hpr1416 :: 2013-2014 HPR New Year Show Part 1 2013-12-31T10:00:00Z to 2013-12-31T16:00:00Z
New Year Show 2014, part 1
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2014-01-06 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
New Year, 2014.
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Duration: 05:59:55
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HPR New Year Show.
Our community welcomes in every time zone to the New Year in this annual event.
- Greetings to Christmas Island/Kiribati and Samoa Kiritimati, Apia, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- https://cerebralrift.org/
- https://www.instructables.com/id/10-Smartphone-to-digital-microscope-conversion/
- Greetings to Chatham Islands/New Zealand Chatham Islands, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- https://archive.org/donate/index.php
- George mentioned https://cerebralrift.org
- 10:45 Z Ken Fallon talks to his kids about Christmas and microscopes
- Greetings to New Zealand with exceptions and 5 more Auckland, Suva, Wellington, Nukualofa, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- ken_fallon and SndChaser talk about ways 5150 could run external Ethernet to improve his connection.
- marcusbaird, pokey, sndchaser, ken_fallon talked about current linux distros we are using
- pokey brought up the Chromebook ad - the Pawn Stars advert
- marcusbaird and pokey discuss hunting in New Zealand
- Greetings to small region of Russia, Marshall Islands and 5 more Anadyr, Funafuti, Yaren, Tarawa, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- Ken talks about the RasberryPi https://www.themagpi.com/
- Pokey talks of how battery kept his kit charged when camping https://lmgtfy.com/?q=bp12-12+battery
- Greetings to Norfolk Island Kingston, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- Ken talks about Dutch Windmills and Polders
- Wire your homes with cable conduates
- https://www.lbagroup.com/blog/lte-4g-interference-cable-tv/
- HPR Started: 7 years 6 months 22 days ago (2005-10-10)
- Pokey is on the start of the smug scale https://xkcd.com/1299/
- Greetings to much of Australia and 5 more Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Honiara, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- Per pokey: Ken Fallon has a nerdgasm taking about html5
- Pokey, Jonkulp: Talk about DD-WRT and Wireless Routers https://www.dd-wrt.com/site/index
- Greetings to small region of Australia Adelaide, Broken Hill, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- SndChaser; Solar Power raspberrypi = https://www.instructables.com/id/Solar-Powered-Raspberry-Pi/
- Broam uses a https://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/stereo-headset-h390
- https://www.themagpi.com/ PROJECT CURACAO Remote sensor monitoring in the Caribbean by John Shovic
- SndChaser microphone: https://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-AT2020-USB-Condenser-Microphone/dp/B001AS6OYC
- https://techcrunch.com/2011/04/08/diy-adjustabl-mic-stand-from-an-ikea-lamp/
- JonKulp recommends https://www.aftershokz.co.uk/product-p/as321.htm
- annunciate annunciate annunciate
- SteamBox is helping video drivers
- Greetings to Queensland/Australia and 5 more Brisbane, Port Moresby, Guam (Hag??t??a), Cairns, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- Want to Join Google+ ? Ken_Fallon goes on a rant about Google. Pokey suggests that Google has changed their definition of "evil".
- Jonathon Nadeau joined us.
- SndChaser brought up YaCy as a way to get out of Google: https://www.yacy.net/en/
- DuckDuckGo discussed and wether it personalizes searches
- SndChaser wants an encrypted network file system. William suggested https://freenetproject.org/
- Greetings to Northern Territory/Australia Darwin, Alice Springs, Uluru, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- Broam treats us to a Statistic study / pokey added a bit more to this in terms of the NSA tracking
- Pokey's contribution to the kiwi discussion: https://lmgtfy.com/?q=kiwi
- From marcuspbaird - Kea bird: https://www.doc.govt.nz/conservation/native-animals/birds/birds-a-z/kea/
- FlyingRich talks about his 2.5 crashes as a pilot
- Pokeys local airport: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/43.2829/-70.9323
- Greetings to Japan and 6 more Tokyo, Seoul, Pyongyang, Dili, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- Con't plane talk...
- Ken want's to talk about https://openwireless.org/
- FlyingRich's plane: https://www.airport-data.com/images/aircraft/small/000/209/209064.jpg
- Greetings to Western Australia/Australia Eucla, followed by a short reminder of the ORCA fundraiser.
- SndChaser asked FlyingRich about FAA lifting the ban on devices on planes
- Pokey asked about the concerns regarding interference on devices at altitude
- William asked if standard ECC is good enough for this application
- Somehow transitioned throught lighting to plants.
- Popey joins us!
- Hash LUGRadio gets a shout out
- SoundChaser adds a bullet point <- HAHAHAHAHAHAH
- Talk with popey about the codec repositories
- Commercials are just terrible - not for the tech market that we are in