hpr0492 :: TIT Radio Ep 14
Monsterb and friends host TiT Radio
Hosted by monsterb on Wednesday, 2009-12-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Kdevelop, apt-fast git script.
(Be the first).
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Duration: 01:02:21
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Tit Radio.
Welcome to TiT Radio! The only Hacker Public Radio show with super cow powers broadcasting live on ddphackradio.org every utter Saturday night at 11pm CST. You may be asking yourself "What in tarnation is Tit Radio?" Well, it's a potluck style roundtable of geeks talking about Free Software, GNU + Linux, and anything geeky the TiTs bring to the table. Chat with the TiTs over at irc.freenode.net #linuxcranks. Thats no bull.
TiT Radio Episode 014 -
Potluck Roundtable of Geeks
starts the show by mentioning the great shows on Hacker
Public Radio like "Demo
or Bust by SigFlup", "Talk
Geek to Me by deepgeek", and mentions the active
contributors like finux, Ken Fallon, Thistleweb, and lostnbronx. He also
reads some email from Denny (Polarwave's
OpenBSD Tips and Tricks for Newbies) and Jos (Camp
KDE 2010).
Azimuth talks about setting up a dirty,
quick, temporary, unsecure, simple HTTP server to share files.
alias webshare='python -c
"import SimpleHTTPServer;SimpleHTTPServer.test()"'
cd to directory to be served
3.) webshare
# ctrl-c to exit.
Az also mentions FOSSCasts
(free screencasts covering Linux, Unix, and Open Source software in
mentions Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
(port that consists of GNU userland using the GNU C library on top of
FreeBSD's kernel, coupled with the regular Debian package set). ISOs
can be found at the Georgia
Tech FTP.
talks about Quanta Plus (a
highly stable and feature rich web development environment) and
KDevelop (free opensource
artv61 talks about Axel
(a command line application which accelerates HTTP/FTP downloads by
using multiple sources for one file).
mentions the first FSF endorsed
netbook running gNewSense.
In other words, DRM from
top to bottom ... From LWN.net
(Command of the Week):
Azimuth$ inxi
(command line information script)
Download & Install: # cd
/usr/local/bin && wget -Nc smxi.org/inxi && chmod +x
Klaatu$ find
~ -type f -iname '*.ogg'
Jman$ pinfo
(viewer for Info documents, which is based on ncurses. The
key-commands are in the style of lynx.)
Other things
mentioned: Chromium OS,
Cranky Geeks, DistroWatch,
KOffice, Linux
Mint, Powerpill,
Creator, TuxRadar, and
TuxRadar's "Code
Project: create an ffmpeg front-end"
Caller: SndChaser
TerryF's Song of the
Week: Shine by Cactus
Please visit https://titradio.info for more information.