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hpr4326 :: HPR Community News for February 2025

HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in February 2025

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2025-03-03 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:00:00
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HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts:
Sem Luz em Saint Louis, Shane - StrandedOutput.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
4306 Mon 2025-02-03 HPR Community News for January 2025 HPR Volunteers
4307 Tue 2025-02-04 Chat with Sgoti Some Guy On The Internet
4308 Wed 2025-02-05 What tech Kevie would spend £2000 on Kevie
4309 Thu 2025-02-06 Talking with Yorik Trollercoaster
4310 Fri 2025-02-07 Playing Civilization IV, Part 6 Ahuka
4311 Mon 2025-02-10 LoRaWAN and the Things Stack Lee
4312 Tue 2025-02-11 What Is The Indie Archive? hairylarry
4313 Wed 2025-02-12 Why I made a 1-episode podcast about a war story Sem Luz em Saint Louis
4314 Thu 2025-02-13 24-25 New Years Eve show Honkeymagoo
4315 Fri 2025-02-14 How I got into the wonderful world of hackery Shane - StrandedOutput
4316 Mon 2025-02-17 Is Scratch a real programming language? Trollercoaster
4317 Tue 2025-02-18 Recording an episode of HPR Kevie
4318 Wed 2025-02-19 What's up with the dates on the HPR future feed in AntennaPod? dnt
4319 Thu 2025-02-20 Am Rande - on the edge folky
4320 Fri 2025-02-21 Switching my Mastodon account Ahuka
4321 Mon 2025-02-24 Crux Linux Klaatu
4324 Thu 2025-02-27 24-25 New Years Eve show episode 2 Honkeymagoo

Missed comment last month

Note to Volunteers: These are comments for shows last month that were not read in the last show because they arrived on or after the recording started. This section will be removed before these notes are released.

  • hpr4301 (2025-01-27) "Wide screen, synth, e-bike, led matrix clock and jewellery making" by Lee.
    Summary: "Lee talks about what got his attention last year and over the new year"
    From: one_of_spoons on 2025-01-31: "relatable days"

    Good audio diary.

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows. There are 17 comments in total.

Past shows

There are 5 comments on 5 previous shows:

  • hpr4106 (2024-04-29) "My tribute to feeds" by Henrik Hemrin.
    Summary: "Feeds are useful to keep me updated with new information from websites I am interested in."
    • Comment 3: Sem luz em Saint Louis on 2025-02-06: "Valid!"

      I listened (read) your program, and it has brought me a good insight about the use of feeds and a possible software to it.(Thunderbird).

      In personal use I have used webmail since forever, having tested options, but keeping in the web. Also, as I only get some information from laws and judicial decisions in my country, to stay updated, after some consideration I have decided to subscribe by mail instead of choosing software... But I admit, feed has many advantages, in my case it was mostly lazyness opting for newsletter instead of it. If sometime I come to get more personal mails, maybe I'll have to move newsletters to feed for organization (or if something have no option of e-mailing).

      Thanks for the show! All good to you!

  • hpr4129 (2024-05-30) "How I found Hacker Public Radio" by Henrik Hemrin.
    Summary: "Another podcast led me to Hacker Public Radio. "
    • Comment 2: Sem luz em Saint Louis on 2025-02-06: "Thanks, Henrik!"

      Hi, Henrik!
      Nice to find your show! A nice moment to share and for us to know, the day you listened about and then listened to hpr! I also appreciate you having posted the full text for us, sometimes I like a podcast this way, to read. =) just a comment to show my liking of your show here, thank you.

      My (unasked) testimony: I don't remember when I met HPR, but soon I had the desire to participate (years ago). Not a reality at the occasion, but now I have done something thar, if approved, may go on air in one week.

  • hpr4168 (2024-07-24) "Beyond Economic Recovery" by Trixter.
    Summary: "How to lower your anxiety level as an archivist."
    • Comment 3: Sem Luz em Saint Louis on 2025-02-14: "Piracy may be not so straight-forward"

      Enjoying the show time later.
      I didn't know what to expect from the show, as I was not familiar with the works of an archivist. Now, having listened it, I learned.

      Until now, I thought about downloadable items (games, as per the show) without permission to be piracy, and I did not comprehend how had so much... as you said, it might not be legal in some cases, but it is also a matter of "safe". Thanks for giving this perspective.

      Liked your audio and voice quality.

  • hpr4204 (2024-09-12) "LibreOffice Importing External Data" by gemlog.
    Summary: "It's how to use the normal menu items to make online tabular data easier to use."
    • Comment 1: Windigo on 2025-02-09: "Phenomenal tip"

      I had no idea you could import HTML tables into Libreoffice Calc. What a great way to make information on the web more readable and useful!

      Short and sweet. Thank you so much for the episode!

  • hpr4302 (2025-01-28) "New Campaign Trail Playthrough" by Lochyboy.
    Summary: "Join Alexander [Lochyboy} as he plays new campaign trail"
    • Comment 2: Sem luz em Saint Louis on 2025-02-06: "Played it!"

      What a finding you gave us to find! I'm not American, so the mechanicals, I thought, wouldn't fit to my reality. Anyone, I went there and, hey, there is a mod option to play like... (Are you ready?) Paul! The apostle! I'm a Bible reader, so I went to it, a very deep and interesting gameplay! I played on hard and couldn't win against Barnabas, but well an adventure and an apprentice!

Updated on 2025-02-19 13:06:43

This month's shows

There are 12 comments on 7 of this month's shows:

  • hpr4306 (2025-02-03) "HPR Community News for January 2025" by HPR Volunteers.

  • hpr4310 (2025-02-07) "Playing Civilization IV, Part 6" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-15: "Not a gamer"
    • Comment 2: Kevin O'Brien on 2025-01-15: "Well, it is math, really"

  • hpr4311 (2025-02-10) "LoRaWAN and the Things Stack" by Lee.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2025-01-15: "Great insignt into LoRaWAN"

  • hpr4312 (2025-02-11) "What Is The Indie Archive?" by hairylarry.
    • Comment 1: Kevie on 2025-02-11: "Excellent show"
    • Comment 2: hairylarry on 2025-02-13: "The Indie Archive"

  • hpr4314 (2025-02-13) "24-25 New Years Eve show" by Honkeymagoo.
    • Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2025-02-14: "My 'fix_tags' script and Ken's difficulties with it."
    • Comment 2: freeplay on 2025-02-17: "Transcode script dependencies"

  • hpr4315 (2025-02-14) "How I got into the wonderful world of hackery" by Shane - StrandedOutput.
    • Comment 1: Trey on 2025-02-14: "Welcome!"
    • Comment 2: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2025-02-14: "Feeling older & impressed"
    • Comment 3: Steve Barnes on 2025-02-17: "Hi and merci!"

  • hpr4320 (2025-02-21) "Switching my Mastodon account" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-25: "Target Audience of 1"

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mailing List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:

Events Calendar

With the kind permission of we are linking to The Community Calendar.

Quoting the site:

This is the community event calendar, where we track events of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software. Clicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web page.


Subscribe to the comments RSS feed.

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Note to Verbose Commenters
If you can't fit everything you want to say in the comment below then you really should record a response show instead.

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