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In-Depth Series: Tit Radio

  • Number of episodes: 24
  • Open/closed: open
  • Date of earliest show: 2009-05-23
  • Date of latest show: 2015-10-07
  • Series RSS feeds: ogg, spx, mp3
Welcome to TiT Radio! The only Hacker Public Radio show with super cow powers broadcasting live on every utter Saturday night at 11pm CST. You may be asking yourself "What in tarnation is Tit Radio?" Well, it's a potluck style roundtable of geeks talking about Free Software, GNU + Linux, and anything geeky the TiTs bring to the table. Chat with the TiTs over at #linuxcranks. Thats no bull.

hpr1873 :: TiT Radio 21 - I Thought I Had Better Links hosted by FiftyOneFifty (R.I.P.)

Wednesday, 2015-10-07. 01:09:43. Explicit.
TiT Radio.

TiT Radio rides again, again

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1842 :: TiT Radio 20 You've Been Pwned (probably) hosted by FiftyOneFifty (R.I.P.)

Tuesday, 2015-08-25. 02:05:43. Explicit.
TiT Radio, news, commentary.

While Peter is on walkabout, TiT Radio returns for a very short engagement

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr524 :: TiT Radio 019 - interview with sigFLUP hosted by monsterb

Thursday, 2010-03-04. 00:30:18. Explicit.
demoscene, old gaming consoles, retro computing.

monsterb chats with sigFLUP

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr519 :: TiT Radio 018 - moooo! Baby hosted by monsterb

Thursday, 2010-02-18. 01:08:23. Explicit.
search engines, media players, video-meta, perl, slackermedia, slackbuilds, kdenlive, Slackware, screen, screenrc, cron, xprop.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr511 :: TiT RAdio 017 - Klaatu's Window Manager Challenge hosted by monsterb

Thursday, 2010-02-04. 01:45:29. Explicit.
Window managers, Awesome, Windowmaker, Ratpoison, StumpWM, fvwm, e17, Sawfish.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio and discuss window managers

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr506 :: TiT Radio 016 - HPR Potluck Roundtable hosted by monsterb

Friday, 2010-01-22. 01:22:17. Explicit.
Fedora, libdvdcss, Window managers, Enlightenment, Ratpoison, Android.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr499 :: TiT Radio Ep 15 hosted by monsterb

Wednesday, 2009-12-30. 01:28:30. Explicit.
FreeBSD, Zoneminder, webcam, inx distro, VideoLAN Movie Creator.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr492 :: TIT Radio Ep 14 hosted by monsterb

Wednesday, 2009-12-09. 01:02:21. Explicit.
Kdevelop, apt-fast git script.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr490 :: TIT Radio Ep 13.1ec hosted by monsterb

Wednesday, 2009-12-02. 00:19:09. Explicit.
kindle, swindle, ebooks, audiobooks, DRM, Digital Restrictions Management.

From PC Radio Show website:"Our guest was Richard Stallman"

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr483 :: TiT Radio - Filthy Grunt and Bloopers hosted by monsterb

Monday, 2009-11-16. 01:07:43. Explicit.
Go programming language, AMD, EEE PC, e-reader.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio Bloopers

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr480 :: TiT Radio 012 - Happy Halloween hosted by monsterb

Wednesday, 2009-11-11. 01:07:48. Explicit.
screen, Tiny Core Linux, Suse Studio, flash.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr473 :: Tit Radio Ep 011.1a - RMS and Aftershow hosted by monsterb

Wednesday, 2009-10-28. 00:32:21. Explicit.
Free Software.

Interview with RMS and TiT Radio aftershow

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr469 :: TiT Radio 011 - puppies, tails, and a gnome hosted by monsterb

Wednesday, 2009-10-21. 01:10:29. Explicit.
PXE boot, Gnome shell, Puppy Linux, Texas Instruments, EFF, Screen, Tmux.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr460 :: TiT Radio Ep 10 - OLF hosted by monsterb

Thursday, 2009-10-08. 00:44:37. Explicit.
how I found Linux, Ohio Linux Fest, Twit network, ogg.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr450 :: TiT Radio 009 - peggy, piggy, and pat hosted by monsterb

Wednesday, 2009-09-23. 01:28:14. Explicit.
DreamScreen 100, Arch Magazine, qt project, sexism in FOSS, Archos 5 tablet, accessibility, barcodes, audiobooks, bittorrent, media frontends, Ohio Linux Fest.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr448 :: TiT Radio 008 - Something Kinda Tacky hosted by monsterb

Friday, 2009-09-18. 01:12:43. Explicit.
BSD, exiftool, Chrome OS, Quake Live.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr439 :: TiT Radio Episode 007 hosted by monsterb

Monday, 2009-09-07. 01:38:14. Explicit.
Slack mini server, Electronic music creation, Ohio linux fest, Bell Labs, Unix, LGPL, Udev rules.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr424 :: TiT Radio Episode 006 hosted by monsterb

Monday, 2009-08-17. 01:25:15. Explicit.
FreeBSD, licensing, GPL, twitter, KDE, tinytinyrss, roxfiler, rox desktop.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr412 :: Episode 005 - Potluck Roundtable hosted by monsterb

Thursday, 2009-07-30. 01:33:12. Explicit.
hadopi router, astronomy, zim, wiki, privacy, FreeBSD, copyright.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr403 :: TIT Radio ep 4 hosted by monsterb

Thursday, 2009-07-16. 01:32:02. Explicit.
Music creation, Home automation, Cloth camera, html5 video markup, hadopi router, auto-hacking router, dd-wrt, educational software, computer recycling.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr391 :: TiT Radio 003 - Potluck Roundtable hosted by monsterb

Tuesday, 2009-06-30. 01:28:51. Explicit.
Mepis, AntiX, fluxbox, irssi, Stellarium, sbopkg, slackware, firefox addon collector, bitblinder, myfi, Fedora, pkgkit.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr382 :: TiT Radio 002 - Potluck Roundtable hosted by monsterb

Wednesday, 2009-06-17. 01:14:05. Explicit.
Wifi chips, SELF, micro atx motherboard, open street map, Celestia, gpodder.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr374 :: TiT Radio - Fluxbox 001 hosted by monsterb

Friday, 2009-06-05. 01:16:13. Explicit.
roundtable, fluxbox, lightweight.

Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr364 :: TiT Radio Pilot hosted by monsterb

Saturday, 2009-05-23. 00:51:15. Explicit.
roundtable, commandlinefu, Linux hardware, ubuntu remix, switching to linux.

Monsterb and friends kick off the pilot of TiT Radio. A new series on HPR

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.