part 06

lostnbronx interviews Julie Hoverson, a modern audio drama enthusiast

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Hosted by lostnbronx on Wednesday, 2015-01-14 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
audio, drama, audio drama. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:45:57
Download the transcription and subtitles.


This is my series on Dramatic Audio Media, such as Old Time Radio ("The Shadow", "Gunsmoke", etc.), BBC Radio, and other classics -- but also, and most especially, the current renaissance of this art form, and how a person (like me, like you) can begin producing your own audio fiction or poetry or whatever for the enjoyment of countless others. This will be a learning process for me, and my mistakes might very well help you avoid any similar such in your own endeavors.

In this installment, lostnbronx interviews Julie Hoverson, a modern audio drama enthusiast of great experience and insight.

Check out Julie's wonderful audio content at:

and (primarily)


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-01-22 21:14:44 by Epicanis

Timely information!

I'm actually trying to get an "audio adventure" sort of project going myself, and up to this point I wasn't sure anybody was doing anything like it other than perhaps "Welcome to Night Vale".

All I've gotten so far is an 80-second "teaser" I did on a whim just to see what it was like trying to blend in multiple bits of dialog, perform several voices, mix in sound-effects, and overlay music, which at least demonstrates to me that I'm technically capable of producing something that doesn't suck horribly. It's nice to hear that there are people still working in this art form in the modern era on the internet - at least if I can get going, your episode lets me know there are plenty of people who have a heck of a lot more skill and experience who I might be able to get advice from...

Now I need to go back and listen to the previous episode of yours from this series!

Comment #2 posted on 2015-02-27 16:56:13 by Charles

Patronage as an alternative to marketplaces?

As a long time fan of audio dramas, I really enjoyed this podcast. So thank you for recording it.

In the podcast you discussed what it might take to have audio drama become a viable paying outlet of "content". You seemed to focus particularly on making audio drama a first class citizen in the existing marketplaces (e.g. Amazon or iTunes). That is certainly one way to go. However, those places are just retailers, and they retail what is already popular. I don't think you can actually count on them to innovate in this space.

I wonder if a better way to develop a market for audio drama is to build your audience and provide an easy way for fans to pay for content. Crowd sourcing patronage seems to be getting some traction. Patreon, for instance, provides a platform for creators to reach their fans directly and for fans to directly compensate their favorite creators. Snowdrift coop is a platform that might suitable for creative commons style work (assuming it launches successfully).

It's still a heck of a lot of hard work, but if you followed a patronage model, the the hardwork of building a fan base won't get filtered by the business models of the retailers whose interest don't necessarily align with either the creators or the fans. Additionally, a patronage model can provide a base for successful creators to make inroads into the more traditional (mainstream) marketplaces.

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