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hpr4007 :: Advent of code day 1-5 catchup

I talk through the first 5 challenges of this years advent of code.

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Thumbnail of Daniel Persson
Hosted by Daniel Persson on Tuesday, 2023-12-12 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
advent of code, 2023, challenge. 1.

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Duration: 00:06:30
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Comment #1 posted on 2023-12-13 14:06:14 by norrist

Brute Forece will only get you so far

Since I dont have a strong background in Math or computer science, I've been using the only tool in my belt - Brute Force.

Through the first five days, Ive been able to solve about half of the problems.

Each day has two parts, sometimes I can solve them both, and sometimes I can only get one of them. Some days I dont solve any.

As the days go on, the problems get more difficult. By day 10, I have not been able to get any solutions..

I think we need a brute force only advent. :-)

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