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In-Depth Series: Linux Inlaws

  • Number of episodes: 65
  • Open/closed: open
  • Date of earliest show: 2020-02-13
  • Date of latest show: 2022-09-22
  • Series RSS feeds: ogg, spx, mp3
This is Linux Inlaws, a series on free and open source software, black humour, the revolution and freedom in general (this includes ideas and software) and generally having fun.

hpr3689 :: Linux Inlaws S01E65: TerminusDB hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-09-22. 01:07:51. Explicit.
TerminusDB, graph databases, Seshat, Rust, Carbon by Google, Substack.

TerminusDB NoSQL database

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3679 :: Linux Inlaws S01E64: Non-profits in the US: A closer look at 501(c)s hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-09-08. 00:36:17. Explicit.
501(c)3, 501(c)6, non-profits, not-for-profits, Church of Emacs, RMS, Serviettenknödel.

The Ins and Outs of 501(c)s

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3668 :: Linux Inlaws S01E63: John Hawley on kernel dot org and other shenanigans hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2022-08-24. 01:31:54. Explicit.
git,, GSoC, Command Line Heroes, Zero Dark Thirty, trace cruncher.

An interview with John Hawley of fame

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3658 :: Linux Inlaws S01E62: HPR's inner workings hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2022-08-10. 00:32:55. Explicit.
Lies, damned lies, stats, projections, CDNs, Ford, Ferrari, Monsters, Books.

An overview of HPRs inner workings and stats based on a ludicrous claim by the Inlaws

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3649 :: Linux Inlaws S01E61: 20 years in review hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-07-28. 01:11:59. Explicit.
Time-travel, DeLorean, D-Wave, Hello! Magazine, Calico Labs.

The last 20 years in review

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3639 :: Linux Inlaws S01E60: The Job Interview hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-07-14. 00:54:22. Explicit.
Kafka, Confluent, distributed event platforms, databases, Redis, Love, Death, Robots, Zookeeper.

An interview with Kris Jenkins from Confluent

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3629 :: Linux Inlaws S01E59: The Show with Red Pandas Mosaic Killers and Metal Corrosion hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-06-30. 01:12:45. Explicit.
Firefox, rendering engines, Mozilla (Foundation and Corporation), Peter Watt, Rust.

An interview with Eric Rescorla (Firefox CTO) on Browsers, the Internet and hard-core sci-fi

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3619 :: Linux Inlaws S01E58: Kubernetes and Friends and Sarah hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-06-16. 01:08:10. Explicit.
Kubernetes, Mesos, cri-o, YAML, OpenShift, hpr3577.

The fun continues with a discussion of container orchestration frameworks, death (of containers) and

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3609 :: Linux Inlaws S01E57: Operating System Level Virtualisation and Martin's Faith hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-06-02. 00:53:58. Explicit.
Celts, Celtic languages, Containers, Jails, Zones, Docker, CRI-O, From Dusk till Dawn, religion.

An in-depth discussion about Jails, Containers, religion and others sorts of confinement

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3599 :: Linux Inlaws S01E56: Slackware - A User's Perspective hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-05-19. 00:44:36. Explicit.
Linux, Slackware, Linux from Scratch, sed, LILO, Peter Jackson.

A discussion with a long-time Slackware user about this oldest Linux distro still alive

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3588 :: Linux Inlaws S01E55: Get yer boots on for a fresh look at init systems hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2022-05-04. 00:46:19. Explicit.
init, SysVInit, Upstart, systemd, GRUB, Unix philosophy, Hello Magazine.

Martin and Chris discuss what happens when you turn on a computer (preferably running Linux)

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3578 :: Linux Inlaws S01E54: Electronic Freedom Never Mind the Civil Rest hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2022-04-20. 01:27:14. Explicit.
EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Georgia, US Constitution, Civil Rights, Positive Lobbying.

A discussion with members of the Electronic Frontier Georgia about electronic freedom, civil rights

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3569 :: Linux Inlaws S01E53: Rust Marketing hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-04-07. 00:44:21. Explicit.
Rust, The Rust Foundation, Firefox, D-Wave, Cargo.

A shameless plug for this hippster programming language and why you should use it

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3559 :: Linux Inlaws S01E52: The Zig Project hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-03-24. 01:09:11. Explicit.
Zig, Zig Software Foundation, Rust, Money, Miami Vice, US Non-Profits.

