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hpr1417 :: 2013-2014 HPR New Year Show Part 2 2013-12-31T16:00:00Z to 2013-12-31T21:00:00Z

New Year Show 2014, part 2

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Tuesday, 2014-01-07 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
New Year, 2014. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 05:19:18
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR New Year Show.

Our community welcomes in every time zone to the New Year in this annual event.


  • Greetings to China and 12 more Beijing, Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • Dave from The Bugcast podcast joins us.
  • Conversation about being able to identify different generations of devices. Comparison to cars.
  • Talks about batteries and the MrX HPR Episode regarding batteries (top 10 HPR ep.)
  • The eCig / Recharger SndChaser mentioned:
  • Ken discovers the un-mute button
  • Windows & Windows keys suck. Don't use it.
  • Mac vs Windows (We knew it had to come up eventually)
  • William says SndChaser sounds like RMS
  • Free Software licenses & compatible / non-compatible licenses:
  • How to understand the Creative Commons license
  • Usage Rights are available in Google Advanced Search Options:
  • pokey Godwins the license enforcement conversation


  • Greetings to much of Indonesia, Thailand and 7 more Jakarta, Bangkok, Hanoi, Phnom Penh, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • pokey spends 24 hours updating a Windoze computer. Popey updates a Linux netbook while we say "Happy New Year" to Hanoi
  • Running a LiveCD of Linux on a Chromebook
  • Write disable-able USB stick:
  • Talk about having an image that cannot be re-written for remote re-imaging of systems.
  • Q: Why do we have redundant recordings? A: For redundancy. (So if anyone that drops we have multiple copies to reconstruct from)
  • Ubuntu on tablets and phones
  • XBeamMC:
  • Talking about how to coordinate conversation on the chat
  • We all agree people with British (is that the right word) accents need to talk slowly to Americans
  • thFilemanagers - 2 & More paned


  • Greetings to Myanmar and Cocos Islands Yangon, Naypyidaw, Mandalay, Bantam, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • OwnCloud 6
  • Running ORCA on RaspberryPI?
  • Blather project by Jezra Lichter for speech input
  • Speakup: control over output
  • emacs-speak


  • Greetings to Bangladesh, some regions of Russia and 4 more Dhaka, Almaty, Bishkek, Thimphu, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.


  • Greetings to Nepal Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Pokhara, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • We notice we missed 2 time zones
  • Lunch talk


  • Greetings to India and Sri Lanka New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Bangalore, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • Ahuka switched from Mint to Ubuntu - he likes Unity. And discussion ensues.
  • pokey consistantly fails to use the etherpad doc correctly. (lol)
  • Dann doesn't use Linux


  • Greetings to Pakistan and 8 more Tashkent, Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • Dann talks about File Descriptors and File Handles



  • Greetings to much of Russia and 8 more Moscow, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Muscat, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • We want to get rid of daylight savings time
  • Ken: We need to get a calendar that works in linux.


  • Greetings to Iran Tehran, Rasht, Esfah??n, and Bandar-Abbas, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • NELF 2014 discussed by Jonathan Nadeau



A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is on the Saturday before the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts: Honkeymagoo, and Thaj Sara.

Show Updates

id date title host
1391 2013-12-02 Google Play Music All Access Ahuka
1392 2013-12-03 Beginner's guide to the night sky Andrew Conway
1393 2013-12-04 Audio Metadata in Ogg, MP3, and others Epicanis
1394 2013-12-05 Setting Up Your Own Blog Keith Murray
1395 2013-12-06 17 - LibreOffice Writer Overview of Page Layout Options Ahuka
1396 2013-12-09 First Thoughts of the Google Chromecast Curtis Adkins (CPrompt^)
1397 2013-12-10 HPR Community News for November 2013 Various Hosts
1398 2013-12-11 Batteries Part 1 MrX
1399 2013-12-12 Interview with Ben Everard Curtis Adkins (CPrompt^)
1400 2013-12-13 How We Use Linux Honkeymagoo
1401 2013-12-16 Huawei Mate review Knightwise
1402 2013-12-17 How I Started Using Linux and Free and Open Source Software Thaj Sara
1403 2013-12-18 hiro from GamingGrannar at Retrospelsmässan Seetee
1404 2013-12-19 Editing pre-recorded audio in Audacity Ken Fallon
1405 2013-12-20 18 - LibreOffice Writer Page Styles Introduced Ahuka
1406 2013-12-23 ORCA fundraiser Ahuka
1407 2013-12-24 Mars Needs Women, and Hacker Public Radio Needs Shows Ahuka
1408 2013-12-25 Drupal in Gothenburg with Addison Berry and others Seetee
1409 2013-12-26 Xircom PE pocket ethernet adapter Ken Fallon
1410 2013-12-27 Generating Keys on the Command Line Ahuka
1411 2013-12-30 ohmroep live 1, 31-06-2013, pirate parties Nido Media
1412 2013-12-31 ohmroep hpr live 2, 31-06-2013, advancing local communities Nido Media

Other News

Downloads in 2013 = 1,134,478
Per episode download = 4,364

Other News

  • Discussion of the infrastructure for New Year's 24-hour show
  • Indiegogo campaign for Orca
  • Calls for more shows
  • Torrents
  • HPR new year show promo
  • Proposal to add show Reservations to HPR
    "This means that "Next Available Slot" skips reserved slots. If any host wants the same day then well they should try and make arrangements with the other host. If both hosts cannot reach a resolution, then the mailing list will decide for them."
  • Brochure for HPR?
  • Please Please use the TXT template
  • New HPR website design
  • New Year Show/ Orca
  • Shared pad for show notes for the New Years show


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Comment #1 posted on 2014-01-07 06:16:38 by Ed teach


The content was awesome.
Figure out how to have a moderator. People are
Interrupting each other . One guy was
Breaking up continually .

Comment #2 posted on 2014-01-09 16:00:15 by Ken Fallon

It's not my fault !!!

Hi Ed,

People are interupting each other because we are all calling in from around the planet. While mumble is good, it cannot compensate for the speed of light, and so two people on other sides of the globe both speak at the same time in what to them is a vacant space. Not a lot you can do about it.

I would be very reluctant to have a moderator as it would interrupt the flow.

We could however set some guidelines for talking, eg keying up, so that others know you wish to talk. Also training people that a silence is ok for a while as it will be removed automatically in the post recording.


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