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hpr4035 :: Processing podcasts with sox

A poorly edited recording that was headed for the bin, but HPR needs shows

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Hosted by norrist on Friday, 2024-01-19 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
podcast, sox, bash. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:22:41
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Processing Podcasts

Ahuka's recent episodes about pre processing podcasts with audacity reminded me that I have been wanting to do an episode about pre-processing podcasts with sox.

I no longer need to use sox to change the podcast tempo since now, I use Antena Pod on my phone

When I started listening to podcasts the only playback options were either a PC or a mp3 player. I started out just downloading the podcasts to my PC from the podcast's web page.

My first podcast automation was using bashpodder. bashpodder was simple to set up and run via cron. It would: - read a file to get a list of RSS feeds - Track previous downloads in a log - Download new episodes

A few of the podcasts I listened to were panels of a few hosts that were recorded live and released later as a podcast. Some of those shows were unedited and had some dead air that I wanted to remove. It took me a few tries, but I eventually figured out how to truncate silence with sox

Many of the podcast players I used did not have the ability to alter the playback speed. So I also figured out how to change the tempo using sox.

I stuck to using dedicated mp3 players for several years. Before the sansa clips came out, my favorite was the sansa e200 series They could run the alternative firmware, rockbox. I remember wasting hours playing frozen bubble on my mp3 player.

The sansa clips were a big innovation. Small, light, and cheap. They were my preferred player until I eventually switched to phones.

I had a workflow set up - cron bashpodder - script to process with sox - script to reload podcast - mount - move from player to archive - move new files to player - unmount

I did a HPR episode a few months ago about my first tech job. When I started there, I was given in iPhone. It was my first smart phone. While there, I had started taking walks on by lunch break. And I would get to listen to podcast while out.

There were a few times where I would run out of episodes to listen to. So I decided to add some podcasts to my work iPhone. For most of the time I worked there, I would take my sansa with me and listen to every thing on it. Then if I ran out, I had my phone with me, so I would listen to podcasts on it.

This process meant I had 2 sets of podcasts - provided by mashpodder - iPhone app.

I kept this practice of having 2 podcast sources for a few years, but I eventual stopped using the sansa. Phones were getting better, and the sansa devices were getting harder to find.

I wanted to start listening to my bashpodder podcasts on my phone. I looked for a few file transfer solutions, but eventually settled on making my own RSS feed of files I had downloaded.

I found a python script that would take a directory listing of mp3s and build a RSS feed. Now I had a cron job that would - download - process with sox - create the RSS feed - rsync RSS XML file on podcast files to a VPS

I used a VPS so I could download new episodes to my phone from anywhere. After a while, I experimented with using a AWS S3 to host the files. I stopped using S3 when the free tier ran out, and I started getting charged for storage and bandwidth.

Eventually, when I started working at home I no longer needed the RSS feed to be available from anywhere. So I just started using a http server in my home lab to host my RSS feed and files. I can update my phone with the files I download and process as long as I am on my home network

Also, one other change I made at some point was switching from bashpodder to mashpodder. There were a few podcast that bashpodder was not able to parse.

Today, I listen to podcasts via antenna pod Most of of the podcasts I searched for and subscribed to via the app. There are still a few podcasts that I get via mashpodder and pre-process with sox. Since the phone app is good at altering the tempo (I like 2x), I no longer have to use sox for speeding up. But I still use sox for leveling the audio and truncating silence.

My tendency is to have the podcasts that are produced by studios/companies via the app and podcasts produced by enthusiasts via mashpodder/sox

set -euo pipefail
cd /mashpodder/podcasts/files
if [ -z "$(ls -A )" ]; then
   echo "Empty"
   exit 0
   echo "Not Empty"
for i in *
    $SOX  -v 0.5 $i "/mashpodder/podcasts/faster/$i.mp3" compand 0.3,1 6:-70,-60,-20 -5 -90  remix - silence 1 0.1 1% -1 0.1 1%  stat
    mv -v $i ../archive/

  • Delete old file from the Archive
  • Generate a RSS feed of the faster directlry
find  /mashpodder/podcasts/archive/ -name "*mp3" -mtime +30 -delete
cd /mashpodder/podcasts
  && python2.7 ../genRSS/
  -e mp3
  -i 'faster/faster.gif'
  -t Faster
  -p "Faster Podcasts"
  -d faster
  -o faster/faster.xml


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-01-22 09:51:11 by crvs

Thanks for the tip!

I was shamefully unaware of what sox was, aside from yet another arcane media-related application, I will definitely try it! Hopefully that will get me away from always having to rely on ffmpeg for audio processing.

Comment #2 posted on 2024-01-27 00:53:19 by dnt

genrss and dropouts

Thanks for the show, norrist! The tip about genrss will be handy to me. It seems like we lost some bits of your show, there are some cuts that seem to come to soon.

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