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hpr3439 :: Linux Inlaws S01E40: The One with the BSDs

The other One Operating System to Rule them all

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Hosted by monochromec on Thursday, 2021-10-07 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Berkeley Software Distribution, library operating systems, Android, Copyleft, BSD License, Usenet. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:37:14
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Linux Inlaws.

This is Linux Inlaws, a series on free and open source software, black humour, the revolution and freedom in general (this includes ideas and software) and generally having fun.

In this episode, Martin and Chris host an eclectic panel of contributors to the *other* major FLOSS operating system family - you guessed it: the flavours of the Berkeley Software Distribution (aka BSD among friends). Disclaimer: you may be tempted to diverge from the Path of the Righteousness also known as Linux and give this alternative a spin. So this episode is *not* for the faint-hearted - listen at your own discretion! Also: the true defective nature of our beloved (?) hosts' past will be revealed - an episode not be missed despite the caveat! Plus a refresher on spaced-out operating system concepts including library operating systems and a rant on Android and friends. In addition to some cool BSD trolling...



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Comment #1 posted on 2021-10-07 13:37:10 by ClaudioM

Best of BSD!

Great episode, gents! That was an awesome interview and I could have listened for even longer if you did go the full 3 hours, LOL. Definitely better guests for interview than I'd ever be. ;-)

Comment #2 posted on 2021-10-09 15:57:10 by Zen_floater2

This show put me up a tree

I had to play this show about 3 times to get all the content out of it. Installing and running Gnome 3 on OpenBSD is extremely easy as GDM does all the work for you. Setting up Pulse Audio is probably the hardest part most newbies have difficulty with. But you know, this Squirrel is sick and tired of heavy desktops. I'm also getting sick and tired of Intel/AMD64 platforms - the plastic CPU's from hell. And I long for the mainframe days where we just used a dumb terminal - I was happy then. I have a few OpenBSD servers to use via SSH which satisfy this urge but, I need to by some dumb terminals and put OpenBSD on my Rasberry PI 400 thingie and take my 2 chromebooks and just drown them both in a deep bathtub somewhere. There is no such thing as a perfect desktop, I hate them all. Those desktops always leave you feeling unsatisfied with life. Why do we even put up with desktops and what drives Fedora to continue on with Gnome? What are they going to get out of it? What will IBM get out of it? Everyone should run OpenBSD or NetBSD or Fuguita or how about GUIX with the HURD instead of all this linux stuff. We want something different on the computer table. Really, Gnome and SystemD is like a slow creeping cancer.
And a boring cancer too where your limbs fall off one at a time every 3-4 years.

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