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hpr4098 :: Road trips without GPS

A short, off the cuff, discussion of how we navigated road trips in the past

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Hosted by Trey on Wednesday, 2024-04-17 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
maps, travel, navigation, rant. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:07:14
Download the transcription and subtitles.


This was an unscheduled recording I made after my GPS failed part way into a long cross country trip. I did not make any notes. :(

Effectively, this is a "Back in my day" old man rant.


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-04-13 10:20:56 by archer72

Re:Road trips without GPS

This was an interesting show, and I am looking at the transcription to see what I am missing. I recently found myself also losing signal, and got it back by cycling in and out of airplane mode to remedy the problem. This did get me thinking that I should also have a backup, as I travel semi-frequently from Kentucky to the Chicago area suburbs, also because of my family situation.
Depending on which location I travel, it is between 350 and 400 miles.

With this last road trip and also some roads that I wanted to avoid, I started using OSMand, which uses OpenStreetMap in the background. I would have to read the transcript to catch all your points, which were very interesting. I will probably be getting at least a handheld CB radio in the near future.

Also, it has been 20 years or so, but I used to print out directions from Mapquest if the destination was somewhat local.

Thanks for your show
- Archer72

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