An interview with Loris Cro of Zig Fame

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3549 :: Linux Inlaws S01E51: git and static site generators hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-03-10. 00:53:26. Explicit.
git, content management systems, MoinMoin, HUGO, static site generators, HPR, PEPs, gitea, Reacher.

git and static site generators

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3539 :: Linux Inlaws S01E50: The OpenSUSE Project hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-02-24. 01:07:59. Explicit.
OpenSUSE, Kubic, MicroOS, Clouds, Lattes, Desktops.

An interview with Doug DeMaio and Axel Braun from the OpenSUSE project

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3529 :: Linux Inlaws S01E48: Year Two of the Five Year Plan hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-02-10. 00:52:07. Explicit.
2021, review, communism, five year plan, Grumpy Old Coders, MiniDebConf.

The two ageing heroes discuss the past year in review

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3518 :: Linux Inlaws S01E47: BigBlueButton and NAT hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2022-01-26. 00:54:32. Explicit.
BigBlueButton, Network Address Translation, TURN, STUN, WebRTC, Parallels, Vulcan's Hammer, The Ice.

Our two OAPs discuss running conferencing systems like BigBlueButton behind NAT

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3509 :: Linux Inlaws S01E46: The Matrix Project (Without Neo) hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2022-01-13. 01:11:55. Explicit.
Matrix, Element, federated social network, peer-to-peer communication.

The Matrix Project Without Neo

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3498 :: Linux Inlaws S01E45: The Big Xmas New Year bash with the Grumpies hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2021-12-29. 02:14:36. Explicit.
Mainframes, IBM, Hyperscaler secrets, Rust, old men, programming languages.

the same as the title so I'm not going to repeat it

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3492 :: Linux Inlaws S01E44: Pipewire Just another audio server Think again hosted by monochromec

Tuesday, 2021-12-21. 00:52:50. Explicit.
Linux audio, Pipewire, PulseAudio, Jack, gstreamer, Rubik's Cube, Kefir.

Pipewire - Just another audio server? - Think again!

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3479 :: Linux Inlaws S01E49: Version Control Systems and why bother hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-12-02. 00:56:54. Explicit.
Version control systems, git, subversion, mercurial, bazaar, how to buy guns as a minor in NL.

Version Control Systems and why bother

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3469 :: Linux Inlaws S01E43: The Great Battle or not hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-11-18. 01:08:58. Explicit.
SQL, NoSQL, Grumpy Old Coders, Hipster databases, mainframes, Execution planners.

The Great Battle nor Not

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3459 :: Linux Inlaws S01E42: The Open Source Initiative hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-11-04. 01:13:16. Explicit.
OSI, RMS, Open Core, the Cat Internet, Luca, Loki, open source licensing.

The Open Source Initiative

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3449 :: Linux Inlaws S01E41: The Halloween Documents hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-10-21. 01:05:56. Explicit.
Microsoft, Google, The Dark Side, Halloween, Transylvania, Carmesine-colored Soy Milk, vegan vampire.

The Halloween Documents

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3439 :: Linux Inlaws S01E40: The One with the BSDs hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-10-07. 01:37:14. Explicit.
Berkeley Software Distribution, library operating systems, Android, Copyleft, BSD License, Usenet.

The other One Operating System to Rule them all

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3429 :: Linux Inlaws S01E39: Ubuntu and the Community hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-09-23. 01:26:47. Explicit.
Debian, Ubuntu, IBM, mainframes, snaps, Canonical.

All about your favourite Debian spin and IBM mainframes

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3419 :: Linux Inlaws S01E38: Tiny kernels hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-09-09. 01:02:28. Explicit.
Operating systems, kernels, Usenet wars, Linus Torvalds, Andrew Tanenbaum, Minix, trainspotting.

All you ever wanted to hear and more about micro kernels and other operating system war stories

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3409 :: Linux Inlaws S01E37: All about Hacker Public Radio hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-08-26. 01:35:38. Explicit.
HPR, cleaning, janitoring, having a good time, Richard M. Stallman, stats.

An interview with Ken Fallon, Janitor at Hacker Public Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3399 :: Linux Inlaws S01E36: Open Source Licenses hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-08-12. 00:56:01. Explicit.
Licensing, GNU, BSD, MIT, Taking Lives, MI6, Clarkson's Farm, Open Source Initiative.

The ultimate show on open source licenses or how to fall asleep without chemicals

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3388 :: Linux Inlaws S01E35: The Free Software Foundation Europe hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2021-07-28. 01:18:15. Explicit.
FSFE, FSF, Stallman, Hackathon, Communism, Towel Day.

