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hpr4325 :: Two Software I use- Futo Keyboard and Inoreader

an Android Keyboard and an online feed reader, both free

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Thumbnail of Antoine
Hosted by Antoine on Friday, 2025-02-28 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-NC license.
software recommendation, inoreader, futo keyboard, offline keyboard for android. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:13:58
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Apt Spelunking.

"Apt spelunking" is a silly term I made up for the act of searching through your package manager, App Store, Code Repo, etc with vague terms, and trying out random applications therein.
A public series started by Windigo.

2 software recommendations: one online, one an Android app

No one is free software (important disclaimer for a community of hackers)

FUTO KEYBOARD for android

Without internet permission, it has:

  • word prediction
  • speech to text
  • swipe typing

Functions very well. =) (available at Google Play Store)


Free, online feed reader, and you have:

  • no ads (essential!)
  • up to 150 feeds
  • beautiful and very customizable display, for clutter-free or very cluttered experience, to your liking
  • as online, you can have a continuous experience between PC and mobile

If that's not enough, you can get a paid plan to more. =)


Mentioned service and link: Kill-The-Newsletter


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