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hpr1418 :: 2013-2014 HPR New Year Show Part 3 2013-12-31T22:00:00Z to 2014-01-01T04:00:00Z

New Year Show 2014, part 3

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Wednesday, 2014-01-08 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
ORCA, FocusWriter, DarkTable, LightZone, GIMP, Sound Converter, Maelstrom, TuxPaint, mtpaint, Jitsi, kid3, EasyTag, Audacity, gPodder, PuddleTag, avidemux, OpenShot, EtherPad, WordPress, Abiword, gnumeric, LibreOffice. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 05:42:32
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR New Year Show.

Our community welcomes in every time zone to the New Year in this annual event.


  • Greetings to Greece and 30 more  Cairo, Ankara, Athens, and Bucharest, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • Discussion of the new cast of TuxRadar
  • Got talking about Jupiter Broadcasting
  • Deep discussion on the world of Jono Bacon
  • The discussion of Jono / Aq on LugRadio evolves into a debate on the nature of debate
  • This conversation evolved into a question / debate about software morality, SndChaser suggested that maybe it is an ethical question instead of a moral question



  • Greetings to United Kingdom and 24 more  London, Casablanca, Dublin, and Lisbon, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • (0002Z) Pokey: Mac OS was moderne when it was created, but now it's looking old and tired
  • SndChaser thinks we are kind of spoiled with all the options - includnig things that don't exist elsewhere - like Awesome.  But lovest the ability we have to build our desktops to fit our workflows and optimize how we work.
  • (0020Z) K5Tux: Easy to learn (he's coming back to it...) -- "Going to change lanes: When discussing ease of use, what about "don't care to know" folks, gamers, etc -- those who don't worry about privacy and software freedom, I have my own thoughts on but I'd like to hear the consensus on the danger for those who just don't care."
  • (0045Z) How did you come to Linux?
  • (0048Z) Free Software's major achievements in 2014:
    • Watches or glasses (marcusbaird)
    • SteamBox (ThistleWeb)
    • ROMs for entry-level mobile phones (pokey)


  • Greetings to Cape Verde, some regions of Greenland and 1 more  Praia, Ponta Delgada (Azores), Ittoqqortoormiit, and Mindelo, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • Is Windows made for the consumer or is it made just to look that way on the store shelves? (pokey)
  • Thistleweb expounds upon the evils of extended warranties
  • eBook discussion


  • Greetings to regions of Brazil, Uruguay and 1 more Rio de Janeiro, S??o Paulo, Brasilia, Montevideo, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • Pokey mentions that he is furious that the authors guild forced the text-to-speech to be disabled on the Kindle... and names Roy Bloundt Jr.
  • Electronic versions of textbooks are not reducing the number of printed books.  Students have to buy / lease the paper books, then get the electronic version.  And, in many cases they cannot (easily) re-selly the paper copy for even half of what they paid.  In the case of grade school / highschool they cannot sell the books since they are just leased.
  • Pokey brought up OpenText Books:
  • JonKulp - textbooks
  • - Creative Commons Counterpoint Textbook
  • JonKulp - Blather
  • SndChaser asks Jon to comment on Musopen and the status of classical music publishing / performance
  • JonKulp mezmerizes the room with the contents of his cranium (this time it's with Blather).
  • Your're funny!!
  • LTM
  • JonKulp is an accomplished composer. Some of his works can be found at


  • Greetings to regions of Brazil, Argentina and 7 more Buenos Aires, Santiago, Asuncion, Paramaribo, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • JonKulp gets introduced to mate tea
  • Jonathan Nadeau ( talks about Orca & Festival speech synthesis
  • Jonathan Nadeau talks about moving to manjaro
  • It is determined that Perberos, Stefano Karapetsas (stefano-k), Steve Zesch (amanas) and Clement Lefebvre (clem) are the people responsible for removing all accessibility features from MATE, the Gnome2 fork. Gnome2 used to be the most accessible desktop.


  • Greetings to Newfoundland and Labrador/Canada  St. John's, Conception Bay South, Corner Brook, Gander, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
  • Jon Kulp: Open Dyslexic Font
  • SndChaser installs Open Dyslexic extension in chromium
  • Pokey looks at the Open Dyslexic website and is able to read the page very quickly (quickly for pokey anyway), goes ahead and tries to install the font on Mint


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