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hpr3825 :: Creating a natural aquarium

Setting up your first natural, self-sustaining freshwater aquarium

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Hosted by minnix on 2023-03-31 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
aquarium, ecology, plantedtank, fish. 5.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:38:30


An alternative method to the big box store way of setting up an aquarium.

You don't need a bunch of equipment, chemicals, or experience to have a balanced thriving aquarium that not only runs itself after a period of time, but is a healthier environment for your aquatic creatures and will be a great conversation piece.

Learn how to emulate nature so that everything works together in its own ecosystem from the bottom up. Only a little bit of patience is needed.


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Comment #1 posted on 2023-03-31 20:57:32 by Dave Morriss

Great and fascinating show

Hi minnix,

I found your show very interesting and great to listen to.

I have a degree in Zoology, so am acquainted with some of the stuff you were talking about, but have never kept fish myself, so a lot was new to me. I'm not sure I have the resources to start now, but the idea of building a complete ecosystem is very attractive!

I hope you'll do more shows on this subject!


Comment #2 posted on 2023-03-31 21:48:12 by minnix

Thanks Dave

Hi Dave, appreciate the feedback. I just finished editing a video of me creating a natural aquarium. I will post a link to it here in the comments once I publish it. I mainly wanted to explain how this hobby is accessible to everyone and that the closer you get to how a natural system actually works, the healthier your aquarium will be as well as lowering maintenance. Cheers

Comment #3 posted on 2023-04-01 14:54:26 by minnix

video demonstration

Here is a video from my peertube instance that goes into more detail about creating one of these tanks.

- minnix

Comment #4 posted on 2023-04-03 13:07:39 by Ahuka

Brings back memories

Thanks for bringing back a lot of memories. I used to keep a bunch of aquariums (all fresh water) back in 1970s, but gave it up shortly after starting in grad school because I just didn't have the time. I know you might not think aquariums need so much time, but it is more about how grad school hit me.

Comment #5 posted on 2023-04-06 22:17:34 by minnix

Hi Ahuka

No trust me I know that aquariums can be very time consuming. Especially the more you have. Things go wrong, they're never perfect, that's just life. Glad you enjoyed it.

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