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hpr3797 :: How to submit changes to HPR

rho_n shows Ken how to submit changes to the new HPR static site.

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on 2023-02-21 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
git, hpr, code, pull request. 5.
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Duration: 00:31:35


HPR is switching to a static site and in today's show Rho`n explains to Ken how to submit changes to the code.

[user@pc fix]$ git clone
[user@pc fix]$ cd hpr_generator/
[user@pc hpr_generator]$ git status
[user@pc hpr_generator]$ git checkout -b I70_Fix_links_to_audio

Edit the files. Once complete:

[user@pc hpr_generator]$ git add file/to/commit
[user@pc hpr_generator]$ git commit
[user@pc hpr_generator]$ git push origin I70_Fix_links_to_audio

You can now login to the rho_n/hpr_generator git repo and you should be able to see several branches.
Next to your branch you can press New Pull Request
The new pull request button
Review your changes and if you're happy press the green New Pull Request
Fill in the description and a detailed comment
Use the HPR convention [<issue number>] <brief_description> The brief description is usually based on the title of the issue
When Create Pull Request

Full show notes are available.


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Comment #1 posted on 2023-02-22 16:08:34 by Mechatroniac

Very cool

I don't know how much I could help but it looks like a fun way to learn more about git and what a static website entails as opposed to whatever is in effect now.

I am having trouble finding where to register.

I keep getting 'bad gateway' error here:

If I go to it is an 'Index of' page, where there is a link to cgi-bin, that leads to '403 forbidden' when clicked.

The git clone command run in linux connects but asks for a password.

Where can I sign up to be a member?

Comment #2 posted on 2023-02-22 21:47:48 by norrist

Repo Location

It looks like we killed

Can the hpr_generator repo be moved to Moving the repo would eliminate the need for an additional read only mirror, and we could take advantage to gitlab's CICD.

Comment #3 posted on 2023-02-24 21:23:02 by norrist

Automated build on Gitlab

I was able to get Gitlab CICD to build the HPR static site.

First step was creating a mirror of the HPR generator repo:

git clone
git remote add gitlab_mirror
git push gitlab_mirror main

Then I created a Gitlab CICD pipeline to:
- check out the hpr site generator from the mirror
- load the HPR daily mysql dump into a mysql database
- build the site
- publish to gitlab pages.

The CI project is

The build is published at

Comment #4 posted on 2023-02-25 12:25:08 by rho`n

Sweet! nice work norrist

I was thinking of having a mirror on Gitlab or my own Gitea instance, but now that you've done the heavy lifting.... ;)

One minor modification to your site.cfg and your Gitlab pages will have the audio files and transcripts pointing to the correct spot on


Comment #5 posted on 2023-02-25 12:36:00 by rho`n

RE: Registering at

Hi Mechatronic, if you goto -- at the top right of the page there is a register button which takes you to a form to fill out.

It is not an automated process. It may take a day or two for your registration request to be processed.

I am looking into mirroring in a public location, just haven't made time to do that yet

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