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hpr3479 :: Linux Inlaws S01E49: Version Control Systems and why bother

Version Control Systems and why bother

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Hosted by monochromec on 2021-12-02 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Version control systems, git, subversion, mercurial, bazaar, how to buy guns as a minor in NL. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:56:54

Linux Inlaws.

This is Linux Inlaws, a series on free and open source software, black humour, the revolution and freedom in general (this includes ideas and software) and generally having fun.

In this episode our two heroes contemplate the ins and outs of version control systems (VCS) and how to maintain sanity using them. Particular focus is on the newer generation of such as git which enabled large-scale community projects such as the Linux kernel, programming languages like Rust and Python and other shenanigans. Including a crash course on version control systems - you may credits at your local third-level education facility for listening to this episode. Just tell them the Inlaws sent you :-). Plus Martin reveals his favourite Pay TV channel and his gun-buying habits being a minor. Don't miss this episode if you're a minor and want to buy a gun in certain countries (details as part of the episode! :-).



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Comment #1 posted on 2021-12-02 19:43:35 by Trey

Thanks for sharing.

I have been managing versions of configuration files locally on my system, and you have inspired me to try to use GitHub instead.

We shall see how it goes.

Keep up the awesome work.

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