hpr4321 :: Crux Linux
Try Crux Linux
Hosted by Klaatu on Monday, 2025-02-24 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
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Crux Linux is a minimal distribution using a BSD-style init, and a BSD-style ports system with tarball packaging. Its install process is very much a manual process, but it's fun! You should try it.
CRUX is a lightweight Linux distribution for the x86-64 architecture targeted at experienced Linux users. The primary focus of this distribution is keeping it simple, which is reflected in a straightforward tar.gz-based package system, BSD-style initscripts, and a relatively small collection of trimmed packages. The secondary focus is utilization of new Linux features and recent tools and libraries. CRUX also has a ports system which makes it easy to install and upgrade applications.