An interview with Matthias Kirschner, Free Software Foundation Europe

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3379 :: Linux Inlaws S01E34: The one with the intelligence hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-07-15. 00:45:16. Explicit.
GPT-3, OpenAI, Elon Musk, Microsoft, Bitcoin, meta-programming.

Part four of the three-part miniseries on deep learning and artificial intelligence

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3369 :: Linux Inlaws S01E33: The Return of the Rust hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-07-01. 01:04:29. Explicit.
Rust, actix, unsafe code, bulleted lists, pubs, OpenSearch.

A show with Steve Klabnik on corroded metal, hipster programming languages and the analogue world

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3359 :: Linux Inlaws S01E32: Politicians and artificial intelligence part 3 hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-06-17. 00:47:10. Explicit.
Keras, scitkit-learn, neural networks, Mars, Twix, Limitless, Life.

Part 3 of the miniseries on Deep Learning, politicians and other approaches to intelligence (or not)

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3349 :: Linux Inlaws S01E31: Interview with Paul Ramsey FOSS aficionado and entrepreneur hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-06-03. 01:05:23. Explicit.
PostgreSQL, PostGIS.

An interview with Paul Ramsey, FLOSS entrepreneur and OpenGeo fame

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3339 :: Linux Inlaws S01E30: Politicians and artificial intelligence part 2 hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-05-20. 00:57:33. Explicit.
Policitians, artificial intelligence, deep learning.

Part 2 of the miniseries on Deep Learning, politicians and other approaches to intelligence (or not)

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3329 :: Linux Inlaws S01E29: The (one and only) Linux Kernel Contributor Panel hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-05-06. 01:24:29. Explicit.
Linux Kernel.

An eclectic panel of Linux contributors discuss technology, anger management and other things

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3319 :: Linux Inlaws S01E28: Politicians and artificial intelligence part 1 hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-04-22. 01:07:03. Explicit.
Policitians, artificial intelligence, deep learning, convolutions.

Part 1 of a miniseries on AI, ML, DL and other fun

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3309 :: Linux Inlaws S01E27: The Big Uncertainties in Life and beyond hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-04-08. 00:56:57. Explicit.
Probabilistic data structures, PDS.

The two chaps discuss uncertainties and beyond in this episode on probabilistic data structure

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3299 :: Linux Inlaws S01E26: Make your Linux harder hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-03-25. 00:49:45. Explicit.
Linux Security Modules, DAC, MAC, AppArmor, SELinux, Plan 9.

Ever wanted to know about AppArmor and SELinux? Then this is your show!

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3288 :: Linux Inlaws S01E25: The Grumpy Old Coders hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2021-03-10. 01:00:28. Explicit.
OAPs, old coders, senior citizens, Bitterfeld, communism.

Our heroes host an episode with an eclectic duo (not Waldorf or Statler)

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3279 :: Linux Inlaws S01E24: Legacy programming languages hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-02-25. 00:54:12. Explicit.
Programming languages, Legacy, old stuff, new stuff, hipster languages, coffee.

The two chaps discuss why history keeps repeating itself in programming languages and beyond

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3269 :: Linux Inlaws S01E23: The first year of the five year plan hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-02-11. 00:47:35. Explicit.
communism, five year plan, world domination, FOSS, Femke.

The Inlaws review the first year: the highlights, lowlights and all the bloody rest

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3258 :: Linux Inlaws S01E22: The Linux Professional Institute hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2021-01-27. 01:08:49. Explicit.
Java screw-up, Linux Professional Institute, Zombies, Grumpies.

The chaps host Evan Leibovitch from the LPI

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3249 :: Linux Inlaws S01E21: The Big Linux Inlaws Peep Show hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2021-01-14. 00:52:45. Explicit.
Nudity, tracing, debugging, extended berkeley packet filter, weapons of math destruction.

The two chaps go the full monty and reveal it all

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3238 :: Linux Inlaws S01E20: The Xmas and New Year Special hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2020-12-30. 01:39:38. Explicit.
past, present, future, artificial intelligence, b-sides, ibm, microsoft, you fill in the rest.

An episode on the past, present and future not just on FOSS - all will be explained

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3229 :: Linux Inlaws S01E19: Redis hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-12-17. 01:13:38. Explicit.
Redis, mermaids, communism, Israel.

Our two chaps interview Itamar Haber of Redis fame

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3219 :: Linux Inlaws S01E18: Voice Recognition and Text to Speech hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-12-03. 01:16:43. Explicit.
voice recognition, text to speech, wavenet, tacotron 2, DeepSpeech, Lyrebird.

