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hpr1842 :: TiT Radio 20 You've Been Pwned (probably)

While Peter is on walkabout, TiT Radio returns for a very short engagement

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Thumbnail of FiftyOneFifty (R.I.P.)
Hosted by FiftyOneFifty (R.I.P.) on Tuesday, 2015-08-25 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
TiT Radio, news, commentary. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 02:05:43
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Tit Radio.

Welcome to TiT Radio! The only Hacker Public Radio show with super cow powers broadcasting live on every utter Saturday night at 11pm CST. You may be asking yourself "What in tarnation is Tit Radio?" Well, it's a potluck style roundtable of geeks talking about Free Software, GNU + Linux, and anything geeky the TiTs bring to the table. Chat with the TiTs over at #linuxcranks. Thats no bull.

Longtime listeners of Hacker Public Radio will remember 'TiT Radio', a semi-weekly FOSS "news" and commentary show that appeared on HPR, recorded by the cast of "Linux Cranks" on the off schedule weeks. "Linux Cranks" eventually morphed into the "Kernel Panic Oggcast". While Peter is on walkabout, the cast of KPO has resurrected "Tit Radio" on a temporary basis. The listener is cautioned, while KPO is family friendly, "TiT Radio" makes no such commitment. Please join netminer, FiftyOneFifty, and pegwole as they drag you down the rabbit hole that has always been "TiT Radio".

Our show topics were drawn from these links. Not all these topics made it into the show, but feel free to browse anyway:


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Comment #1 posted on 2015-08-25 19:19:48 by 0xf10e

Re: Car Malware

I'm expecting more ransom ware "bricking" cars than causing accidents.
1st week: "windscreen wipers and air conditioning are disabled until you pay 5 bitcoins"
2nd week: "speed is limited to 30mph until you pay 10 bitcoins"
3rd week: "your car won't start until you pay 20 bitcoins"

Way less incentive for law enforcement to come after them when they go for people's money instead of everyones safety.

Comment #2 posted on 2015-08-25 20:00:59 by Mike Ray

We're doomed I tell eee

I think I'll just make myself a tin-foil hat and sit in the cupboard under the stairs.

Just wait till they start cracking train and bus systems

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