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hpr3798 :: Laptop Second SSD MXLinux Install

Overcoming UEFI and Windows 10 to Install MXLinux 21.3 on a 2021 Asus Laptop 2nd SSD drive

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Hosted by Mechatroniac on Wednesday, 2023-02-22 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
distrohopping, distros, linux, GNU, MXLinux. 4.

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Duration: 00:12:29
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Hardware upgrades.

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I forgot to mention the power consumption was very good, seemingly better than windows 10. That's a big bonus.

On the website it said that the XFCE AHS release is not out yet. It would probably work better on my device.

Screenshot 2023-02-14 15:50:31
Screenshot 2023-02-14 15:50:31
Click the thumbnail to see the full-sized image

Edit: Ken Original summary was "Overcoming f****g UEFI and Windows 10 to Install MXLinux 21.3 on a 2021 Asus Laptop 2nd SSD drive" - as per policy


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Comment #1 posted on 2023-02-22 15:21:23 by Mechatroniac


I really wanted to hear her swear. Guess I will have to disguise the phonics if I want that to happen.

I did got a kick out of reading the transcript. I really did! Holden Caulfield installs Linux.

One clarification; my method of dual booting two hard drives in BIOS consisted of me simply switching the boot hard drive in the BIOS settings. That can't be done with UEFI.

Comment #2 posted on 2023-02-23 22:30:47 by Zen_floater2

OBS-STUDIO comment.

I did go back and read the transcript of my Slackware 15 show and it seemed a bit unclear on the comment about OBS-STUDiO. I had to compile that program along with others. Slackware 15 offers KDENLIVE on the DVD but not OBS-STUDIO.
Anyway, sorry for any misunderstanding.

Comment #3 posted on 2023-02-25 16:39:40 by Mechatroniac

reply to zenfloater2

Ahhh I see. I don't like to compile on linux. I tried to compile OBS under Devuan once and there was always one part that was out of date. So I went through all these steps only to find some dependency or another was too old and had to be updated, but then it can't be updated for some reason. What a frustrating waste of time, never want to do that again.

I don't even like having to run apt update. All that code on my computer, from all sorts of different sources, that is constantly changing. How that could ever be secure? If you went back in time to the 90s and told a computer user what it is like now they would think it is nightmarish.

Comment #4 posted on 2023-02-27 10:40:46 by Luna bittin Jernberg

Slackware Grub

Slackware is using lilo by default, and you don't have to create a boot USB stick can just install lilo to the standard disk you install on or install grub from slackpkg and configure that

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