How to place fake prank calls into podcasts and what does TTS have to do with this

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3209 :: Linux Inlaws S01E17: Nextcloud hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-11-19. 01:09:49. Explicit.
Nextcloud, PHP, Golang, forking a company, technical debt.

Chat with Frank Karlitschek about Nextcloud and forking your company

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3194 :: Linux Inlaws S01E16: The count and the questions hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-10-29. 01:07:41. Explicit.
Count, questions, vlad, legends, Halloween.

Linux Inlaws S01E16: This is Linux Inlaws, a series on free and open source software, black humour a

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3184 :: Linux Inlaws S01E15: IT Security and stick insects hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-10-15. 00:56:08. Clean.
IT Security, stick insects, Rainbow Escorts, Grumpy Old Coders.

How to secure photos of your stick insect collection and more

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3174 :: Linux Inlaws S01E14: The big programming language panel hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-10-01. 00:52:54. Explicit.
C++, Python, Rust, Rainbow Escorts, Halloween.

Our heroes host an eclectic panel of experts discussion C(++), Python and Rust.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3163 :: Linux Inlaws S01E13: The road to communism and freedom hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2020-09-16. 01:04:15. Explicit.
open source, communism, escort services, freedom, Mach, VMS, accounts.

Our old heroes discuss their legacy and how they arrived at open source software and communism

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3138 :: Linux Inlaws S01E12: Reminiscing in FLOSS Weekly hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2020-08-12. 01:34:24. Explicit.
Linux inlaws, communism, free and open source software, FLOSS Weekly, Perl, ship cruises.

An interview with Randal Schwartz of FLOSS Weekly fame

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3128 :: Linux Inlaws S01E11 The Python Bumper Part 2 hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2020-07-29. 01:07:45. Explicit.
Python 3.9, Mortgages in New York, Williamsburg, Wirecard, middle-aged blondes.

The chaps continue to shed more light on our beloved programming language

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3118 :: Linux Inlaws S01E10 The Python Bumper Part 1 hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2020-07-15. 01:30:36. Explicit.
Python, PEP, Linux, Alia Shawkat, Brad Pitt, Stackless Python.

A discussion of Python questions and their answers (part 1). Plus news on Brad and Alia

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3106 :: Linux Inlaws S01E09 Postgres hosted by monochromec

Monday, 2020-06-29. 01:04:11. Explicit.
Postgres, SQL, NoSQL, MINT.

The lads talk to Bruce Momjian Postgres evangelist

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3099 :: Linux Inlaws S01E08 The review of the review hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-06-18. 00:45:41. Explicit.
Linus, Transmeta, EdgeOS, Arch, Californication, device tree.

In this short episode our two heroes rant about Linus, Transmeta, EdgeOS

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3097 :: Linux Inlaws S01E07 The Big Blue Button hosted by monochromec

Tuesday, 2020-06-16. 01:04:55. Explicit.
BigBlueButton, GDM, Focal Fossa, Ubuntu.

The lads talk to Fred Dixon, product manager for BigBlueButton.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3079 :: Linux Inlaws S01E06 Porn and Trump hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-05-21. 01:19:39. Explicit.
Audacity, KDEnlive, Blender, PwC mishap, The Current War, Better Things, Pamela Adlon.

The lads discuss Audacity, KDEnlive, Blender, PwC, The Current War, Better Things, and Pamela Adlon

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3069 :: Linux Inlaws S01E05 Porn and Skynet hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-05-07. 01:07:09. Explicit.
linux inlaws, communism, free and open source software, adult entertainment, skynet.

This is Linux Inlaws, a series on free and open source software, black humour, the revolution

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3050 :: Linux Inlaws S01E04 What's in a name hosted by monochromec

Friday, 2020-04-10. 01:13:16. Explicit.
linux inlaws, communism, free and open source software.

Season 1, Episode 4. The episode where the legacy is revealed

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3033 :: Linux Inlaws S01E03 32 Bit Time Travel hosted by monochromec

Wednesday, 2020-03-18. 00:59:03. Explicit.
Linux Inlaws, free open source software, revolution, FLOSS.

Linux Inlaws - a podcast on topics around free and open source software

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3019 :: Linux Inlaws S01E02 FOSDEM shenanigans hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-02-27. 01:05:29. Explicit.
free open source software, revolution, FLOSS.

Linux Inlaws - a podcast about on topics around free and open source software

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3009 :: Linux Inlaws S01E01 hosted by monochromec

Thursday, 2020-02-13. 00:59:30. Explicit.
free open source software revolution.

Linux Inlaws - a podcast about on topics around free and open source software

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.