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hpr3659 :: Developing an HPR static site generator

Rho`n describes his approach to developing a static site generator for HPR

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Thumbnail of Rho`n
Hosted by Rho`n on 2022-08-11 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
HPR, static site generator, Perl, SQLite, Template Toolkit. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:11:13



In this episode, I describe my ongoing attempt to develop a static site generator for the HPR website. As a search through the community mailing list will reveal, the idea for moving the HPR website has been rattling around for a few years. I have been interested in helping out with the website for a while, so when the latest round of discussion occurred I decided to give it a whirl.

While I have read about various static site generators over the years, the only one I had any experience with was Template-Toolkit (TT2) when helping Ken Fallon and Dave Morriss develop the Free Culture Podcasts webpage. It is the tool Dave uses for various projects. Since they are the janitors for HPR, I figured a website generator based on the TT2 would be something relatively painless enough for them to use, and update when needed.

The code for this generator is hosted at The generator is written in Perl and generates the pages using TT2 templates.

Anyone interested in helping out is encouraged to create an account on and start hacking away.



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Comment #1 posted on 2022-08-20 03:52:04 by Some Guy On The Internet

More Magic.

I don't know how you guys remember all these languages. I have to jump into the man pages for almost everything. Is Perl one of your daily languages and is it better for data bases than python? Great show.

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